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Secret Terrorists p. 54-55

8 months ago

Abraham Lincoln to Charles Chiniquy:

“It is Rome who wants to rule and degrade the North, as she has ruled and degraded the South, from the very day of its discovery. There are only very few of the Southern leaders who are not more or less under the influence of the Jesuits through their wives, family relations, and their friends…But it is very certain that if the American people could learn what I know of the fierce hatred of the priests of Rome against our institutions, our schools, our most sacred rights, and our so dearly bought liberties, they would drive them away from among us, or they would shoot them as traitors… The history of these last thousand years tells us that whenever the Church of Rome is not a dagger to pierce the bosom of a free nation, she is a stone to break her neck, to paralyze her, and prevent her advance in the ways of civilization…”


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NAntonelli @unapologetic8m8 months ago
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Eddie “G” @edonisdavincci6m6 months ago

Very interesting and informative.. thank you so much for posting this and is very likely completely true

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RealMath @realmath4m4 months ago

That author is an OG, I tend to believe every word especially based on the SCOTUS record which illustrates such exactly
That a doc for dl that shows the history of our imprisonment as prisoners of war by an occupying force.
If you want more on Lincoln id find ryan dawson’s ANC report as well

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RealMath @realmath4m4 months ago

Honestly just your comment w link make my subscription here worth it for the month, i had forgotten about her site and there is so much good info I’m getting into right now. Thx

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Flat Earth Zoomer @flatearthzoomer8m8 months ago

I don't understand what all of this means? Is it the Jews or Rome? Or are they the same? And what does the Lincoln/Kennedy thing all about? I'm a part of this group to learn something and people are still too cryptic.

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Phoenix Laurelius @laurelius7m7 months ago

Eh, and of course, your comment is unnecessarily cryptic. As someone who has listened to all the tiny hat presentations myself, I agree with Flat Earth Zoomer that it's still hard to tell what's what, and so much of it seems hard to understand. Also, I know what Jason has presented about the relationship between the Catholic church (specifically Jesuits... We are led to believe they are a Jewish infiltrated organization) and the tiny hats. Still doesn't make this particular excerpt any easier to decipher IMO.

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Errant Protocol @errant17m7 months ago

“The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding" —The Kybalion

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Phoenix Laurelius @laurelius7m7 months ago

Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand. -Romans 14:4

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Errant Protocol @errant17m7 months ago

“The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don't tell you what to see.” ― Alexandra K.Trenfor

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Phoenix Laurelius @laurelius7m7 months ago

"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves." -Carl Jung

...Pertaining to your first comment that you deleted (that I still was able to read in full in my notifications)... Not quite sure why you're so irritated or offended with my comment. Whatever you perceived was just a perception. I meant no disrespect. Have a nice day.

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Errant Protocol @errant17m7 months ago

Indeed. Please pardon any misunderstanding. Iron sharpeneth iron. Principle. Much love.

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Errant Protocol @errant18m8 months ago

Here are some interesting facts about Abe Lincoln. Did you know that he was a great grandparent of JFK? The coincidences are surely validation of truth.
Only 2 babies were born to sitting Presidents in the White House:
William Wallace Lincoln - 777 19th Century
Patrick Bouvierr Kennedy - 777 20th Century
Lincoln = Kennedy = 7 letters
Remember 2019 & White!
Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.
Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
Kennedy was elected President in 1960.
Both were particularly concerned with Civil Rights.
Both wives lose a child while living i n the White House.
Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
Both were shot in the head.
Lincoln's Secretary was named Kennedy.
Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln.
Both were assassinated by Southerners.
Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.
Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.
Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.
John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.
Both assassins were known by their 3 names.
Both names are composed of 15 letters.
Lincoln was shot at the theater named Ford.
Kennedy was shot in a Lincoln, made by Ford.
Booth and Oswald were both assassinated before their trials.
A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland.
A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.
Joe Kennedy and John Kennedy were adopted into the Kennedy family. Ohly Bobby and Teddy are real Kennedys.
Before Lincoln was murdered, he sent his 2 sons, Willie and Tad, to Ben Ghazi. They had 2 sons, Joe and John Kalunie, who were adopted by the Kennedys.
Remember Trump telling reporters at photo line-up at a dinner with the military, "Maybe this is the calm before the storm."
There is a book titled 'JFK: Boyhood to White House' by Bruce Lee and chapter VII of the book is subtitled 'The Calm Before the Storm' on page 60.
JFK Jr. crashed 17 miles from Martha's Vineyard, and he was born 17 days after his father won the Presidency. JFK Sr. owned a 17-ft 1961 Century Resorter. And only 17 family members showed up at JFK Jr's funeral.
Several Newspaper and magazine articles at JFK Jr's plan crash read, 'JFK Jr. lost at sea, missing, etc.' And the crash site footage vanished.
Seems Kayleigh McEnany is possibly JFK Jr's daughter.
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” ― Abraham Lincoln

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tonychan @tonychan8m8 months ago

Well, if its not spiritual wickedness in high places after all, then. I swear, this is never over, once we solve anything some new evidence will be produced, real or fake, and we will back step or stutter. Tree by its fruit. I have been wondering lately, if some of the footage we are seeing in gaza is fake, that would be an incredible blow to reality if it was demonstrated as such, and would certainly propel us on the way of the new world order. Well, there only seem to be Js in the equation these day, be that jews, jesuits or Jesus himself

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JohnBurge @johnburge6m6 months ago

I believe much of the video coming out of Gaza is certainly fake . As was the case in Iraq and pretty all our televised wars .

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tonychan @tonychan5m5 months ago

Thanks John, it's certainly possible

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Errant_2178 @x_logician8m8 months ago

Bill Hughes did some great SOJ historical research and was my first real rabbit hole in the early 2000s

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TB_Errant @tb_errant8m8 months ago

It's predictable that Lincoln was an enemy of the Roman Church, whose municipal theocratic corporation "The United States" was and is in competition with the Territorial United States corporation. Both of these corporations are destroying America. Lincoln was an agent of the British Monarchy, the "president" of a Scottish Commercial Corporation doing business as "The United States of America"- Incorporated. The Titles of Nobility Amendment (1819) prohibited bar attorneys from holding any office in the American government, but Lincoln never disclosed the fact that he was disqualified for the office of American President. When Lincoln got cold feet after the "Civil War," he was murdered by his own favorite generals, who had no reservations about lying to and cheating the American people. Every president since Lincoln has been an agent of the British Monarchy and/or the Roman Church. One can find documentation of this in the writings of Anna von Reitz (at and Today, Biden is the president of the Municipal United States corporation, while Trump is the Commander in Chief of the Territorial United States of America corporation. Neither is the actual President of the United States of America, unincorporated.

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NAntonelli @unapologetic8m8 months ago

where do you find facts about these two corporations of the USA? not seeing anything but I'm sure its interesting

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Huge Personality @hugepersonality8m8 months ago


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bigtimmystyle @bigtimmystyle8m8 months ago

My research from around 7 - 8 years ago shows that Lincoln's assassin (John Wilks Booth) was a Jesuit trained assassin (book source: Illuminati Unmasked - author: Johnny Cirucci). This book is eye opening regarding who the Jesuits are, their history since inception, what their logo really stands for and lots more. Frankly, this book blew my mind...over and over

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Sweetpoison @sweetpoison8m8 months ago

I came across a couple clips from Chavez (Venezuela) in Spanish and it seems like he knew some stuff and he was taken down. Most central/south American Countries are Jesuit captured operations and the governments that have dared to turn against it get Castchez.

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Shellcracker @errant10128m8 months ago

The more you think about and absorb all of this soul expanding knowledge, the more it seems as though this entire sim is set up to challenge a very small amount of errants with every reboot. It is really starting to feel like a very small number of the “wheat” are up against the entire complexity of the whole dang thing.

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Shellcracker @errant10128m8 months ago

R.EM. the end of the world as we know it lyrics - a tournament, tournament a tournament of lies 👍

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Scotus @scotus8m8 months ago

Deception is the basis of our current narrative. That said, I believe nothing that portends political leaders being altruistic, past, present, or future. The two pillars of Jachin and Boaz- Government and Religion.

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Scotus @scotus8m8 months ago

In Kentucky we are taught he was honest Abe, lol. I think he was a lot like Trump, I am open to being wrong but we see the same pattern with Adolph. Adolph said the right things for his audience, very charismatic and could produce intense emotion from his oratory skills. Interestingly Adolph's mom was a housekeeper for the Rothschilds, tiny hats only respect matrimonial line so I think they sacrifice them while promoting them secretly up until that point where they have served their purpose.

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Scotus @scotus8m8 months ago

There is much evidence that Hitler retired in Argentina BTW
. Exit stage left

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Aida S @aida28m8 months ago

Lincoln was a British asset, here is more hidden history on Lincoln

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Shellcracker @errant10128m8 months ago

Or someone else attached to the family lineage

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Shellcracker @errant10128m8 months ago

Looks like 100 years, so that wouldn’t work unless Baron was involved. Just a thought

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Shellcracker @errant10128m8 months ago

I’m not sure if anyone else has come across this information or even if it’s reliable, but I have seen multiple presentations describing how Lincoln, JFK and Trump are all part of the same family lineage. If so, it’s interesting to think about what two of the three already have in common. They were taken out!!! Maybe The JFK event was the epicenter of a trio of these events. If so, maybe a future knockoff is coming? Can anyone do the math on how many years between the Lincoln and JFK events?

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Scotus @scotus8m8 months ago

They are all related of course. A high school student demonstrated this years ago.

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Flat Earth Zoomer @flatearthzoomer7m7 months ago

The illuminti cards say something to the effect that they can take Trump out anytime they want. I don't trust anything or anyone anymore though.

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Celticynic @celticynic8m8 months ago

Interesting. I thought the North was the impactor/instigator on the south(?) Didn't Jason bring that up on a separate video in
Also, I'm pretty certain that Lincoln was a freemason? Was he also a Jew?
Was this written as in the role of a double agent, perhaps?
I is now confusededed🥴🤯

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Errant_2178 @x_logician8m8 months ago

I believe the Society of Jesus/Jesuits is the power behind the tiny hats and will/are throwing them under the preverbal machine for as they say; the ends justify the means. The only thing AIX would not like about them is their insatiable lust for power.

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lurgis @lurgis8m8 months ago

I’ve heard this explanation before.

My question is how do you account for the fact that Jews existed and were doing their dirty deeds way before the Jesuits (including the Roman Catholic Church) existed?

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Shellcracker @errant10128m8 months ago

Lincoln was obviously controlled. If this letter is taken as a factual honest communication, then nothing could have stopped Lincoln from informing the American people. He was president after all, so why didn’t he? Why didn’t he just let the American people know the truth and allow them to take care of business? As far as I know, he was either controlled, or he’s full of shit and a traitor.

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Armed Mutual Friend @68wpiper8m8 months ago

Chiniquy apologized in his slander case, 1856. Don't trust him one bit! These are supposedly Lincoln's words but with Chiniquy's lack of character I don't believe it 😂 either way, interesting! Is this an information war between the Tiny Hats and the Imperial Cult?

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SeeBee @seebee8m8 months ago
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SeeBee @seebee8m8 months ago

I wonder what would happen if the American Public learned the truth about WWII. They couldn't handle the truth.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
This is an excellent definition of the “Big lie,” however, there seems to be no evidence that it was used by Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels, though it is often attributed to him.

The original description of the big lie appeared in Mein Kampf. Adolf Hitler applied it to the behavior of Jews rather than as a tactic he advocated. Specifically, he accused Viennese Jews of trying to discredit the Germans’ activities during World War I. Hitler wrote of the Jews’ “unqualified capacity for falsehood” and “that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation…. From time immemorial, however, the Jews have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can be exploited.”

The OSS psychological profile of Hitler described his use of the big lie:

His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.
Goebbels did describe the big lie in different language in an article he wrote in 1941, “Churchill’s Lie Factory,” but he was accusing the British of the ploy:

The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.
Randall Bytwerk argues that neither Hitler nor Goebbels would admit to lying. Goebbels, “always maintained that propaganda had to be truthful. That doesn’t mean he didn’t lie, but it would be a pretty poor propagandist who publicly proclaimed that he was going to lie.”

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Jul @julgrant8m8 months ago

Where do I find the truth of WWII? Thankyou

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Armed Mutual Friend @68wpiper8m8 months ago

Agreed, and yet another pitfall for a seeker to stumble upon and be embittered by. WW2 could the blackest pill for many American idealists to swallow. Enjoyed the comment 🔥❤️

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Piscean Errant @zero1388m8 months ago

There is a reason they call tem "War Games" or a "Theatre of Operations"... war is all staged up, then the (s)laughter of civilians as they get mown down by sycophants and AIX slaves. What a world we live in... oh boy.

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