The 2021 Collection
Videos made during the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty-one.

Merry Christmas, Everyone. My grandfather use to sing this song in German. Sadly, I don't know German. Still, I wanted to sing it in his honor. Background image was done by me. Instrumental of the song came from here:
![november [FlorkofCows-style animation]](
It's November. We know what that means and it's coming. So, I wanted to try something different and I try to test the waters of animation. This is still pretty crude but it's a direction forward. Also, this is a fan-created comic created by me. Still check out FlorkofCows: Twitter - For updates, pain, and shitposts: Facebook - For updates: Utreon - Alternative video platform: Odysee - Secondary alternative video platform:
![puns [FlorkofCows Dub]](
Boy, these puns are funny. I mean, cum on. Comic was created by FlorkofCows. You should also check him out: Twitter - For updates, pain, and shitposts: Facebook - For updates: Youtube - Main platform: Odysee - Secondary alternative video platform:

Aside from being an awesome shot and an outdoorsman, Mr. Harrell also enjoys poetry. Here he is reciting Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven but to some rap music. A bit low an effort edit on my part, but I think he did a good reading of the poem, especially from memory. You can watch his Halloween special here: And while you are at it, check out his channel: Music track is Next Level by SeriouzBeats: Also, like and subscribe to my channel.
![all natural [FlorkofCows Dub]](
These body parts are 100% naturally grown. Comic was created by FlorkofCows. You should also check him out: Twitter - For updates, pain, and shitposts: Facebook - For updates: Youtube - Primary video platform: Odysee - Secondary alternative video platform:

We finally achieved 420 subscribers and wanted to celebrate in some family-friendly festivities. However, shenanigans happen and we embark on another bizarre adventure. Special thanks to my subscribers. You guys are awesome. We're almost halfway there to 1000 subscribers. If you like to keep updated on stuff, follow me on Twitter. I also post art on there: Also, I recommend you follow me on Odysee or Utreon in case Youtube decides to can my channel or to watch content I won't share on here: Odysee: Utreon:
![Anger cat [FlorkofCows Dub]](
Boy, that cat is surely angry. This show is shot in front of a live audience. Cat audio came from Iora Ch. You can check her out on her channel here: Comic was created by FlorkofCows. You should also check him out: Twitter - For updates, pain, and shitposts Facebook - For updates
![prayer [FlorkofCows Dub]](
Somedays, you just need to pray harder. Comic from FlorkofCows: Music used is the Pizza Time Challenge Theme from the Spiderman 2 OST. And remember to subscribe to my channel and follow me on all the websites. Twitter - For updates, pain, and shitposts Facebook - For updates
![do you believe in ass? [FlorkofCows Dub]](
Do you believe in ass? I surely do! Comic from FlorkofCows: Music used is SWalk Though the Park by TrackTribe And remember to subscribe to my channel and follow me on all the websites. Twitter - For updates, pain, and shitposts Facebook - For updates
![god [FlorkofCows Dub]](
God works in mysterious ways. Comic from FlorkofCows: Music used is SWalk Though the Park by TrackTribe And remember to subscribe to my channel and follow me on all the websites. Twitter - For updates, pain, and shitposts Facebook - For updates

Every single time, this always happens when I shave. I'm pretty sure it happens to you too. If you like content like this, feel free to subscribe to the channel. I also recommend you follow me on all the social media sites. Twitter - For updates, pain, and shitposts Facebook - For updates

With the recent import ban on Russian-made ammo, those Russiophiles are gonna ravage the land. If you like content like this, feel free to subscribe to the channel. I also recommend you follow me on all the social media sites. Twitter - For updates, pain, and shitposts Facebook - For updates
![canadians [FlorkofCows Dub]](
Shhhhh, be wearry wearry quiet, I'm hunting Canadians. Hehehehehe. I do a Flork reading every Friday. Comic from FlorkofCows: Music used is Trader's Life from the Fallout OST. And remember to subscribe to my channel and follow me on all the websites. Twitter - For updates, pain, and shitposts Facebook - For update
![happiness [FlorkofCows Dub]](
oy, what a tough crowd. I do a Flork reading every Friday. (For this one because I got distracted on another project) Comic from FlorkofCows: Music used is Kevin MacLeod's Monkeys Spinning Monkeys And remember to subscribe to my channel and follow me on all the websites.
![archangel [FlorkofCows Dub]](
But seriously, Satan is a complete douche. I do a Flork reading every Friday. Comic from FlorkofCows: Music used is Fifth Avenue Stoll and the Pillar Man Theme from Jojo Bizarre's Adventure. And remember to subscribe to my channel and follow me on all the websites. Twitter - For updates, pain, and shitposts Facebook - For updates
![saint of the internet [FlorkofCows Dub]](
I feel sorry for whoever is the Patron of Saint of the Internet. I do a Flork reading every Friday. Comic from FlorkofCows: Music used is Da Pacem Domine and Great Grey Wolf from Dark Souls And remember to subscribe to my channel and follow me on all the websites. Twitter - For updates, pain, and shitposts. Facebook - For updates.

Yeah, I totally pick Confirmed Bachelor for that sweet damage bonus. Yup, totally for that reason...(and maybe getting Arcade Gannon) And remember to subscribe to my channel and follow me on all the websites. Twitter - For updates, pain, and shitposts. Facebook - For updates.
![roger roger [FlorkofCows Dub]](
Sorry Babe, but the B1 Battle Droid stays. I do Flork reading every Friday. Comic from FlorkofCows: Music is called Jazz Blues from the Fallout New Vegas OST And remember to subscribe to my channel and follow me on all the websites. Twitter - For updates, pain, and shitposts. Facebook - For updates.
![carrotland [FlorkofCows Dub]](
I'm sure they have plenty of onions at Carrotland. I do Flork reading every Friday. Comic from FlorkofCows: Music is called Walk Through the Park by TrackTribe And remember to subscribe to my channel and follow me on all the websites. Twitter - For updates, pain, and shitposts. Facebook - For updates. Youtube - Alternative video platform: Odysee - Secondary alternative video platform: