8 videos
Battle of the gods

2 years ago
WE FINALLY DID IT! WE HAVE REDEEMED OURSELVES! Thanks to Pixabay for music used:

Smite- We Vulcan't do this without you
2 years ago
Without one of the best smite players from the vikings, are they able to pull off some wins without him? Thanks to Pixabay for all music and sound effects used in this video: Check us out on Utreon:

SMITE but Zack isn't useless
2 years ago
SMITE is back. This time Jousts, and Zack actually plays pretty good, all things considered.

Smite- NICE games of Smite
2 years ago
The bone hunting vikings play some nice games of Smite. One of the vikings is absent so we have our friend and guest to help tear up the competition.

Smite. Teaching two idiots how to play Smite
3 years ago
All of the Vikings playing Smite for the first time

Smite- Chaos from our Stupidity
3 years ago
Sorry Zack's perspective is slightly blurry. Enjoy gods fighting