Life is good 🌈💗🌞 Save our Planet !🙏🌳🍀💧
Joined March 2023
Podcast host for the new revolutionary podcast. Speaking about things away from the thought process of mainstream media tune in.
Joined August 2021
Olah Data Semarang Jasa Olah Data SPSS, AMOS, LISREL, Frontier 4.1, EVIEWS, SMARTPLS, STATA, DEAP 2.1, DLL Contact Person WhatsApp WA : +6285227746673 085227746673
Joined July 2021
Exploring the links between the tech we see now and its origins and how the original Social Tech Pioneers paved the way for the products and ideas that are now part of the public consciousness. #studio64podcasts | #socialtechpioneers
Joined March 2021
18 | 12th grader Special Olympics Athlete be the reason why someone smiles always be a leader and help others be kind to another and always stand up for yourself and others. Former StoryFire user creator of Psycho Kid vs Psycho Dad

Joined February 2021