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Houston MeetUp March 30th

9 months agoHouston MeetUp March 30th

Sit in the circle with Jason and Martin and the Archaix team as we chat, listen to presentations, enjoy Q&A, trade stories, win free Archaix bags with numerous raffles, have books signed, access to merch, laugh and take photos.

Here is the link to the Houston Round Table MeetUp on March 30!. Third one at this location, always a blast for 9 hours.


LadyRocx @ladyrocx8m8 months ago

I already got my ticket. I’m so excited.

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msnitkin @msnitkin8m8 months ago

I plan to drive to Bellville TX in the next month to see my Mother and Aunt. Hopefully I can get this road trip planned around the March 30 meetup!

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Shellcracker @errant10129m9 months ago

Wish I could be there! So many family situations I need to help with. I look forward to a NY / New England meetup! Awesome videos on Turkey Jason!!! The puzzle is coming together at an amazing pace! It’s crazy that no (accessible to average people anyway) one had access to this level of knowledge for who knows how many hundreds of years, and here we are having all of this laid out before us like a gift in a matter of a few short years. Unbelievable. Thank you Jason and team!

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Marla @marls9m9 months ago

Wish I could join y’all
Blessings from Brisbane Australia 🔥💞

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User deleted9m9 months ago
Josephine Atkins @josephineatkins9m9 months ago

In my ideal world - a meet up under the Great Pyramid would be AMAZING !

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Tenofclubs71 @tenofcups719m9 months ago

i wish i could go to texas i'd leave now :( one of these days maybe y'all can plan something up north country - like NY/NJ/PA..?

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