
26 videos

Viking adventures

Valheim- Pumping Iron (Group Part 24)01:11:16
Valheim- Pumping Iron (Group Part 24)
2 years ago

The Vikings speed up the iron mining process and make way to getting armor and weapons. Jon goes on his own adventure and takes a toll for the worse. Thanks to Pixabay for all music and sound effects used in this video:

Valheim- Meadless Slander (Group Part 23)01:16:59
Valheim- Meadless Slander (Group Part 23)
2 years ago

Zack and Danny Head into the crypts to dig out some iron. Evan stays back home after the last excursion to continue on the house. Finally Jonathan loses some mead base and figures out if they have been lost or stolen. (We are watching you Danny) Thanks to Pixabay for all music and sound effects used in this video:

Valheim- The Monster Mash (Group Part 22)01:03:17
Valheim- The Monster Mash (Group Part 22)
2 years ago

The Vikings figure out a plan to get some iron, but find some obstacles blocking their goal. The Vikings find themselves in quite the storm are they able to push on? Thanks to Pixabay for all music and sound effects used in this video:

Valheim- Cryptonite (Group Part 21)01:01:53
Valheim- Cryptonite (Group Part 21)
2 years ago

Danny reveals why he needed to take action. Zack and Danny enter the sunken crypts of the swamp to take iron. Evan's building skills are coming to fruition. Jonathan wishes exile of Danny for his actions Thanks to Pixabay for all music and sound effects used in this video: Check us out on Utreon:

Valheim- Danny's Revenge (Group Part 20)58:41
Valheim- Danny's Revenge (Group Part 20)
2 years ago

Danny needs to get revenge? For what? And how do the other vikings react to such things? Find out next time on BHV Valheim Thanks to Pixabay for all music and sound effects used in this video:

Valheim- The Calm before the storm (Group Part 19)59:24
Valheim- The Calm before the storm (Group Part 19)
2 years ago

The Vikings plan to build up themselves after a struggle in the swamp. They work on a plan to pursue the iron, but is there a storm brewing? Thanks to Pixabay for all music and sound effects used in this video: Check us out on Utreon:

Valheim- The Ground is Shaking (Group Part 18)01:15:31
Valheim- The Ground is Shaking (Group Part 18)
2 years ago

The Vikings based gets raided and only some members can get back to defend. While other vikings are working on bringing back some of the loot found in the swamp Thanks to Pixabay for all music and sound effects used in this video:

Valheim-  A Muddy Struggle Down to the Bone (Group Part 17)57:00
Valheim- A Muddy Struggle Down to the Bone (Group Part 17)
2 years ago

Zack and Danny attempt to collect more resources in the swamp, while Evan and Jon continue to make home improvements... again Thanks to Pixabay for all music and sound effects used in this video:

Valheim-  Add to Cart Part 2 (Group Part 16)52:13
Valheim- Add to Cart Part 2 (Group Part 16)
2 years ago

Zack and Danny head towards the swamp with the carts. Evan and Jon continue to work on building the new house. No I am not linking the Resident Evil Series with the disrespect to the Portal 2 series

Valheim- Ain't No Mountain High Enough (Group Part 15)01:13:09
Valheim- Ain't No Mountain High Enough (Group Part 15)
2 years ago

Two of the Vikings go on a strange adventure to the mountains as the other two build an awesome base Thanks to Pixabay for all music and sound effects used in this video: Check us out on Utreon:

Valheim- The Abominable Smell of the Swamp (Group Part 14)55:56
Valheim- The Abominable Smell of the Swamp (Group Part 14)
2 years ago

The Vikings continue building a new base and exploring the swamp Thanks to Pixabay for all music and sound effects used in this video: Check us out on Utreon:

Valheim- Hungry Like the Wolf (Group Part 13)58:27
Valheim- Hungry Like the Wolf (Group Part 13)
2 years ago

The split into two groups, one builds the new base and the other explores the swamp Thanks to Pixabay for all music and sound effects used in this video: Check us out on Utreon:

Valheim- Get Out of My Swamp (Group Part 12)41:09
Valheim- Get Out of My Swamp (Group Part 12)
2 years ago

The Vikings go their separate ways as some go find swamp and others find a new base location. Thanks to Pixabay for all music and sound effects used in this video: Check us out on Utreon:

Valheim- The Elder (Group Part 11)50:28
Valheim- The Elder (Group Part 11)
2 years ago

Do we have to say anything else? It's in the title. Thanks to Pixabay for all music and sound effects used in this video: Check us out on Utreon:

Valheim- The Viking Crusade (Group Part 10)40:12
Valheim- The Viking Crusade (Group Part 10)
2 years ago

The Vikings set forth toward the Elder and take over an island full of monsters Thanks to Pixabay for all music and sound effects used in this video: Check us out on Utreon:

Valheim-Come Sail Away (Group Part 9)55:59
Valheim-Come Sail Away (Group Part 9)
2 years ago

The Vikings set forth to the Elder with obstacles on the way Thanks to Pixabay for all music and sound effects used in this video: Check us out on Utreon:

Valheim-We Did Start the Fire (Group Part 8)45:33
Valheim-We Did Start the Fire (Group Part 8)
2 years ago

The Vikings continue their resource gathering as Zack struggles to get back Thanks to Pixabay for all music and sound effects used in this video: Check us out on Utreon:

Valheim- The Adventures of Zack Part 2 (Group Part 7)57:34
Valheim- The Adventures of Zack Part 2 (Group Part 7)
3 years ago

The Vikings continue their search for metal when more foes from the forest try to stop them. Thanks to Pixabay for all music and sound effects used in this video: Check us out on Utreon:

Valheim- Add to Cart (Group Part 6)56:48
Valheim- Add to Cart (Group Part 6)
3 years ago

The Vikings go into the black forest in search of metal to prepare for the second boss. Thanks to Pixabay for all music and sound effects used in this video: Check us out on Utreon:

Valheim - The Forest Moves (Group Part 5)50:32
Valheim - The Forest Moves (Group Part 5)
3 years ago

Preparation for the next boss. The four vikings gather metal ores and fight off enemies to defend their base. We want to thank Pixabay and the music that is available for us to use not only for this video, but for the channel.