Dauntless Let's Play

2 videos

Just the episodes where I play Dauntless. Usually sporadic little things.

Let's Play Dauntless - 1 - What We Boop in the Shadows28:05
Let's Play Dauntless - 1 - What We Boop in the Shadows
3 years ago

I have not watched the TV show referenced in the title BUT I have a friend who's watched it like twice so I'm pretty much an expert in vampires now. Oh, right, and this is Dauntless. A NOT 10-year old game. I don't even know who I am anymore.

Let's Play Dauntless - 0 - While I Talk About Things22:41
Let's Play Dauntless - 0 - While I Talk About Things
3 years ago

Hey everyone. Honestly, the video explains things better than I might, but in short: - Why no updates? The twin disasters of Being Busy and Being Lazy. - Speaking of twin disasters: Youtube's been hitting my videos with community guidelines strikes! So that's some videos may be gone and some are being re-uploaded. - If you know of any of my videos that may have certain 20-year-old catastrophes referenced in them, let me know! Also, this is Dauntless, probably the only "modern" game I play with any regularity. I'll probably start a legit series on it at some point, but it serves as a useful backdrop, here. Oh, right, and as promised: Twitter link. https://twitter.com/ExarArcian Bam! More often than not I just retweet shit I find online, and it's a pretty even mix of stuff that makes me laugh and stuff that pisses me off, buuut it's there. Here are the other videos I mention uploaded about the same. Thanks for watching, and thanks for listening. I'll keep uploading videos, however slowly, until they cast me into the pit. Re-Upload of Mario 3 Redux, Episode 16: https://youtu.be/7KkuTeOWroM Let's Play Pokemon Yellow - 29 - Whack Them Weeds: https://youtu.be/KsUuv-EDiTE