Big Jon Has Been Busy
4 weeks agoFive massive data drives. Email for specifics and ordering.
GREEN: New Super/Survival Pack Combo (massive compilation of Archaix and related materials, articles, books, posts, images)
VIOLET: Phoenix/Giza BLACKOUT Drive (100% of Phoenix/Great Pyramid data in 132 videos, books)
RED: Chronicon Pack (1055 page world timeline with sources/ 400 charts
BLUE: Old Photos Drive (38,000 photos/images in files)
YELLOW: Archaix Library (9946 pdfs of old books)
I'd like the Red one and the Violet one. What are the prices? Can't afford them now but I plan to make that happen soon.
I got the available drives at the first meet-up in Fort Worth. Now, I have the BIG KAHUNA drive, Shit goes down, I'm set.
One day I will be able to afford this. But for now, my entire life has been improved because of what I've learned and I downloaded a lot! Thank you Big Jon!
I'll be getting a Red & Yellow soon to go with my other drives!
Talk about Data Overload!
great weekend down in VB...I was talking to John about the 4tb drive that has it all, I think I'll go with that soon ...thanks for signing my books Jason ...Archaix is lights out ...Dave from Boston