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Second Seal is Advertised in UK

2 months agoSecond Seal is Advertised in UK

You can't get much clearer than this. Complete fulfillment of Second Seal advertised across the UK.


transientsoul @transientsoul1m1 month ago

Isn't it refreshing to know that we are not about all this... and we are just 'passing through'. :)

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RedHeb @redheb1m1 month ago

I'm in the UK and this ugly thing was in my town during July (1st-28th). Then on July 30, we had men running through the town with machetes! Funny that! Although the videos I have seen on the incident make it look rather ridiculous (think Monty Python sketch or Benny Hill), it still 'took peace from the town' for a few weeks.

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LadyRocx @ladyrocx2m2 months ago

Can anyone say CREEPY!

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DaftAida @daftaida2m2 months ago

2106 of course, how could I forget?

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DaftAida @daftaida2m2 months ago

2016 (216): Brexit announced by US military to UK inhabitants "on behalf of Her Majesty's Government", Trump elected, 'refugee' influx underway. 3-6-9 coding.

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DaftAida @daftaida2m2 months ago

Wow. Epitomises their highest aspirations in the image of themselves behind the skinsuits. Unequivocal evidence Jason, excellent. I wanna cry.

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Magi @magi2m2 months ago
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Asking @asking2m2 months ago

thank you for posting this!

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Celticynic @celticynic2m2 months ago

Sick people 😠😡

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Magi @magi2m2 months ago

This is a powerful work of art likely the artist had no idea the impact of what he was creating.

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jords @jords2m2 months ago

I'm from northwest England, it is segregated but my neighbour on my allotment is an high up in the mosque, but I think I've brought a refreshing non religious white guy to him, he likes us I like him, most are just programmed

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Cryptodoc @cryptodoc2m2 months ago

That is creepy as shit.

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Sray1 @sray12m2 months ago

That’s really sick. But these times are tell tales of what’s coming. Thank you for sharing. I would not have known this. You are amazing Jason. Your intuition is as well. Have a great day.

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