Drinks with Chris

The mainstream media and social media are continuously telling us that we all hate each other and that we're all being oppressed by our neighbours. But that's not reality. That division is intentionally and strategically created to make us distrustful of each other and keep our eyes and focus off what the privileged class are doing. This is a class war, and nothing else! What do you think? SUBSCRIBE to this channel for more Drinks with Chris: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcCVPszyoTJReI41wcy27ag?sub_confirmation=1 ___________________________________________________________________ Connect with me on: Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Y9OerEuCNNyd/ ___________________________________________________________________ Treat yourself | Support me | Make money | Invest in one of my NFTs here: https://rarible.com/neondathal ___________________________________________________________________ #DrinksWithChris #ClassWar #Podcast

You've most likely seen the new messaging app called "Signal" since it popped up conveniently at a time when Whatsapp told its users they could only use its service if they allowed it to share their private info with Facebook. I had my suspicions from the start when I saw the Signal homepage at the plethora of huge names endorsing it. In this episode, I dig deep into whether Signal is safe to use, or does it have an ulterior motive behind it? SUBSCRIBE to this channel for more Drinks with Chris: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcCVPszyoTJReI41wcy27ag?sub_confirmation=1 #DrinksWithChris #SignalApp #Hacking

I'm a big eater. So when I lived in Colombia, I was in paradise. In my opinion, they have possibly the best and greatest variety of food anywhere in the world. That's why in this episode, I tell you about all the amazing and sometimes weird food I miss about not living in Colombia. If you're Colombian and have a comment, please drop it below. If you're a non-Colombian but have visited and want to add anything to my list, please let me know! SUBSCRIBE to this channel for more Drinks with Chris: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcCVPszyoTJReI41wcy27ag?sub_confirmation=1 #DrinksWithChris #Colombia #Food

What is a False Flag event? Do you know? Or do you think you know? In this episode I ask; Is Covid19 a False Flag? I dive into what a False Flag actually is and give a recipe or checklist of how you can spot a False Flag event while it's happening and after the fact. There are certain characteristics that just don't add up. So on to the Covid19 pandemic; there are just parts of the narrative that just leave me scratching my head. So I pose the question of whether or not, it is a False Flag for something much much bigger. As always, I really want to hear what you think. Drop me your comment below the video! SUBSCRIBE to this channel for more Drinks with Chris: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcCVPszyoTJReI41wcy27ag?sub_confirmation=1 ______________________________________________________ Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Y9OerEuCNNyd/ #DrinksWithChris #Covid19 #FalseFlag

Celebrities used to be feel-good beacons of talent and achievement. Not anymore. They are now the propaganda mouthpiece of choice for the ruling class who have identified that if they can buy their loyalty, they can also buy their fanbase. By utilising celebrities with huge followings on social media, it's now easier than every to create a narrative and convince people through their idols, what is the "truth". There are of course decent celebs out there, but while the gravy train is so sweet, most don't have the willpower or desire to keep themselves authentic. Selling your soul to the devil, has never been so attractive. SUBSCRIBE to this channel for more Drinks with Chris: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcCVPszyoTJReI41wcy27ag?sub_confirmation=1 ______________________________________________________ Connect with me on: LBRY: lbry://@DrinkswithChris#e #DrinksWithChris #FakeNews #Celebrity

With what has happened the last 48 hours and what started out with the community of Wall Street Bets on Reddit taking out one of the most prominent hedge-funds in the world, the world will never be the same! Crypto-stonks or investments using the strength and decentralisation of cryptocurrency now has the power to disrupt the elite's party and redistribute some of the 1%'s wealth down to main street. It turns out that the "little man" when teaming up with alot of other little men, becomes a "strong ape". The collective is more powerful than anybody could ever imagine. So what happens from here? The slave-system collapses? The elite now realise they weren't as powerful as they thought? I don't know. But I do know that cryptocurrency is here to take over and it's time to jump on the rollercoaster before it leaves the station. I discuss crypto and why you should be investing in and using it in this video! SUBSCRIBE to this channel for more Drinks with Chris: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcCVPszyoTJReI41wcy27ag?sub_confirmation=1 ______________________________________________________ #DrinksWithChris #crypto #WallStreetBets

In this week's episode, I decided to take a deep dive into Reddit to find some interesting posts to discuss and give my opinions on. The topics I cover are: Is privacy really important? and what is reality? Two pretty profound questions to which I'm hoping you have a strong opinion on. If you do, please let me know in the comments section! To jump straight to the section, click the timestamp here: SUBSCRIBE to this channel for more Drinks with Chris: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcCVPszyoTJReI41wcy27ag?sub_confirmation=1 ______________________________________________________ Email: chrisrussellhosp@gmail.com ______________________________________________________ #DrinksWithChris #Snowden #Reality

At the moment, it seems like people are being ushered into opposing teams(whether they like it or not) and expected to defend that team's position at all costs. It sees friends and family members at loggerheads, violence taking hold, suspicion of "the other" being promoted by the media...and for what? Once you take a step back, you realise that the division between ordinary people is being created and stoked by a privileged class who want to maintain the status quo. Dividing us daily with scare stories and coordinated social media campaigns is the most effective way to stop the real people from realising that we're being played. The ruling class wants us to hate each other! Ask yourself....are the other side really that different to you? SUBSCRIBE to this channel for more Drinks with Chris: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcCVPszyoTJReI41wcy27ag?sub_confirmation=1 ______________________________________________________ Drop me an email if you'd like to be a guest on Drinks with Chris or have a topic you'd like me to discuss: chrisrussellhosp@gmail.com ______________________________________________________ #DrinksWithChris #USElection #RulingElite

We have evolved to work in teams and all the dynamics that come with that. The modern world however demands so much more of us, whether that be in our job, our home life, interacting socially, many things that make creating and managing a team. In this episode of the Drinks with Chris podcast, I discuss my experience of putting together some really great teams as well as how to create a winning team in 2021. If you are in the process of creating your own team or developing/fixing an existing team, I advise that you use the elements I talk about as a checklist that will help guide you to construct a team capable of taking on any challenges...together! SUBSCRIBE to this channel for more Drinks with Chris: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcCVPszyoTJReI41wcy27ag?sub_confirmation=1 ______________________________________________________ Minds: https://www.minds.com/drinkswithchris/ ______________________________________________________ #DrinksWithChris #Team #2021

Firstly, Merry Christmas to you and everyone around the world. 2020 has given me the opportunity to take time to assess the path that I'm on. It's also allowed me to come to some realisations about my life and the changes that I need to make in 2021 to switch up a gear in my growth, development and pursuit of personal goals. Never stand still, always be pushing yourself to be better. I invite you to take a moment to look at your life and identify areas that you can improve in order to get better results. Identify your obstacles and commit to removing them in 2021. Let nothing stand in your way! New channel to follow my 2021 change: https://youtube.com/channel/UCkUVEivCedWYXGLsrxEa5NA SUBSCRIBE to this channel for more Drinks with Chris: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcCVPszyoTJReI41wcy27ag?sub_confirmation=1 ______________________________________________________ Parler: https://parler.com/profile/ChrisRussell/posts ______________________________________________________ #DrinksWithChris #Changeyourlife #2021

Tyler Schmitt is one of renowned entrepreneur, Gary Vaynerchuk's most trusted and closest assistants at Vaynermedia, managing his office and being a key player in the Vayner family. On this episode of Drinks with Chris, we discussed what life's like living in Montclair, New Jersey at the moment during Covid, his love of the outdoors, life working with Gary and how Tyler's hospitality industry experience gave him the tools to transition into the fast, think on your feet world at one of the most exciting companies in the world today. We also talked about Tyler's passion for football and in particular the Premier League and he only went and predicted the outcome of 6 games in one night of Premier League action! Watch to the end to catch the magic! Follow Tyler over on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tyler/ Check out his current project: https://www.instagram.com/one37pm/ SUBSCRIBE to this channel for more Drinks with Chris: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcCVPszyoTJReI41wcy27ag?sub_confirmation=1 ______________________________________________________ Skype: chrisrussellhosp@gmail.com ______________________________________________________ #DrinksWithChris #TylerSchmitt #GaryVee

Very often, people are so busy with their day to day lives that they forget what is really important in understanding how to be genuinely happy in themselves. These are my 7 rules for happiness! We don't need to look for external factors for validation but if we focus on these 7 simple actions, our whole outlook on life shifts to being more positive and the domino effect it produces is the essential ingredient to a life of true, inner happiness. I challenge you to try installing these 7 rules into your life today and let me know the difference I know it will make. Come and join the conversation, grab a drink and let's talk! Do you take enough time currently for yourself to just let your mind rest? Let me know in the comments below! Question: Which of my 7 rules is something you feel you need to work on? SUBSCRIBE to this channel for more Drinks with Chris: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcCVPszyoTJReI41wcy27ag?sub_confirmation=1 ______________________________________________________ #DrinksWithChris #Happiness #MentalHealth

Our current education system is no longer fit for purpose. It was designed and implemented during the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century for a very specific set of objectives. Objectives that are now obsolete. So why do we persist with the same rigid structure when it doesn't support or enhance the potential of children who in modern times, have a completely different landscape to navigate and tools to help them? I look at why this might be the case and attempt to give an alternative education setup that would allow children to become genuine free thinkers and follow their passions through to a successful and fulfilling future. Not one where they become another member of the 9 to 5 hive. Come and join the conversation, grab a drink and let's talk! Have you ever thought about how children's education could be rethought or enhanced? Do you think it's ok as it currently is? Let me know in the comments below! Question: What is the most important focus or objective of modern education? SUBSCRIBE to this channel for more Drinks with Chris: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcCVPszyoTJReI41wcy27ag?sub_confirmation=1 ______________________________________________________ #DrinksWithChris #Education #Learning

Many people in the world today suffer on a daily basis and feel a serious lack of ability to overcome challenges in their lives. This leads to a perpetual cycle of mental health conditions, physical health conditions, chemical addiction among other issues. What people don't realise is the reasons for their problems are easy to identify and once you realise the power that you possess to adapt and overcome, hardship melts away and impossible ceases to exist. You're more powerful than you can ever imagine! Come and join the conversation, grab a drink and let's talk! What are you struggling with in your life? Let me know in the comments below! Question: Why do you believe our species has evolved to be dominant to the level that we are on our planet? SUBSCRIBE to this channel for more Drinks with Chris: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcCVPszyoTJReI41wcy27ag?sub_confirmation=1 ______________________________________________________ #DrinksWithChris #SelfAwareness #SelfHelp

Over the past few decades, the pub industry has had to put up with increasing regulation that inhibits the ability to make a decent living. First came the smoking ban and tax and duty continued to increase, but it's not until now, with the Covid crisis that the final nail appears to be being driven into the heart of an essential institution of the British Isles. The place where we, our parents, grandparents and generations before them have always socialised with friends and loved ones, laughed, listened to problems, helped each other out, settled arguments and so on. Is this the final curtain call for the Pub Industry? Come and join the conversation, grab a drink and let's talk! What are your thoughts on the current situation? Let me know in the comments below! Question: Has the pub industry become an inconvenience for the government? SUBSCRIBE to this channel for more Drinks with Chris: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcCVPszyoTJReI41wcy27ag?sub_confirmation=1 ______________________________________________________ #DrinksWithChris #PubIndustry #HospitalityIndustry

To want to be a politician these days, you've got to be a certain type of person. It's not a noble job anymore and very often involves acting in the opposite interests to those of the people you represent. So in this latest episode of Drinks with Chris, I ask the question; What type of person want to be a politician? Come and join the conversation, grab a drink and let's talk! What is your impression of politicians in the modern era? Let me know in the comments below! Question: Do we need as many politicians as we currently have in our society? Or could we change the system and have less of them? SUBSCRIBE to this channel for more Drinks with Chris: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcCVPszyoTJReI41wcy27ag?sub_confirmation=1 ______________________________________________________ #DrinksWithChris #Politician #JoeRogan

We are hearing more and more about a "Great Reset" from the people who currently hold power across the globe. That Covid19 is giving them the opportunity to start a new chapter and re-design our society. Many people have expressed their concerns that this in fact is a power-grab to further tighten the reigns on the global population. But I get the sense that this is a reaction to something far more powerful and one that has the power-holders worried - This is the Great Awakening! Come and join the conversation, grab a drink and let's talk! What is your understanding of the Great Reset? Let me know in the comments below! Question: Is the Great Reset a good thing or a bad thing? SUBSCRIBE to this channel for more Drinks with Chris: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcCVPszyoTJReI41wcy27ag?sub_confirmation=1 ______________________________________________________ Parler: https://parler.com/profile/ChrisRussell/posts ______________________________________________________ #DrinksWithChris #theGreatReset #theGreatAwakening

Your past whether good or bad shouldn't affect your future. The only way to really live the life you want and know you deserve, is to live in the now! Absolutely no regrets for not giving something a go! In this episode, Chris discusses how to live in the present and how ultimately, this will change your life! Come and join the conversation, grab a drink and let's talk! What elements of your past do you find hard to let go? Let me know in the comments below! Question: If you could do or be anything you want, starting from today, what would it be? SUBSCRIBE to this channel for more Drinks with Chris: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcCVPszyoTJReI41wcy27ag?sub_confirmation=1 ______________________________________________________ #DrinksWithChris #NoRegrets #1Life

With so much craziness happening around us at the moment, it's easy for you to lose sight of what's important.....you. I've decided to discuss some of the things that 70s British philosopher Alan Watts says and how perfectly it relates to us and modern times. It will help you! Taken from Drinks with Chris Ep # 9: https://youtu.be/RmasZ4dQJi4 SUBSCRIBE to my channel for more Drinks with Chris podcasts: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcCVPszyoTJReI41wcy27ag?sub_confirmation=1 -------------------------------------------------------- If you liked the video, please click the thumbs up! If you decide to subscribe, remember to click the bell button to receive notifications each time I upload a new video. -------------------------------------------------------- #DrinksWithChris #AlanWatts #philosophy

Life's to be enjoyed. It's only a game and not to be taken too seriously. All too often these days, people are being outraged by anything and everything and there's no space for allowing others to have a different opinion. Well, I'm going to give you that space. I've launched a Telegram group chat and anyone's welcome. Click here on your phone to gain access and join: https://t.me/joinchat/JTp7PkXEh7zPzruZeKoFjw Post whatever you like there, have fun, discuss interesting or even controversial topics. But above all, share your opinions and respect those of others. Taken from Drinks with Chris Ep # 9: https://youtu.be/RmasZ4dQJi4 SUBSCRIBE to my channel for more Drinks with Chris podcasts: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcCVPszyoTJReI41wcy27ag?sub_confirmation=1 -------------------------------------------------------- If you liked the video, please click the thumbs up! If you decide to subscribe, remember to click the bell button to receive notifications each time I upload a new video. -------------------------------------------------------- #DrinksWithChris #Telegram #censorship