Pokemon Yellow Let's Play
![Let's Play Pokemon Yellow - 33 - Men Who Drench](https://data-1.utreon.com/v/MD/Ni/ND/zvTupsN-SI2/zvTupsN-SI2_preview_360p.jpg)
This was originally going to be two episodes. But then I didn't update for like, 5-6 months? Sooooo... ta-da! Thanks for the assist James, and I apologate for the delay. Smooth Jazz is Nightlife by Michael Kobrin, found at: https://pixabay.com/music/acoustic-group-nightlife-michael-kobrin-95bpm-3783/
![Let's Play Pokemon Yellow - 32 - Legends Never Die](https://data-1.utreon.com/v/N2/Vh/YW/3Yx75mIPRdS/3Yx75mIPRdS_3b280938b00e6e1513da9337e7d71d30_cover_360p.jpg)
Thrills, chills, and most terrifying of all: STATISTICS. Yes, this is one of those episodes where I spend a good portion talking about my Pokeymans. I do other stuff WHILE talking about them, but if you really want to skip all that: 29:30 should get you to the right spot. And yes, this is a long one! But it's also got a LEGENDARY and SACRIFICE. Thumbnail Art is from the Pokemon TCG, specifically Seadra (EX Dragon 40), and is by Midori Harada.
![Let's Play Pokemon Yellow - 31 - Treacherous Waters](https://data-1.utreon.com/v/Yj/dm/MD/ySsVFlGjTyw/ySsVFlGjTyw_0d04a11e67b56e7a88490b09fe3df339_cover_360p.jpg)
Today, we continue to beat up everything we can see on the water. I think this officially makes me and my Pokemon pirates? We're just beating the crap out of people and taking their money. That's piracy. That's a crime. Also I think at least two of these people are going to die. That's murder. That's a crime. You know what isn't a crime? ANYTHING, if no one finds out. Which is why all these people have to die. I'M NOT DOING ANOTHER NICKEL.
![Let's Play Pokemon Yellow - 30 - Fashionably Late](https://data-1.utreon.com/v/OG/Nm/OG/TLzqvKrfS0k/TLzqvKrfS0k_7b13916c4483d00b4e426285e7d1b6f7_cover_360p.jpg)
SOOOO this one's been in the oven a while. WHOOPS. Hope you enjoy watching me flail around in the ocean while accomplishing very little! Want to know where I've been for the last, uh, forever? Watch here: https://utreon.com/v/z8ECg2vcJi0 Royalty Free Intro Music provided by: www.bensound.com (Specifically, "Ukulele") Oh, right, the Benny Hill theme is in this too. Copyright The Edwin Davids Jazz Band.
![Whack Them Weeds](https://data-1.utreon.com/v/ZT/Fj/ZW/yy9k1ZEuOTM/yy9k1ZEuOTM_ea38953c9076aeef7439a4fc3f08a05d_cover_360p.jpg)
Holy shit it's another episode of Let's Play Pokemon Yellow! Kingdoms have risen and fallen since we last checked in, but the Kingdom of Fitz stands strong. Today, we backtrack to cover something I've skipped over until now: the Celadon City Gym! The streets will run thick with the sap of the damned. Oh, I mention some PROBLEMS recently. Here's the link to the video talking about that. It also includes terrible violence against monsters. https://youtu.be/G4u5PfDBhs0 *** PS Spoilers: "Exar, Erika doesn't have a Vileplume in Pokemon Yellow!" Yeah, I know, I clearly changed that. I've been fighting Vileplumes all damn game and she had a Vileplume in Red/Blue, she should have one here, damn it!
![Power Plant Predators](https://data-1.utreon.com/v/Mm/Vk/OG/Uyz81RU46gs/Uyz81RU46gs_53b44801619c2544d01742039daf3683_cover_360p.jpg)
In this episode, I explore abandoned urban environments, capturing and beating the crap out of the squatters. This turns on me when the squatters prove to be the most Mighty of Vagrants.
![Gone Safari'n](https://data-1.utreon.com/v/MG/M4/ZD/J1amIAGEWGY/J1amIAGEWGY_f12d5366433b9e3615cd238157beca97_cover_360p.jpg)
After several episodes of fighting trainers, and then one tense episode at a gym... get ready for an episode with almost no fighting whatsoever!
![Ninja Showdown](https://data-1.utreon.com/v/MT/E1/YW/_eRvL36qF1M/_eRvL36qF1M_abe409c7406118515145a132e1bbe354_cover_360p.jpg)
Today we take on Fuchsia City Gym. Saffron City's Gym was hard because of Psychic Pokemon. This one also has Psychic Pokemon, despite being a "Poison-type" gym. Also, every one of these Jugglers is an absolute fucker.
![Rambling Man](https://data-1.utreon.com/v/ZD/I4/Ym/udOPGZmtjWc/udOPGZmtjWc_db739f3cc1c3f9b819b955fe75228fc5_cover_360p.jpg)
Clearly being driven mad by beating the crap out of everyone in my path, I proceed to bitch about the entitlement inherent to modern consumerism. It's a psychological tactic meant to intimidate my foes. Also, I needed to talk about SOMETHING. Bitching about "mneh mneh I want a REFUND mneh" seemed as good a subject as any. Clearly, this will have no consequences.
![Pokemon Trainer at Large](https://data-1.utreon.com/v/ZT/Nj/Zm/qo95Js19G1A/qo95Js19G1A_3229b9dd8efaab099758ce4b4c8a4595_cover_360p.jpg)
In which I continue to brutally assault, I mean, SELF-DEFENSE, everyone I come across. There's a lot of random-ass trainers at this point in the game. At least a fair amount of them now are punk-ass bikers?
![Route Punks](https://data-1.utreon.com/v/OD/Q1/OG/q1F7b75SvhY/q1F7b75SvhY_529da19eee09561dcb8d48b91151960d_cover_360p.jpg)
In this episode, we continue to find strangers on the road and use our terrible monsters to absolutely destroy their baby monsters. It's incredibly unfair, but they knew the risks of going outside. Sometimes, you get torn to shreds by a prehistoric monster. That's life.
![Historical Significance](https://data-1.utreon.com/v/Yz/M3/Zj/yKyqM627dWM/yKyqM627dWM_f5267a5961233420f7b38c93c00631ff_cover_360p.jpg)
Hey, guess who didn't upload episode 21 twice and made it so this came out a day later than it should've! The good news is, I can ALMOST guarantee another episode will be out within a few days. ALMOST. Fate's a wretch. Hope you like watching me fight BIRD KEEPERS.
![Still Alive](https://data-1.utreon.com/v/ZT/Bh/Zm/1JY4Zo7R3U0/1JY4Zo7R3U0_62b9791ab84c005c99e1c3068e0a270a_cover_360p.jpg)
Holy shit! It's a new video! We haven't all died to the PLAGUE. Imagine that! In this video, I spend a long time talking. This is called: normal. Royalty Free "Intermission" Music provided by: www.bensound.com (Specifically, "Ukulele")
![Silph Corps](https://data-1.utreon.com/v/YT/My/ZT/siCGhJjIVlY/siCGhJjIVlY_1fa916aaf282fb25692fe54ea26f73a6_cover_360p.jpg)
Today, the finest bunch of sonsabitches to ever bust out of a Poke Ball give Team Rocket one more black eye. Also, Youtube is getting rid of their Classic Creator Studio, so bear with me as I'm dragged kicking and screaming into the utter shitfield that is their terrible modern studio.
![Grizzly Work Environment](https://data-1.utreon.com/v/ZG/Jj/ZD/8PzNEZAaFH4/8PzNEZAaFH4_af77d87d77748241cf596af5cc43940b_cover_360p.jpg)
Despite having an audience of like, ten people, you'd think I wouldn't add jokes that like, not even half of them would get. But I like my jokes how I like my entire life: inside.
![Brief Beatdown](https://data-1.utreon.com/v/Nz/A5/ZW/uF7V9-cKlDA/uF7V9-cKlDA_f800991b74fc6d0dadca2f1053c25573_cover_360p.jpg)
In today's episode, I want to go BOWLING, but also want to get an episode up... so we beat up a bunch of Karate Bros. And a couple of gangsters, just to round things out.
![Rod and Pump Club](https://data-1.utreon.com/v/MD/lk/MW/BgRaxu_yl2k/BgRaxu_yl2k_cd0ba2671b66ed72e9318d65139ae356_cover_360p.jpg)
You may ask yourself about that title. It'll probably only be funny to like, me and MAYBE one other person. I don't care, sometimes you just gotta go for broke. Also, fuck "Quicksave" being Shift+F1 and "Quickload" being F1.
![Tripping over Snorlaxs](https://data-1.utreon.com/v/Zj/Ri/Yz/1ntNbzRs8A0/1ntNbzRs8A0_fef155fae0ddadf720be649b13c0dc8a_cover_360p.jpg)
One day I'll remember Repels are a thing. Today is not that day.
![Going Gangbusters](https://data-1.utreon.com/v/M2/U5/Mj/BTEhQdDpFnQ/BTEhQdDpFnQ_8f147df8073ef2b3e23b875fa28c6e28_cover_360p.jpg)
Time to finish up the TOTAL SIDEBAR that is the Team Rocket Hideout underneath the Game Corner! Also, yo dawg, I heard you like Ghosts? Guess what: we've got some Ghosts for your Ghost so you can Ghost while you Ghost. BUSTIN' BUSTIN' BUSTIN' BUSTIN'
![Swineheart Power Hour](https://data-1.utreon.com/v/MW/Mz/ZT/SmBG_RGzQAY/SmBG_RGzQAY_876dc51d0c3533733c0418c5d22aa164_cover_360p.jpg)
Welcome to the Swineheart Power Hour, starring - Swineheart - Kenobi - Wobble (now with actual attacks) It's got thrills! It's got chills! It's got redemption! It's got children beating up grown men! It's got fucking mazes! What else could you POSSIBLY need?