Second Seal is Advertised in UK
7 months ago
You can't get much clearer than this. Complete fulfillment of Second Seal advertised across the UK.
I'm looking forward to how this all unfolds here in the UK ..getting into numbers see if I can try and decide some of these hidden messages
Isn't it refreshing to know that we are not about all this... and we are just 'passing through'. :)
I'm in the UK and this ugly thing was in my town during July (1st-28th). Then on July 30, we had men running through the town with machetes! Funny that! Although the videos I have seen on the incident make it look rather ridiculous (think Monty Python sketch or Benny Hill), it still 'took peace from the town' for a few weeks.
2016 (216): Brexit announced by US military to UK inhabitants "on behalf of Her Majesty's Government", Trump elected, 'refugee' influx underway. 3-6-9 coding.
Wow. Epitomises their highest aspirations in the image of themselves behind the skinsuits. Unequivocal evidence Jason, excellent. I wanna cry.
This is a powerful work of art likely the artist had no idea the impact of what he was creating.
I'm from northwest England, it is segregated but my neighbour on my allotment is an high up in the mosque, but I think I've brought a refreshing non religious white guy to him, he likes us I like him, most are just programmed
That’s really sick. But these times are tell tales of what’s coming. Thank you for sharing. I would not have known this. You are amazing Jason. Your intuition is as well. Have a great day.
That is so Satanic.