Learn Your Lines
A twelve episode training session that provides actors with skills that blend the science of memory with the art of acting.

You don't need a good memory to learn your lines for an upcoming play production. You just need a technique that combines the art of acting with the science of memory. This video summarizes the entire Learn Your Lines Technique in eleven minutes. It's ideal to get a quick idea of what the technique is before you begin the training series, a quick start for those who wish to test the technique on a current project or as a brush up for those who have gone through the training series. Complete Series Linked here: https://playeur.com/c/ClebergStudio/videos/learn-your-lines Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ClebergStudio

The final episode in a twelve part training session that combines the science of memory with the art of acting in a way that makes learning your lines a part of the acting process. Episode 12: The actors is provided with a few final insights on how to make the technique effective. Follow the complete training series at https://utreon.com/c/ClebergStudio/videos/learn-your-lines Cleberg Studio Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ClebergStudio

The eleventh episode in a twelve part training session that combines the science of memory with the art of acting in a way that makes learning your lines a part of the acting process. Episode 11: The actor is shown basic approaches to using the technique during the rehearsal process. Follow the complete training series at https://utreon.com/c/ClebergStudio/videos/learn-your-lines Cleberg Studio Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ClebergStudio

The tenth episode in a twelve part training session that combines the science of memory with the art of acting in a way that makes learning your lines a part of the acting process. Episode 10: The actor is shown how to put their subconscious processes to work with this technique. Follow the complete training series at https://utreon.com/c/ClebergStudio/videos/learn-your-lines Cleberg Studio Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ClebergStudio

The ninth episode of a twelve part training session that combines the science of memory with the art of acting in a way that makes learning your lines a part of the acting process. Episode 9: The actor is shown how to apply the 3-3-3 pattern to dialogue. Follow the complete training series at https://utreon.com/c/ClebergStudio/videos/learn-your-lines Cleberg Studio Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ClebergStudio

The seventh episode of a twelve part training session that combines the science of memory with the art of acting in a way that makes learning your lines a part of the acting process. Episode 7: The actor is shown how to apply the 3-3-3 pattern to the acting phase of this technique. Follow the complete training series at https://utreon.com/c/ClebergStudio/videos/learn-your-lines Cleberg Studio Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ClebergStudio

The sixth episode of a twelve part training session that combines the science of memory with the art of acting in a way that makes learning your lines a part of the acting process. Episode 6: The actor is shown how to apply the 3-3-3 pattern to the accessing phase of the technique. Follow the complete training series at https://utreon.com/c/ClebergStudio/videos/learn-your-lines Cleberg Studio Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ClebergStudio

The fifth episode of a twelve part training session that combines the science of memory with the art of acting in a way that makes learning your lines a part of the acting process. Episode 5: The actor is shown how to set up virtual folders to aid in the line learning technique. Follow the complete training series at https://utreon.com/c/ClebergStudio/videos/learn-your-lines Cleberg Studio Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ClebergStudio

The eighth episode of a twelve part training session that combines the science of memory with the art of acting in a way that makes learning your lines a part of the acting process. Episode 8: The actor is show how to score dialogue in the script in preparation for the 3-3-3 pattern. Follow the complete training series at https://utreon.com/c/ClebergStudio/videos/learn-your-lines Cleberg Studio Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ClebergStudio

The fourth episode of a twelve part training session that combines the science of memory with the art of acting in a way that makes learning your lines a part of the acting process. Episode 4: The actor is shown the basics of the acting phase. Follow the complete training series at https://utreon.com/c/ClebergStudio/videos/learn-your-lines Cleberg Studio Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ClebergStudio

The third episode of a twelve part training session that combines the science of memory with the art of acting in a way that makes learning your lines a part of the acting process. Episode 3: The actor is shown the requirements for the accessing phase. Follow the complete training series at https://utreon.com/c/ClebergStudio/videos/learn-your-lines Cleberg Studio Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ClebergStudio

The second episode of a twelve part training session that combines the science of memory with the art of acting in a way that makes learning your lines a part of the acting process. Episode 2: Introduces the requirements for the reading phase. Follow the complete training series at https://utreon.com/c/ClebergStudio/videos/learn-your-lines Cleberg Studio Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ClebergStudio

The first of a twelve part training session that combines the science of memory with the art of acting in a way that makes learning your lines a part of the acting process. Episode 1: This video will explain the basics of this technique and prepare you for training. Follow the entire training sessions at https://utreon.com/c/ClebergStudio/videos/learn-your-lines Cleberg Studio Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ClebergStudio