Bingo Montana
Videos of Bingo Montana

Bingo Montana uses Chey-Cast bullets from Cheyenne Wyoming, Starline Brass, Hodgdon Trail Boss powder, Federal primers, and Ruger New Model SASS Vaqueros holstered in a Mernickle HP rig.

Stage 1 of the Wednesday November 10 Cavalier Cowboys match. The Wednesday matches are a chance to try out things, work on improving your game, or just have fun. We don't shoot by category or hand out any awards, just shoot the stages. Here I wanted to try out my Ruger New Model Vaqueros in 45 Colt using 45 Cowboy Special and APP 3FG Black Powder Substitute. I have been using my 38 NMV for FCGF but wanted to give 45 CS a go. Video Credit: Smackwater

Stage 1 of the Wednesday November 10 Cavalier Cowboys match. The Wednesday matches are a chance to try out things, work on improving your game, or just have fun. We don't shoot by category or hand out any awards, just shoot the stages. Here I wanted to try out my Ruger New Model Vaqueros in 45 Colt using 45 Cowboy Special and APP 3FG Black Powder Substitute. I have been using my 38 NMV for FCGF but wanted to give the 45 CS a go. Video Credit: Smackwater

Stage 2 of the Wednesday November 10 Cavalier Cowboys match. The Wednesday matches are a chance to try out things, work on improving your game, or just have fun. We don't shoot by category or hand out any awards, just shoot the stages. Here I wanted to try out my Ruger New Model Vaqueros in 45 Colt using 45 Cowboy Special and APP 3FG Black Powder Substitute. I have been using my 38 NMV for FCGF but wanted to give 45 CS a go. Video Credit: Smackwater

Stages 1-6 with split camera views on stages 4-6. I would have had split camera views on all stages, but due to operator error, I only captured stages 4-6 on video. Shot entirely on location with the Mattaponi Sundowners at the West Point Gun Club. Note how I take 6 seconds to earn the 5 second bonus on stage 4. I really need to practice rifle reloads, no excuse now, the video hides nothing. Video Credit: Cody Maverick & Bingo Montana Editing: Bingo Montana Bingo Montana uses Chey-Cast bullets from Cheyenne Wyoming, Starline Brass, Hodgdon Trail Boss powder, Federal primers, and Ruger New Model Vaqueros holstered in a Mernickle HP rig.

Stages 4, 5, and 6 from the 11/15/2020 Mattaponi Sundowner's Monthly Match. Really need to work on that shotgun shuck, way too much unnecessary movement. Stage 4: The shooter starts standing at the tall table with his hands on the shotgun and when ready says: “Where are my hands.” At the beep, with shotgun engage S1 – S4 in any order, all must fall. Make shotgun safe. Retrieve the rifle and shoot a Nevada sweep on R3 thru R1 and then R3 thru R5 (R3, R2, R1, R2, R3, R3, R4, R5, R4, R3) then reload 1 round, hit the clay for 5 seconds bonus, must shoot but no penalty for a miss. Make rifle safe. Draw your pistols per your category and repeat the same as the rifle sequence on P1-P5. Retrieve long guns and move to the unloading table. Stage 5: The shooter starts standing at the tall table, you have a shooters choice of starting with pistols or rifle, and when ready says: “Where are my hands.” At the beep, starting on any target, place 2 rounds on each target. Holster pistols and make rifle safe when complete with each. Retrieve the shotgun, shoot shotgun targets S1-S4 in any order; all must fall. Make shotgun safe. Retrieve long guns and move to the unloading table. Stage 6: The shooter starts standing at the horse with hands touching the horse only and when ready says: “Where are my hands.” At the beep, with rifle engage targets in this order: R6 with 2 rounds, R7 with 1 round R8 with 2 rounds and repeat. Make rifle safe. Draw your pistols per your category and repeat the same sequence as the rifle on P6-P8 targets. Holster pistols. Retrieve the shotgun; tall table, shoot shotgun targets S1 thru S 4 in any order. Make shotgun safe. Retrieve long guns and move to the unloading table. Bingo Montana uses Chey-Cast bullets from Cheyenne Wyoming, Starline Brass, Hodgdon Trail Boss powder, Federal primers, and Ruger New Model Vaqueros holstered in a Mernickle HP rig.