The 2020 Collection
Videos produced during the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty.
![What is Tater Pictures? [Trailer/Demo Reel]](
What is Tater Pictures? The inside the mind of a fractured person who is trying to make sense of the World? Or, perhaps it's a reflection of the insanity of the world we live in. Either way, I hope you find enjoyment in what you see. I make primarily comedy videos that are borderline shitpost to actual shitpost. Sometimes, I like to divert to other interests, like history or firearms. Ideally, I like to make at least two "big" videos a month with numerous really short clips sprinkled in between. If you like this sort of content, I recommend subscribing to my channel and follow me through the slew of other social media platforms. The Ocean of Tubes on website below.

On this quick episode of Troll Science, we explore a trick that airline companies don't want you to know about. Can you really fly if you apply oil over your body on a rainy day? The answer may shock you. #memes #trollscience #oil

Christopher Nolan is a hack fraud and I have the proof. In other news, I'm doing great. I'm going to be graduating this Friday. Things will be a bit chaotic as I move, but more videos will coming.

This is my lecture for my Undergraduate Studio class. I go over some of the challenges I faced this semester and discuss the influences of the short films I made. The videos discussed are: Mysterious Mysteries: Are Birds Real? 5 Stages of the Pandemic Horror (A Halloween Parody) What Would You Do For a Klondike Bar?

In this episode of Tater Talks, I interview the Internet Legend himself, Herbert Midgley, to discuss music, his album, and his feature-film, Rise of the Robot. This is a project for my editing class. I had to interview someone and cut that interview down to 2-4 minutes. Though, this has the potential to expand onto a series of its own. If you would like to follow Midgley, follow the links below: Youtube: Rise of the Robots: Music of Midgley:

Psycho Mike has escaped from the asylum and is on a murderous rampage. Can he be stopped?

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3881 is to be kept within a standard containment locker. No further containment procedures are necessary. Description: SCP-3881 is a classic gold band style wedding ring with a few cosmetic alterations. When worn by a human being, SCP-3881 will immediately transport the wearer to an unknown location. Upon removal, the ring and the wearer will be returned to their previous position. The location is a clearing in a forest containing a single thatched-roof house. The house is fully furnished, well maintained, and shows signs of prior use. Clothing within the house presumably belonged to an adult male, shoe-size 10, with approximately five years of disuse. Link to SCP article: Item #: SCP-3881 Object Class: Safe SCP-3881 was discovered within a pawn shop, being pawned by a Miss Pamela Smith. Special Thanks to Brianna Oshrin for voicing Ms. Pamela Smith. You can follow her on Twitch:

In the December of 1826, Haden Edwards would lead a small rebellion in Nacogdoches and claim East Texas for the Republic of Fredonia. Unfortunately for Edwards, his revolt would be short lived. However, his mad quest for power and vengeance would set the seeds for the Texas Revolution.

The Lockdown is over. What lessons have we learned? Did we truly overcome the hardships? At what cost?

link to the article: Description: SCP-5909 is a crustacean measuring an estimated 2.1 light-years in length, located 7.5 light-years from the Sol System. Aside from its size, SCP-5909 possesses features congruent with those found in Alaskan pink shrimp (Pandalus eous). SCP-5909 has shown no signs of life or movement, remaining in a fixed position since its discovery. Notes: This is another school related project. I needed to use "found footage," videos and images I can find on the internet, and make a video. Decided to do a SCP related video because I do enjoy the SCP universe. I wanted to read a SCP that not many people have done and I really enjoy the twist in the article. Very Hitchhiker's like. I might do more SCP readings in the future.
![A Proclamation [The Emancipation Proclamation]](
The Emancipation Proclamation was a Presidential Proclamation and Executive Order that issued by President Abraham Lincoln on September 22nd, 1862, that went to effect on January 1st, 1863, that legally turned the 3.5 million enslaved African Americans in the Southern Confederate States into Freemen. While it only targeted only the Southern seceding states, it would still give the Union a moral justification against the Confederacy in the Civil War and pave an important step to the complete abolition of slavery in America. While the Proclamation would be reached into Union-controlled territory, many slaves in the Deep South and Texas won't receive word until a month after the official surrender of the War. This day (June 19th, 1865) is known as Juneteenth, and it's the commemoration to the end of slavery in the United States. Though even with the end of slavery, hardships still continued, even to this day. While things may seem bleak, the world continues to evolve for the better and we will continue to improve ourselves, no matter hard that wall maybe. Notes: This is definitely different to my usual content. I wanted to try something a bit more serious and involving history. I would like to dive into more historical related content into the future. Also, this was created within the restraints of a school projects of using just text, pictures, and music. Sorta gave up on doing text at the 1/3 point and it's a very wordy document with rather unmemorable quotations, compared to other important documents. Speaking of wordy, narrating this was kind of a pain in the butt. Trying to keep an accent and trying to say all of those words exactly to the document is a challenge. I pretty sure fudged up a few words and sentences, but I did my best. Also did omit the fifth paragraph for time; it just lists the States (which are all the Seceding States) that are effected by the Order but also the areas that are exempted. Music used is the American Medieval from Civilization VI, which is a cover for "Hard Times Come Again No More." Next video will be back to my usual wackiness.

Our hero is on a quest for cereal but will the Russians foil his plan? Notes: 1. The reason the video is shot in 9:16 because this is part of a school project and I had to shoot the short in that ratio. 2. I'm making a new playlist that will be focused on my shorts made in College 3. Dressing up as the Russian in East Texas weather sucks 4. The song is called Step!