A Way Out

Zack and Danny finish A Way Out and neither of us expected this. A game we both enjoyed, but there is no other way out.

Zack and Danny head down to take out Harvey. Finally both of their characters can have justice if they are able to get the job done.

Zack and Danny need a plan to travel to get to Harvey. Problems arise when a hitman comes after them followed by Danny's character Vincent's wife having a baby. Stress is an understatement

Zack and Danny start the journey to go after Harvey. They need to find where he is and grabbing supplies before taking him on.

The cops begin to advance towards Zack and Danny after taking over the farmhouse. They eventually make a plan to find Zack's character's (Leo's) family before attempting to go after Harvey

Zack and Danny end up at an old farmhouse trying to find the quickest way out of trouble. After disturbing an old couple, they find themselves goofing off around the house until finally moving on in their journey

Zack and Danny execute the plan to escape the prison, but it seems to be more difficult than anticipated. The action starts to really pick up as the police throw everything at them to make sure they fail in their endeavers.

A plan has developed between the characters and the story spices up as we learn more of the backstories between both of the characters. Zack and Danny continuing their journey to escape by working together.

Zack and Danny continue on the journey of the series. After the introduction, the story continues with Leo (Zack's character) starting to come up with a plan and starts to realize he does need Vincent's (Danny's character) help.

A new Duo series is being featured starring Zack and Danny. The two are in Prison with objective and trying to escape. How will the story start and how will the two vikings be able to work together to escape.