Star of Remphan Control System
4 months ago
All politics is buffoonery. Trump, Elon, even a Senate and House conservative majority will NEVER change the current power structure because they ARE a part of the control system. The Star of Remphan shows the script writers and reveals the stage. Everything on this chart is a part of the apparatus of control and deception.
I’m often criticized for asserting that we are not here to change the world. So be it. Stay immortal, my friends. I’m just passing through.
If you watched these Archaix presentations then you would know that EVERYTHING on this chart is a Jewish construction.
Occultus Mysterium: Alchemy Codex of Judaica
Fall of the 13th Sign: History of the Zodiac
Tetrabiblos: Zodiac Code of Ptolemy
Jesus Myth Exposed: Collapsing a Modern Fairytale
Roman War Against Jewry & the Origin of Freemasonry
Harrowing Truth of Anno Domini Calendar How the Papacy Hid the Phoenix
Chronology of Tarot System: Dating the Origin of Tarot Cards
The Secret Knowledge of Berossus, the Jews in Babylon, the SHAR Calendar and Typhon from Old Book
Jason, here is an interesting video, I thought you might like to watch regarding strange happenings around the world this year:
Saved all to playlist to watch and rewatch. Thank You!
How can there be free will in a reality that's full of half truths and deceptions orchestrating
are behavior?
When you know they are following a script, you simply move around in all the leftover space creating everything you want within that leftover space. When you practice this, you will realize that there is more of that “ leftover “ space than seems possible. 👍❤️
Keep sharing your knowledge. Those who need it will get it. Much love.
“That man is best who sees the truth himself. Good too is he who listens to wise counsel. But who is neither wise himself nor willing to ponder wisdom is not worth a straw.” ― Hesiod
ASTOUNDING! The light bulbs just keep turning on. 🛎 This is an explicit uncovering of the mechanisms of clandestine control. BRAVO!
Great work! I like the appropriate video links to cover the topic. Your collection is vast so that helps with locating concise information to support data. Definitely gave up on the world and people. I got a few who have ears to hear so I pass that information to them. Whatever they receive it is still their charge, I'm not here to convince anyone.
Mr. Brashears it would be great if you contrasted and compared what appears to be the two different theories about this realm/simulation. There are two camps I'm finding in simulation or quasi simulation concepts. That the simulation is a school or test for Ascension. VS. The simulation is a simbiotic predator vs. prey trap and homo sapiens are essentially food for a higher entity(s): Harvesting kinetic energy from our emotions to soul harvest. The extreme side of this spectrum would be we are in hell and we are recycled to construct and maintain our own captivity to perpetrate our containment and the consumption of our energy.
If you have already addressed this if you can provide a link that would be great. If you have not created content regarding this(polarity) maybe it would be an interesting video. There may be more than two camps regarding this? I'm not that well versed yet.
Thanks for your hard work!
First half hour of that first vid has taken me two hours I keep screen shoting and making notes. The numerics contained in those images are blowing my mind! 👍 thx… ever offer a pack of these images?
They used to know good and well that the natural world or observable realm is based 8. The pointof observation or the zero point in time which always is plus the seven natural elements or ceilings or planets. This world is the zero point an observation. Making it no surprise that the Bagua Trigrams or multi-bit binary symbols are the only way to logically count, quantify or compute here. They call it flash memory and computers use it to “think”, and it’s been hidden from us but I suppose the human to be a more powerful computer than any machine, would be the reason for its hiding.
Wow u said it and uped me one when you got to the stars 3/4 the way thru thx for the images
I know it's the daily mail, but it's just as good a (narrative) source as msm.
They are planting Baron Trump seeds....
Once you know this shitshow script is just playing focus on other things like meet-ups, good food and harmonious frequency.
Indeed! Life is now, and always has been a matter of perspective 👍😉
Jason, why you always reading my mind. 😊 Or am I reading yours...mmmmmm.
Ah man… I was hoping to hear a VAN RANT. those are glorious!
Yeah, it's all controlled baby! New Madrid fault zone intersects the two solar eclipses! EARTHQUAKE INCOMING?!
Many people are seeing preparations for that event and I agree that it is coming...sooner than later.
New Madrid Fault 💥
I know exactly what you mean. Word !!
Fook yeah J, this is a fooking clown show, I’m going to break free or die trying, IMHO the system loves when you beLIEve you are going to change it, It wants that participation…
Amazing educational journey we're on, eh? I received a really good eBay offer to purchase "The Exodus Problem and its Ramifications Vol 2" by Donovan Courville (1971) that I couldn't refuse. The book was mentioned in the "Evolution Cruncher" and that was a good enough of reference for me. Both Vol 1 & 2 of the Exodus Problem are available on PDF at: . Worth a free peak at if nothing else. Happy Early Thanksgiving! Mindful138 / Barb
Thank you for sharing the link, I can't wait to check it out. I have only begun to scratch the surface of my copy of Evolution cruncher... so many books, so little time. BFODT!
Hey - Just a little squiggy... I took my Evolution Cruncher to the Copy Center & had them spiral bind it into 2 smaller books (Chapters 1-12 & then Chapters 13-the end) and added plastic covers in case I spill on it. They copied the front & back covers for the second binding so you know what the book is, author, etc. Cost was $10 but I got the book really cheap so... Much love & respect, Fellow Errant. Barb
Jason, what’s the video you made last year od Us being the Israelites? I watched it so many times and I’d like to share it, thanks!