How to Become an Ambidextral Gunfighter
AmbGun presents a series of training courses on how to become an ambidextral gunfighter. The purpose of learning ambi is for "optimal use of cover".

Start Close behind cover, then one yard, then two, then three, then four, then No obstruction between you and the target Establish sight picture then without transitioning Mentally change focus from sighting eye to non-sighting eye then back to sighting eye. Left and Right Get inside the sights then switch to the other eye and notice the side of your rifle and your surroundings, then back to the sights. How to Become an Ambidextral Gunfighter Shield Sights SMSc WY Trader's Vest KelTec RDB

Start Close behind cover, then one yard, then two, then three, then four, then... Remove the cover or step completely clear of the cover No obstruction to between you and the target Both Eyes Open no partial squinting Both eyes relaxed Bindon Aiming Concept Process Sleep Repeat How to Become an Ambidextral Gunfighter Shield Sights SMSc WY Trader's Vest KelTec RDB

Start close to cover, then one yard, then two yards, then... Three yards back from cover “Obstructed” eye is getting quite a bit more information from the environment Obstructed eye is competing with the sighting eye to get the brain’s attention. The brain is learning to favor the sighting eye, regardless of whether it is left or right eye Yet the visual information delivered by the obstructed eye is peripherally available. Boosts Situational awareness. Both Eyes Open no partial squinting Both eyes relaxed Process Sleep Repeat How to Become an Ambidextral Gunfighter Shield Sights SMSc WY Trader's Vest KelTec RDB

Start close to cover, then one yard, then... Two yards back from cover Both Eyes Open no partial squinting Both eyes relaxed Not only needed for training ambi, but both eyes open is important for depth perception, balance, and peripheral situational awareness “Obstructed” eye is getting more from the environment Obstructed eye only has about 50% of the environmental information as the sighting eye. In real life when you are moving, you will want to favor “shadowing” any available bits of cover Process Sleep Repeat How to Become an Ambidextral Gunfighter Shield Sights SMSc WY Trader's Vest KelTec RDB

Start close to cover and do the drill then... Back one more yard behind cover Both Eyes Open no partial squinting Both eyes relaxed Obstructed eye gets a little more information from the environment Process Sleep Repeat How to Become an Ambidextral Gunfighter Shield Sights SMSc WY Trader's Vest KelTec RDB

Training your brain’s use of your eyes Red dot, ACOG, lighted reticle, irons (peep sight). Hyper reality of ACOG probably helps draw the brain to that eye. If using a magnified optic make sure it is installed with the correct eye relief. In Project Appleseed we teach “turkey neck, cheek weld” for precision marksmanship, to isolate ambi training a comfortable, relaxed cheek weld is fine as long as the optic is properly placed. Obstructed eye has almost no valuable information so brain favors sighting eye Place a target, a post it note Place barrier about 10 yards from the target, (inflatable paintball bunker, cardboard box, tree, utility pole) Both Eyes Open no partial squinting Both eyes relaxed Process Sleep Repeat How to Become an Ambidextral Gunfighter Shield Sights SMSc WY Trader's Vest KelTec RDB

Why are we learning ambi? How? First coarse muscle movements, then mental Only requirement is relatively balanced visual acuity No live fire during the process Do this at home, in your backyard, in your basement Use your unloaded rifle Coarse muscle movement Just moving the rifle from right to left and back Cover or remove sight Transition in slow motion Focus on the your body, mirror body position Proprioception and kinaesthesia...kinetic - motion Bullpup muzzle on target AR muzzle up and down...balance and to keep close to cover Why we want to use crude manipulations in transition...under stress, fine motor control is greatly diminished. Hand to hand, failure of precise finger movements could cause problem Hand to hand in high stress could result in entanglements with other gear causing awkwardness and maybe even dropping the weapon. How to Become an Ambidextral Gunfighter Shield Sights SMSc WY Trader's Vest KelTec RDB