Camouflage Tests
Qualitative testing of various camouflage patterns focused primarily on the visible spectrum, but also occasionally discussing NIR and FIR remission (night vision and thermal).

A look into the history of the Blue Kamysh/Blue Tiger Stripe camouflage pattern, discussing its practicality and usage, and where to find it.

Testing the validity of claims I've read on various forums that Atsko UV Killer can reduce issues with IR remission.

Comparing Flecktarn and PhantomLeaf WASP II Z2 camouflage in the Central Rocky Mountains in two seasons: the late Summer, and the middle of Fall. Links SDKWeber:

Testing the effectiveness of A-TACS FG (also known as Green Moss), PhantomLeaf WASP II Z2, and Multicam at moderate distances in a semi-arid sagebrush steppe environment. Discussing the results as well as a few other considerations to be had when selecting a camouflage pattern and setting it up for your environment. *Multicam is present in all camouflage scenes (with one exception), therefore the chapter timestamps are named based on whichever other camouflage is being shown in the scene (i.e. A-TACS FG Scene 1) Timestamps 0:00 - Introduction 1:55 - PhantomLeaf WASP II Z2 Scene 1 5:00 - PhantomLeaf WASP II Z2 Scene 2 7:15 - PhantomLeaf WASP II Z2 Scene 3 (No Multicam) 9:31 - A-TACS FG Scene 1 11:55 - A-TACS FG Scene 2 14:07 - Camouflage considerations, conclusion Links: SDKWeber:

Taking a look at the effectiveness of the Japanese Self Defense Force’s camouflage, commonly referred to as the “Jietai” camouflage in the Central Rocky Mountains in the early spring. Links