1 video

Karo is the hands oon science and electronics show for students and hobbyists hosted by Atul

DIY YouTube Subscriber Counter with LCD 16*2 and WiFi-How To #tech #technology #electronics00:54
DIY YouTube Subscriber Counter with LCD 16*2 and WiFi-How To #tech #technology #electronics
1 year ago

NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDERING!! READ BELOW This project is one that is close to my heart since it shows my level of progress when it comes to content creation on YouTube. It is a DIY subscriber counter. And You can make it too. An assembled version and a kit version of this subscriber counter are available for pre-order on our site Pre-Order Here: https://www.esccrasci.in/shop Or even if you just feel like replicating it, all files and details can be found at: https://esccrasci.in/diy-youtube-subscriber-counter-with-lcd-and-esp8266/ The project is best suited for beginners and other level of hobbyists. This short/episode is a part of KARO. Show Notes and Project Page: https://www.esccrasci.in/karo Site: https://www.esccrasci.in Buy Me An Electronic Component: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/esccrasci Latest Updates: https://www.twitter.com/esccrasci Socials: https://esccrasci.bio.link Thank You For Supporting. Feel free to like and subscribe if you enjoyed the short! Music by Anders Enger Jensen eox.no (You may ignore the parts after this) #electricalengineering #electronics #science #projects #howto #arduino #shorts #shortsonyt #youtube #micropython #python #computers #code #simple #breadboard #electronicprojects #music #sound #diy #makeit #electronicprojects