Merkaba Chakras Podcast

66 videos

BioEnergy Healing for 5th Dimension & Beyond w/Csongor Daniel01:08:30
BioEnergy Healing for 5th Dimension & Beyond w/Csongor Daniel
Merkaba Chakras Podcast – E68
4 years ago

Video interview here as well: Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we talk to author and bioenergy teacher, Csongor Daniel about how to use bioenergy healing for overall wellness in our bodies and in direct connection to the Christ Consciousness of Source itself. Csongor, welcome to Merkaba Chakras! Questions: 1. Before we dig into your work. Can you tell us your story of how you got into this work? 2. What is Bioenergy Healing? 3. How does bioenergy reduce pain and promote wellness? 4. Is it source or is it you who does the healing? 5. What is the difference between distance healing vs. in-person healing sessions? 6. Can you tell us some results of your and your student’s past clients? 7. Explain T’ai Chi Chi Kung and how do your students use the 18-steps to heal? 8. Tell us about the seminars and training you teach? 9. Will there be in-person training, retreats, and also online training? 10. Do you have a last message for the builders of the 5th dimension Earth? For more information about Csongor Daniel’s books, offerings, and courses, please visit his website: To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work, visit my website below. Theme music, "Promised Land" copyrighted by the composer, Olive Musique, and authorized by Creative software subscriptions provided by: #CsongorDaniel, #BioenergyHealing, #EnergyHealingCourses, #ChristConsciousnessHealingField, #5thDimension, #Oneness, #Consciousness, #Beyond3rdDimensionConsciousness, #IndigenousAscension, #2012, #EarthProcessionCycle, #2555BuddhistEra, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast, #VonGalt, #BuddhismPodcast, #BreakMatrix, #LaosAuthors, #LaosPodcast, #VonGalt

5th Dimension & Beyond Begins w/1st Amendment w/Vickie Luna01:39:37
5th Dimension & Beyond Begins w/1st Amendment w/Vickie Luna
Merkaba Chakras Podcast – E67
4 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we talk about the traits of 5th dimension consciousness that manifests our physical reality in this dimension with expert manifester and author, Vickie Luna. As an intuitive medical reader and teacher, she will let us know what probable reality she sees. If we do not want that reality to manifest, then we must support free speech and the 1st amendment. Vickie, welcome to Merkaba Chakras! Video interview here as well: Questions: 1. Before we dig into your work. Can you tell us your story of how you got into this work? 2. How do define the 5th dimension consciousness? 3. What is the difference between manifesting in a 5th dimension consciousness vs. a 3rd dimension consciousness? Examples? 4. What is your experience working with clients and students who seek your expertise to address medical issues using these manifestation techniques? 5. Have you, a client or student ever manifested a new outcome, which has a completely different history than what you remember experiencing? 6. Let’s talk about a vibrational career path. Can you provide advice on how to use the higher energies to ease us into the most enjoyable career path? 7. What are some tips for manifesting the highest version of their personal relationships? How can single people manifest a 5th dimensional and above love interest? 8. What advice do you have for 5D people who feel alone in their life with loved ones who live in a 3D manner in these higher dimensional energies? 9. What can people expect to learn in your courses and retreats? 10. Do you have a last message for the builders of the 5th dimension Earth? For more information about Vickie Luna's courses, retreats, and books: To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work, visit my website below. Theme music, "Promised Land" copyrighted by the composer, Olive Musique, and authorized by Creative software subscriptions provided by: #VickieLuna, #MedicalIntuitive, #MediumshipCourses, #Manifesting, #LawofAttraction, #1stAmendment, #FreeSpeech, #5thDimension, #VonGalt, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast, #Buddhism, #LaosAuthors

Help CV-19 Vaxxed Suffering Adverse Reactions By Supporting Free Speech03:30
Help CV-19 Vaxxed Suffering Adverse Reactions By Supporting Free Speech
Merkaba Chakras Podcast – E65
4 years ago

Welcome to another episode of Merkaba Chakras. Today, your host is going to show you how popular sources of information are not reporting critical details about the vax, which causes long-term, life-threatening adverse reactions in the recipients. You will see with your own eyes, how many agencies worldwide are disregarding the findings of doctors, medical experts, and vaccine-injured warnings about the dangers of the vax to the world’s population. In order to help the vaxxed population, we must stop the censorship to free speech. Doctors need to be able to share information about the dangers and treatments to various symptoms regarding life-threatening adverse reactions in vaxxed recipients without fear of retribution and censorship if the material is distributed in medical journals/circles. CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW TO WATCH THE FULL VIDEO EPISODE. THE CITED SOURCES ARE IN THE DESCRIPTION OF ODYSEE & BITCHUTE PLATFORMS. Theme music, "Promised Land" copyrighted by the composer, Olive Musique, and authorized by: Creative software subscriptions provided by: #1stAmendment, #Censorship, #AdverseReactions

Connect to Deceased Loved Ones w/Chris Lippincott01:15:08
Connect to Deceased Loved Ones w/Chris Lippincott
Merkaba Chakras Podcast – E64
4 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we talk to author and medium, Christ Lippincott. Chris spend his whole life communicating with loved ones in the spirit realms and helps people heal with the messages he gets for them. Now, he is teaching people worldwide how to directly communicate with your deceased loved ones now. Chris, welcome to Merkaba Chakras! Video interview here as well: Questions: 1. Before we dig into your work. Can you tell us your story for how you got into this work? 2. As a medium for messages from loved ones on the spirit realms, what does it feel like to get these messages? 3. Are some of the ways these messages are conveyed through images, words, and last but not least an undeniable experience? 4. Please explain what Synchronicity is and how can we all use it to guide our lives? 5. In Buddhism, we are energy 1st and then we create our reality based on our decisions and actions about it, which directs us into a reality that matches our frequency. How can people use the messages they get from deceased loved ones to make the highest decision for themselves? 6. Tell us some of your most profound cases you worked with? Do you have some incredible cases from your students? 7. What can people expect to learn in the mediumship courses your staff offers both online and in-person? 8. Will you be offering workshops at various retreats or vacation packages with your students? 9. Do you have a last message for the builders of the 5th dimension Earth? For more information about Chris Lippincott’s books, offerings, and courses, please visit his website: To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work, visit my website below. Theme music, "Promised Land" copyrighted by the composer, Olive Musique, and authorized by Creative software subscriptions provided by: #ChrisLippincott, #Mediumship, #Channeling, #TalkingToDeadPeople, #TalkingDeceasedFamily, #EnergyHealingCourses, #LearnChannelingMediumship, #Oneness, #Consciousness, #SpiritRealmsDimensions, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast, #VonGalt, #LaosPodcast, #LaosAuthors, #Metaphysics, #BreakMatrix, #5thDimensionConsciousness, #Buddhism

Infinite Pranic Consciousness & Energy Healing w/Cristiana Eltrayan01:17:15
Infinite Pranic Consciousness & Energy Healing w/Cristiana Eltrayan
Merkaba Chakras Podcast – E63
4 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we are going to explore Pranic Consciousness and the new DNA upgrades with author, Cristiana Eltrayan. Cristiana, welcome to Merkaba Chakras! Video interview here as well: Questions: 1. Before we dig into your work. Can you tell us your story for how you got into this work? 2. What is Pranic Consciousness? How does that relate to Unity Consciousness in a 5th dimensional world? 3. Explain your Earth Grid work in opening new energy portals? 4. In your Prana & Tantra courses, you teach about the new DNA codes, the new chakras, and the new light body relationships. Please explain that? 5. What can people expect to learn in these courses you offer? Soul Healing? Theta Healing? Tao of Healing?Light & Sound Therapy? Angel Therapy? 6. Cristiana, you will be speaking in this year’s Higher Self Expo on July 17 to 18th. What can people expect to learn in your online workshop? 7. Do you have a last message for the builders of the 5th dimension Earth? For more information about Cristiana Eltrayan’s offerings and courses, please visit her website: For more information about the 2021 Higher-Self Expo, visit: To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work, visit website below. Theme music, "Promised Land" copyrighted by the composer, Olive Musique, and authorized by Creative software subscriptions provided by: #CristianaEltrayan, #PranicConsciousness, #EnergyMedicine, #ChiPranaHealingFrequency, #ChristConsciousness, #EasyEnergyHealing #5thDimensionHealing, #UnityConsciousness, #SoulHealingAcademy, #OnenessWithSource, #BuddhismPodcast, #LaosPodcast, #LaosAuthors, #HolisticWellnessHealingCourses, #IntegratingDimensionalConsciousness, #BreakTheMatrix, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast, #VonGalt, #5thDimension, #BuddhismHinduismMetaphysics

Mandelbrot Set in Current Events, 5D Earth, & Sacred Arithmetic w/Roman Light01:53:34
Mandelbrot Set in Current Events, 5D Earth, & Sacred Arithmetic w/Roman Light
Merkaba Chakras Podcast – E62
4 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we are going to explore the divinity of how all things are tied together in sacred mathematic proportion with the sacred arithmetic researcher, Roman Light. Roman, welcome to Merkaba Chakras! Video interview here as well: Questions: 1. Before we dig into your work. Can you tell us your story of how you got into this work? 2. What is Sacred Arithmetic? 3. What are your thoughts in many religions 7 spiritual traditions worldwide teaching the mathematic proportions of sacred arithmetic in sacred geometry such as Sri Yantra, Star of David, and the toroidal fields of the human energy body in Buddhist Mandalas? 4. Much of what we see in Mandelbrot Sets, why are fractals a common repetition in nature? 6. What is the resonance or frequency that nature aims to achieve in all its creations according to the math? 5. If something does not fit within the geometry of sacred arithmetic, what happens to it? Is it transformed to fit into the metrics or is it deleted like deleted gene codes in DNA? 6. How will understanding the math in sacred geometry help people connect to the environment and to the universal consciousness in all of us? 7. Roman, you will be speaking in this year’s Higher Self Expo on July 17 – 18th. What can people expect to learn in your online workshop? 8. Do you have a last message for the builders of the 5th dimension Earth? For more information about Roman Light’s offerings and courses, please visit his website: For more information about the 2021 Higher-Self Expo, visit: To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work, visit website below. Theme music, "Promised Land" copyrighted by the composer, Olive Musique, and authorized by Creative software subscriptions provided by: #RomanLight, #SacredArithmetic, #MandelbrotSet, #SacredGeometry, #5thDimension, #EarthHeartSong, #Oneness, #Consciousness, #Beyond3rdDimensionConsciousness, #2021HigherSelfExpo, #IndigenousAscension, #2012, #EarthProcessionCycle, #2555BuddhistEra, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast, #VonGalt, #BuddhismPodcast, #BreakMatrix, #LaosAuthors, #LaosPodcast

Humanity's & Earth's 5D+ Heartbeat (Schumann Resonance) w/Alexis01:29:56
Humanity's & Earth's 5D+ Heartbeat (Schumann Resonance) w/Alexis
Merkaba Chakras Podcast – E61
4 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we talk with Schumann Resonance researcher, Alexis Brink of Ascension Diaries. Now, the Schumann Resonance is a scientific understanding made popular by the HeartMath Institute at Princeton University who used over 70 random number generators all over the world to measure the electromagnetic frequency of Earth. The averaged Hz frequency is 7.83. However, over a series of over 2 decades, Princeton University found that the Random Number Generators spikes in its Hz frequency hours before a natural disaster such as Hurricane Katrina or man-made disaster such as 9/11 in the particular area it is measuring. The translation is that the Earth is conacious and it is connected to all the living beings living on it. It has evolved to many more RNGs measured by many other institutions all over the world and piqued the interest of researchers such as Alexis of Ascension Diaries. Alexis, welcome to Merkaba Chakras! Here are the websites we discuss in the video about Earth’s Schumann Resonance in action: Video interview here as well: Questions: 1. Before we dig into your work. Can you tell us your story for how you got into this work? 2. So, I’ve been tracking the Schumann Resonance of Earth done by the HeartMath Institute at Princeton University since 1999 all the way up to the 2,555 Buddhist Era Date for the transition into the 5th Dimension according to Buddhism and many indigenous cultures keen to this change-over of the Earth’s processional cycle. You can all look up all their work predicted hours before at exactly at the time of each impending event on their website: Fast-forward, the science behind the Earth’s ascension into higher levels of energy and its effects on human consciousness is no longer debated much. The next generation of Earth’s Schumann resonance has inspired us to keep tracking Earth. Alexis, you are one of the bright researchers into this phenomenon. What observations have you made and which events did it correlate to? 3. What website do you use to track Earth’s heartbeat? 4. In August, 2020, there was 3 straight days when the Schumann Resonance stayed at the same rate creating a bar graph. What do you think that was? 5. What is the highest Hz you’ve tracked it to go? 6. When the Schumann Resonance goes into the high frequencies, most people report feeling anxiety and restlessness. What do you recommend people do to deal with these spikes in a healthy manner? 7. What are your thoughts on Earth’s Ascension so far in terms of the Schumann Resonance? 8. You’re presenting at the 2021 Higher-Self Expo. What will you be discussing? For more information, go to: 9. Do you have a last message for the builders of the 5th dimension Earth? For more information about Alexis of Ascension Diaries offerings, please visit her Instagram page at: To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work, visit website below. Theme music, "Promised Land" copyrighted by the composer, Olive Musique, and authorized by Creative software subscriptions provided by: #AlexisAscensionDiaries, #EarthSchumannResonance, #EarthHarmonicsFrequencies, #EarthAscensionTracking, #SolarFlaresTracker, #5thDimension, #EarthHeartSong, #Oneness, #Consciousness, #Beyond3rdDimensionConsciousness, #2021HigherSelfExpo, #HeartMathInstitute, #GlobalConsciousnessProject, #PrincetonUniversityMetaphysicsResearch, #IndigenousAscension, #2012, #EarthProcessionCycle, #2555BuddhistEra, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast, #VonGalt, #BuddhismPodcast, #BreakMatrix, #LaosAuthors, #LaosPodcast, #VonGalt, #InstituteOfNoeticSciences

Holistic Medicine & Christ Consciousness Healing w/Dr. Shealy + Dr. Sorin01:28:23
Holistic Medicine & Christ Consciousness Healing w/Dr. Shealy + Dr. Sorin
Merkaba Chakras Podcast – E60
4 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we talk about the wonderful benefits of holistic medicine with Dr. Norm Shealy and Dr. Sergey Sorin. In Buddhism, much of the knowledge of holistic healing techniques and remedies are documented in the picture diagrams of the ancient thangkas. Today, we added even more knowledge to this age-old wellness lifestyle. Dr. Norman Sealy and Dr. Sergey Sorin welcome to Merkaba Chakras! Video interview here as well: Questions: 1. Before we dig into both your work at the Shealy-Sorin Wellness Institute. Can you tell us your story for how you got into this work? 2. What is holistic medicine? 3. How can people use holistic medicine to increase their immune systems and body? 4. From essential oils, to vitamins, to various technologies, what are the most popular supplements and services does your institute offer people for these issues: Brain fog, blood clots, hearing sensitivity, eye vision blurriness, sinus pressure, nervous system electricity, difficulty with joint pain like lifting head, skin rashes/lesions, vertigo, debilitating migraines, swollen feet and body parts, irregular/heavy menstrual bleed and clotting, bleeding in the anus, heart inflammation. 5. What can people expect to learn in the online courses about how good nutrition can address the symptoms of ailments and pain management? 6. In meditation research using numerous Buddhist monks and nuns, they found that many reach the quick gamma brain wave state of consciousness where healing and transcendental, non-ego consciousness resides. However, you’ve been able to get people into the gamma brain waves naturally your PEMF Therapy for Opioid addiction, depression, and anxiety. How does it work? 7. What is Biogenics and Samvit Sound Technology? Can you give us some examples on what ailments it addresses? 8. Do you have a last message for the builders of the 5th dimension Earth? For more information about the Shealy-Sorin Wellness Institute’s books, offerings, and courses, please visit their website: To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work, visit website below. Theme music, "Promised Land" copyrighted by the composer, Olive Musique, and authorized by Creative software subscriptions provided by: #DrNormanShealy, #DrSerjeySorin, #HolisticMedicine, #PEMFTherapy, #Shealy-SorinWellnessInstitute, #BiogenicsSamvitSoundTechnology #5thDimensionHealing, #UnityConsciousness, #ChristConsciousness, #OnenessWithSource, #BuddhismPodcast, #LaosPodcast, #LaosAuthors, #HolisticWellnessHealingCourses, #IntegratingDimensionalConsciousness, #BreakTheMatrix

High-Vibe 5D+ Parents Raise 6th Senses Children w/Sherri Divband01:27:21
High-Vibe 5D+ Parents Raise 6th Senses Children w/Sherri Divband
Merkaba Chakras Podcast – E58
4 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we explore one of my favorite topics in Buddhism, the Tulku children. In pop culture, Tulku children are commonly referred to as Starseeds, Indigos, etc. However, in Buddhism, they have been around since our ancient past. They are old, high-vibe souls directly from the source, from planets and dimensions much higher in consciousness than Earth currently is at. Their mission is to raise consciousness while having an enjoyable life doing it. Interestingly, there seems to be an influx of them incarnating to highly conscious parents. Sherri, welcome to Merkaba Chakras! Watch the video interview here: Questions: 1. Before we dig into your work. Can you tell us your story of how you got into this work? 2. Who are the New Earth children? 3. Personally, I’ve never had problems having full conversations with these children. However, many others have. Why are so many labeled with ADHD, Asperger’s, Autistic? 4. Are there common traits you have found in these Tulku children’s parents? 5. Can you tell us more about the Divinely Guided Children and Intuitive Wellness Center for Spiritual & Holistic Healing? 6. What kinds of energy healing and teachings are offered by the staff? 7. Please tell us some examples of what you are seeing in your students and their parents? 8. Can the parents sit in and also take these energy healing classes alongside their children? 9. Does the center organize field trips and group excursions? 10. Do you have a last message for the builders of the 5thdimension Earth? For more information about the Divinely Guided Children Center’s books, offerings, and courses, please visit their website: To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work, visit website below. Theme music, "Promised Land" copyrighted by the composer, Olive Musique, and authorized by Creative software subscriptions provided by: #SherriDivband, #DevinelyGuidedChildrenLLC, #StarseedsIndigoCrystalRainbowChildren, #TulkuChildren, #6thSensesChildren, #LearnEnergyHealing, #ReikiEnergyHealingKids, #EnergyHealingClassesForFamilies, #5thDimensionSpirituality, #Oneness, #UnityConsciousness, #5DAwareness, #BeyondDualityConsciousness, #InfiniteConsciousness, #ChristConsciousness, #OnenessWithSource, #LaosShamanismBuddhism, #BuddhismPodcast, #LaosPodcast, #LaosAuthors, #EnergyHealingCourses, #BeyondMandelaEffects, #ShiftingParallelRealitiesDimensions, #IntegratingDimensionalConsciousness, #BreakTheMatrix, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast, #VonGalt

Abundant Chakra Frequencies for Magic $ Manifestation w/Dr. Alison Kay01:23:55
Abundant Chakra Frequencies for Magic $ Manifestation w/Dr. Alison Kay
Merkaba Chakras Podcast – E56
4 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we talk with Dr. Alison J. Kay about energy healing in our everyday lives and what life is like being a constant magnet for abundance. In Buddhism, we're reminded that good health, good company of loving family and friends, and having our basic needs met such as comfortable housing, healthy food, and a direct connection to Christ Consciousness makes us wealthy beyond infinity. Dr. Kay, welcome to Merkaba Chakras! Questions: 1. Before we dig into your work. Can you tell us your story of how you got into this work? 2. Everyone’s definition of abundance is different. However, all can agree that good health is essential. How can people use energy medicine to increase their immune systems and body? 3. A lot of people with auto-immune disorders and other illnesses that make it harder for them to be very active are seeking yoga and meditation as mild exercises that keep them active. What are some simple yoga & meditation techniques that people can do today? 4. Please explain your Vibrational Upgrade System? 5. What are some simple things people can do right now to create their best life ever? 6. With regards to current medical news, there are a growing number of censorship regarding people suffering adverse side effects from the cov id shot. I know a nurse right on at my local Everett Clinic who got it because of peer pressure and she hasn’t been able to walk for a week. The doctors do not know how to help her. You reach about how to channel your power and not be a victim. How can people use these difficult medical ailments to empower themselves and their families moving forward? 7. Medical issues often times drive people into energy healing as a last resort, which leads to a higher level of spiritual awakening. What is your experience working with clients who seek your expertise to address medical issues that modern medicine is not currently able to address? 8. Let’s talk about a vibrational career path. Can you provide advice on how to use the higher energies to ease us into the most enjoyable career path? 9. Do you have a last message for the builders of the 5th dimension Earth? For more information about Dr. Kay’s books, offerings, and courses, please visit her website: To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work, visit website below. Theme music, "Promised Land" copyrighted by the composer, Olive Musique, and authorized by Creative software subscriptions provided by: #DrAlisonJKay, #MagicMoneyManifestation, #LawofAttraction, #ChakraFrequencies, #5thDimension, #5DEarth, #NewEarth, #SpiritualAwakeningAscension5D, #ConnecttoGod, #InfiniteConsciousness, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast, #LaosHmongPodcasts, #LaosAuthorsVonGalt, #VonGalt

CV-19 Life Lessons for 5D Compassion & Unconditional Love w/Tom Barnett02:16
CV-19 Life Lessons for 5D Compassion & Unconditional Love w/Tom Barnett
Merkaba Chakras Podcast – E57
4 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we talk energy healing practitioner and consciousness teacher, Tom Barnett. Tom’s journey into the evolving world of healing with consciousness began when he became extremely sick. Tom, welcome to Merkaba Chakras! Watch the video interview here: For more information about Tom Barnett’s offerings, please visit his website: For more information about the 2021 Higher-Self Expo, visit: To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work, visit website below. #TomBarnett, #2021HigherSelfExpo, #VonGalt, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast, #LaosPodcast, #LaosAuthors, #5DBuddhism, #5thDimension

Precognition Method for Transforming Eternal Heart w/Dr. Kaushik Ram01:19:58
Precognition Method for Transforming Eternal Heart w/Dr. Kaushik Ram
Merkaba Chakras Podcast – E55
4 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we talk Neuroscientist and author, Dr. Kaushik Ram about how his Precognition Method transforms our heart field. Now, it is commonly misinterpreted that Buddhism is all about understanding the mind. However, the advanced Buddhist mystic such as myself has proven in Buddhist Mandalas art history that the heart field is the largest aura field around the teacher and the halo around the mind is secondary. Dr. Kaushik Ram, welcome to Merkaba Chakras! Watch the video interview here: Questions: 1. Before we dig into your work. Can you tell us your story of how you got into this work? 2. How did much of humanity let their egos hijacked our minds and reject the intelligence of the heart? 3. I’ve found that when people don’t listen to their higher self about discord in their life, their bodies start to manifest ailments to let the person know they are stress. What is your experience with this? 4. What tips do you have for people to listen to their heart? (mind-body-spirit)? 5. How do our hearts perceive reality? 6. One of the biggest lies much of humanity has to believe is that they are separate from one another. It’s easy to love a kind, compassionate person. However, how can people love a cruel person? 7. In Buddhism, we call the path of service to others to help uplift humanity towards enlightenment is a Bodhisattva. When people are heart-filled, they often want to be of service to humanity. What are your suggestions for picking and participating in any movement while still devoting time to building your most enjoyable life? 8. The 2021 Higher Self Expo is on July 17-18. It’s a 24-hour expo featuring 33 speakers, including you. So everyone, go to to sign up. Now, William, what will you be presenting at the expo? 9. Do you have a last message for the builders of the 5th dimension Earth? For more information about Dr. Kaushik Ram’s books and courses, please visit his website: Higher-Self Expo: To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work, visit website below. Theme music, "Promised Land" copyrighted by the composer, Olive Musique, and authorized by Creative software subscriptions provided by: #DrKaushikRam, #PrecognitionMethod, #5thDimensionSpirituality, #Oneness, #UnityConsciousness, #5DAwareness, #BeyondDualityConsciousness, #InfiniteConsciousness, #ChristConsciousness, #OnenessWithSource, #BuddhismPodcast, #LaosPodcast, #LaosAuthors, #HeartHealingCourses, #IntegratingDimensionalConsciousness, #BreakTheMatrix, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast, #VonGalt, #HigherSelfExpo2021

Earth Grid Keepers, Crop Circles & Star MAGIC Healing w/Jerry Sargeant01:02:28
Earth Grid Keepers, Crop Circles & Star MAGIC Healing w/Jerry Sargeant
Merkaba Chakras Podcast – E54
4 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we explore my favorite Buddhist topic of connecting directly to Christ light consciousness for infinite energy healing from the universal being within all of us. We’re going to learn all about Star Magic Healing from intergalactic consciousness explorer and teacher, Jerry Sergeant. Jerry, welcome to Merkaba Chakras! Watch the video interview here: Scientists of the research institutes MESA+ and MIRA of the University of Twente in The Netherlands present image of living cells in micro pyramids: Questions: Let's discuss your meditation in a 2017 Wiltshire, England crop circle and the golden pyramid that showed up in your video. 1. Before we dig into your work. Can you tell us your story of how you got into this work? 2. What is Star Magic Healing? Is it the source or the practitioner that’s does the healing? 3. How do you teach people to go beyond the holographic matrix and reprogram their physical reality to be of higher joy, truth, and love? 4. What are some of the realms and beings your students often encounter? What discernment & boundaries do you advise students regarding mischievous beings in these other realms? 5. Outside of the Earthly incarnation, many people are from other star systems and dimensions in their previous lifetime. How can people connect to their intergalactic heritage and pull that wisdom into this lifetime? 6. How do your students use energy healing to upgrade the biology of a sick group of people? 7. Will you be offering group tours and vacations? What are you working on that is new? 8. Do you have a last message for the builders of the 5th dimension Earth? For more information about Star Magic Healing books, offerings, and courses, please visit Jerry’s website: To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work, visit website below. Theme music, "Promised Land" copyrighted by the composer, Olive Musique, and authorized by #JerrySargeant, #StarMagicHealing, #EnergyHealingCourses, #QuantumHealingClasses, #CropCircles, #UFOCropCircles, #ConsciousnessCropCircle, #Starseeds, #LyranAliens, #InterdimensionalBeingsIncarnateHumans, #5thDimensionSpirituality, #Oneness, #UnityConsciousness, #5DAwareness, #BeyondDualityConsciousness, #InfiniteConsciousness, #ChristConsciousness, #OnenessWithSource, #BuddhismPodcast, #LaosPodcast, #LaosAuthors, #HeartHealingCourses, #IntegratingDimensionalConsciousness, #BreakTheMatrix, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast, #VonGalt, #HigherSelfExpo2021

Huna Wisdom of Lemuria for 5D & Beyond w/Jonathan Hammond01:26:28
Huna Wisdom of Lemuria for 5D & Beyond w/Jonathan Hammond
Merkaba Chakras Podcast – E53
4 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we talk to the author, Jonathan Hammond about how the ancient Hawaiian teachings of Huna wisdom can help us elevate our consciousness to higher levels with Earth and the universal consciousness within all of us. Jonathan, welcome to Merkaba Chakras! Wondering what happened to episode #52? EPISODE #52 WAS DELETED BY Y T W/IN 6-HOURS AFTER 126,000 VIEWS. Y T THREATENED TO DELETE MY CHANNEL IF I RE-POST IT AGAIN. All show identification had to be removed to pass al go rithm. God bless. 😊💖 WATCH THE DELETED EPISODE #52 HERE: Questions: 1. Before we dig into your work. Can you tell us your story about how you got into this work? 2. I’m from the Hmong Tribe of Laos. We have ancient shamanism that stems from the ancient folklores in Buddhism of Mu (Lemuria). I’m actually following Buddhist folklores for a book series I’m writing called: Megaliths, Pyramids, and Tribal Folklores of ‘Mu. Can you explain how Huna Wisdom in Hawaii is a remnant spiritual tradition from the lost continent of Lemuria? 3. What are the seven principles of Huna wisdom? 4. My mother-in-law teaches Hula and the Hawaiian language. How is aloha expressed in Hawaiian dance and language? 5. Please explain what Ho’oponopono Ke Ala is? 6. How can apply Ho’oponopono Ke Ala to address life’s most challenging experiences? 7. What are some quick tips people can use from Shamanic healing techniques? 8. You also offer spiritual and intuitive counseling. What are the most common issues that your clients come to you for help with? 9. Your book, The Shaman’s Mind goes into more detail about what we discussed today. Are you working on any online courses in the near future? 10. Do you have the last message you want people to know as they build the 5th dimension here on Earth? For more information about Jonathan’s offerings, please visit his website: To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work, visit website below. Theme music, "Promised Land" copyrighted by the composer, Olive Musique, and authorized by Creative software subscriptions provided by: #JonathanHammond, #HunaHawaiianWisdom, #Lemuria, #SevenHawaiiSpiritualPrinciples, #AncientHawaiianLemurianFolklores, #LemuriaSpirituality, #HawaiianPyramids, #HawaiianShamanism, #LemurianRemnants, #5thDimensionSpirituality, #Oneness, #UnityConsciousness, #5DAwareness, #BeyondCabalHellDevil, #BeyondDualityConsciousness, #InfiniteConsciousness, #ChristConsciousness, #OnenessWithSource, #WorldwideShamanism, #LaosShamanismBuddhism, #BuddhismLemuriaFolklores, #BuddhismPodcast, #LaosPodcast, #LaosAuthors, #EnergyHealingCourses, #BeyondMandelaEffects, #ShiftingParallelRealitiesDimensions, #IntegratingDimensionalConsciousness, #BreakTheMatrix, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast, #VonGalt, #MindBodySpiritMaui

Is Star Trek Everyday 6th Senses Humanity's Future? Terje G. Simonsen01:12:37
Is Star Trek Everyday 6th Senses Humanity's Future? Terje G. Simonsen
Merkaba Chakras Podcast – E51
4 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we discuss the untapped 6th senses of humanity with the author, Terje G. Simonsen. In Buddhism, the 6th sense is a natural element of our spiritual identity. As we amplify our energy fields, we activate more and more 6th senses. As the world steamrolls further into the 5thdimensional consciousness and higher with Earth and source, the new human with a variety of 6th senses will be common. So I ask, Terje to answer questions about our potential Star Trek reality where consciousness exploration is normal. Terje, welcome to Merkaba Chakras! Questions: 1. Before we dig into your work. Can you tell us your story about how you got into this work? 2. In the Star Trek TV series, many alien races have unique 6th senses. Counselor, Dianna Troy comes from a race that telepathic and empathic. In her culture, they train their 6th senses. Is this where humanity will end up? 3. Some religions are fearful of the 6th senses being the work of the devil. However, Buddhists do not believe in the concept of the devil, because what you believe in, you create and attract to yourself as part of a life lesson. What are your thoughts on this concept of the 6th senses being a manifestation of the devil? 4. In episode 6 of “Star Trek the Next Generation”, Amanda Rogers is a Starfleet intern who plans to study biology with Dr. Crusher. However, it’s revealed with her budding supernatural 6th senses that she can’t control that she is part of the Q Collective. What are your recommendations for managing the 6th senses that go haywire? 5. In the Star Trek TV series, of all the alien life forms encountered, I found the Q Collective to be the most fascinating. The Q collective is a race of extra-dimensional beings who have the ability to manifest anything within time, space, and reality. They seem omnipotent, but they acknowledge that humanity eventually exceeds their capacity in the future. So Q is assigned to find out as much about humanity and report to his collective. In Buddhism, this would resemble a collective of ascended masters, which are Buddhas and Bodhisattvas that travel the multiverse after overcoming Samsara (holographic matrix). What are your thoughts on this parallel comparison between the Q Collective and the Ascended Masters in Buddhism/Hinduism? 6. Ironically, the Q character was kicked out of his collective for being too much the Joker. In Buddhism, the Joker is a test of discernment. I do 6th Senses consultation from a Buddhist approach to consciousness. What are your thoughts on 6th sense etiquette? To get a copy of Terje’s book, A Short History of (Nearly) Everything Paranormal: Our Secret Powers, Telepathy, Clairvoyance, and Precognition, just visit and look up the book title or Terje G. Simonsen. To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work, visit website below. Theme music, "Promised Land" copyrighted by the composer, Olive Musique, and authorized by Creative software subscriptions provided by:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #TerjeGSimonsen, #AShortHistoryOfNearlyEverythingParanormal, #5DParanormalAuthors, #5D6thSenses, #StarTrekHumanity, #NewHumansExtraordinaryAbilities, #6thSenses, #5DAwakeningAscension, #EnergyHealing, #5thDimension, #BuddhismMetaphysics, #Consciousness, #Metaphysics, #LaosHmongAuthorsPodcast, #5thDimensionEarth, #5DTelepathyClairvoyancePrecognition, #5DKinetics, #MultiverseBodhisattvaBuddhas, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast, #VonGalt

Goodbye 3D & Welcome 5D+ Immune Systems w/Akashic Records-Lisa Barnett01:31:33
Goodbye 3D & Welcome 5D+ Immune Systems w/Akashic Records-Lisa Barnett
Merkaba Chakras Podcast – E50
4 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we talk with author, Lisa Barnett about the Great Library. In Buddhism, the Akashic Records is known as the Great Library. The Jakata Tales is a life review of 1,000 lifetimes that the founder of Buddhism, Siddhartha Gautama remembered, which lead to his awakening and ascension and the rest is history. Lisa, welcome to Merkaba Chakras! Questions: 1. Before we dig into your work. Can you tell us your story about how you got into this work? 2. One of the things common in Buddhism is that many people repeat unconscious behavior patterns that do not serve them positively lifetime after lifetime due to the veil of Earth. What are the most common life lessons that you come across when reading your client’s Akashic records? 3. Please explain what soul groups and soul contracts are? How can we use this information to heal? 4. How do the Akashic Records factor into our pre-life plan regarding the current Co.vid vacc.ine? 5. What life lessons do the dual contrast of the vacc.inated vs. unvacc.inated vs. medical exemptions vs. natural i.mmunity play? How can we bridge the divide and still respect other's choices? Should we respect a diverse i.mmunity among our population? 6. Are you able to read the Akashic records for parallel realities for people so they can choose which timeline they prefer to attract to themselves? 7. In Buddhism, Earth is a gift to souls because it offers so much contrast and opportunities for paying back karmic debt and earning positive merit which other lives in the cosmos do not offer in such a short lifetime. I’ve found this Golden Ticket and long lines to reincarnate on Earth as also true in my hypnosis clients. What are your recommendations for people who forgot their purpose or pre-life plan once they’re living within Earth? 8. What can people expect from your online courses, home study courses, and books? 10. Do you have a last message for the builders of the 5th dimension Earth? For more information about Lisa’s books, offerings, and courses, please visit her website: To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work, visit website below. Theme music, "Promised Land" copyrighted by the composer, Olive Musique, and authorized by Other video sharing sites that don't cen.sor regarding vaxcine, pass.prt, vac privilege discussions are: Creative software subscriptions provided by: #LisaBarnett, #AkashicReadingsCourses, #EnergyHealing5D, #AkashicKnowing, #PreLifePlanningReincarnation, #Karma, #ChristConsciousness, #UnityConsciousnessOneness, #5thDimensionHealing, #OnlineEnergyHealingCourses, #ConnectingToAngelsSpiritGuides, #PastFutureLives, #EarthAscensionAwakening, #Buddhism, #JakataTales, #LifeReviews, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast, #VonGalt

30-Year PR Media Company with a 5D Consciousness w/Steve Allen39:45
30-Year PR Media Company with a 5D Consciousness w/Steve Allen
Merkaba Chakras Podcast – E49
4 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we discuss running a business with the energy of 5th dimension consciousness with CEO, Steve Allen of Steve Allen Media. Steve, welcome to Merkaba Chakras! Questions: 1. Before we dig into your company mission statement. Can you tell us your story about how you got into this work? 2. Can you expand on your company logo, “PR with a Conscience?” 3. There are a lot of truly great 5D companies trying to find clients such as 3D house printing companies, vertical farming in high-rise office buildings, energy healing clinics, small organic farms, and so many more that are struggling to find their clients. What are some affordable ways that these small businesses can get market on a budget? How does your company help? 4. My day job is in IT, and I know that a lot of start-ups come and go in a 5 to 10-year span. I have personally seen that the underlying factor is that they start taking their employees for granted when they are on top. As a result, their employees take all their tribal knowledge and expertise forward to other companies. Can you explain how ego plays into the slogan, “you’re only as good as the company you keep?” 5. What are your suggestions for entrepreneurs and authors who want to build their small businesses with a 5th-dimensional mindset? 6. Steve, how do you feel about being remembered as “the father of the ugly baby” on the tv series, Seinfeld? 7. What are your suggestions for people to liberate themselves from seeing their life as small and instead, connect to universal consciousness within themselves? 8. Do you have any last messages for people who want to scale their 3D hurdles and jump into 5D consciousness? For more information about Steve Allen Media’s offerings, please visit their website: To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work, visit website below. Theme music, "Promised Land" copyrighted by the composer, Olive Musique, and authorized by Creative software subscriptions provided by: #SteveAllenMedia, #FatherUglyBabySeinfield, #5DBusinessEthics, #5thDimensionBusiness, #5DEntreprenuers, #5DConsciousness, #Consciousness, #PRWith5DConscience, #Buddhism, #MetaphysicBusinessEthics, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast, #VonGalt

5th Dimension Healing & Immune Health w/Penny Price Lavin01:19:18
5th Dimension Healing & Immune Health w/Penny Price Lavin
Merkaba Chakras Podcast – E48
4 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we talk to the author, Penny Lavin about the 5th-dimensional healing field that everyone can access within themselves to heal not only themselves but others as well. Penny Price Lavin is an energy medicine instructor, practitioner, and film producer. Penny, welcome to Merkaba Chakras! Questions: 1. Can you tell us how you got into Energy Healing? 2. When you produced the documentary, The Healing Field: Exploring Energy & Consciousness, which features your husband, Ron Lavin & Dr. Bruce Lipton, it inspired you to write your book, The Healing Field: Exceptional Healing Practices to Change Your Life. What is the healing field? 3. Let’s talk i.mmunity. Can you explain how our emotions affect our immun.e systems according to Dr. Candace Pert’s psycho-neuro-immunology research? 4. Right now, there is a robust discussion about c.ovid vacc.ine pass.ports and vacc.ine privileges. There are people in our society who are advised not to get the co.vid vacc.ine such as Co.vid long haulers, people with pre-existing conditions that use prescription drugs that may not mix well with the vacc.ine or lessen their prescription drug’s effectiveness, and others like myself whose doctor advised not to get a flu-type vacc.ine because I had a couple of hours of paralysis in my arm after a flu shot. What are your thoughts on this minority group of people not vacc.inated for co.vid in our society? Would marginalizing unvacc.inated people create a 2-class society? How will the healing field address these two batches of people? 5. For those who choose to get the co.vid vacc.ine and may be worried about possible side effects, what homeopathic solution do you advise to help lessen any vacc.ine side effects? 6. Do you have a last message? For more information about Penny and Ron’s offerings, please visit their website: To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work, visit website below. Theme music, "Promised Land" copyrighted by the composer, Olive Musique, and authorized by Other video sharing sites that don't cen.sor regarding vaxcine, pass.prt, vac privilege discussions are: Creative software subscriptions provided by:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #PennyPriceLavin, #RonLavin, #OneLightHealingTouch, #EnergyMedicineCourses, #DistantEnergyHealing, #HealingField, #Consciousness, #DrCandacePert, #PsychoNeuroImmunologyResearch, #HomeopathicRemedyReduceSideEffects, #DrBruceLipton, #LearnEnergyHealing, #5thDimensionHealing, #5DHealing, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast, #VonGalt, #BuddhismEnergyMedicine, #DrBruceLipton

Walk-In Soul from Sirius Unites Higher & Lower Self w/William Linville01:27:14
Walk-In Soul from Sirius Unites Higher & Lower Self w/William Linville
Merkaba Chakras Podcast – E47
4 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we talk with author, William Linville about how to harmonize our higher self with our lower self so that we manifest the highest expression of universal consciousness within each of us. William, welcome to Merkaba Chakras! Questions: 1. Can you tell us your story about how you got into this work? 2. In Buddhism, we recognize you and others on the path of raising consciousness as Boddhisattvas. What is your mission as a Sirius walk-in soul? 3. Why does it seem that there are so many infinite consciousness people incarnating at this time? 4. Many people understand what the higher self is, but what are the lower levels of self? Ego? Why is it given a bad reputation? 5. In Buddhism, the human experience is a gift and there are long lines in the spirit realms for this physical life. Why do so many people not want to be embodied? 6. What are some things we can do right now to rebuild our DNA and raise our frequency? 7. As humanity recognizes their direct connection to each other and the omnipresent universal consciousness, how will humanity metamorphosize? 8. How can people speak to all these kingdoms directly and receive wisdom? 9. What are the most popular courses and books that you offer on your website? 10. The 2021 Higher Self Expo is on July 17-18. It’s a 24-hour expo featuring 33 speakers, including you. So everyone, go to to sign up. Now, William, what will you be presenting at the expo? 11. Do you have a last message for the builders of the 5th dimension Earth? For more information about Williams’s books, offerings, and courses, please visit his website: To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work, visit website below. Theme music, "Promised Land" copyrighted by the composer, Olive Musique, and authorized by Creative software subscriptions provided by: #WilliamLinville, #WalkInSouls, #HigherSelfExpo2021, #Starseeds, #SiriusSolarSystemSouls, #LifeContracts, #HigherSelf, #EGO, #Tulku, #Buddhism, #Consciousness, #5thDimension, #5DHumanity, #Boddhisattvas, #5DAwakeningAscension, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast, #VonGalt, #DominionOverMatrix, #HolographicMatrix, #InfiniteFrequencies, #MultidimensionalConsciousness, #LightBodies, #BeyondReligion, #Spirituality, #SoulGroups

5D+ Infinite Scalar Light for Distant Energy Healing w/Tom Paladino01:04:50
5D+ Infinite Scalar Light for Distant Energy Healing w/Tom Paladino
Merkaba Chakras Podcast – E46
4 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we discuss the use of Scalar Light or what Nikola Tesla called, “radiant energy from the sun” as a form of distance energy healing. Nikola Tesla was the 1stknown inventor of Scalar Light with the use of the Colorado Springs Tower and the Wardenclyffe Tower, which beamed out free energy. Unfortunately, the banking crisis at the time ceased further funding to complete the projects. I love how there are ever-growing ways to tap into the unconditionally loving Christ Consciousness of the abundant universe. We’re going to learn more about Scalar Light with the inventor, Tom Palatino. Tom, welcome to Merkaba Chakras! Questions: 1. Before we dig into your work. Can you tell us your story about how you got into this work? 2. What is Scalar energy? 3. When someone subscribes to the service and emails a picture of themselves to you, what happens to it? 4. How is the energy used to clean diseases such as the Coronavirus, medical conditions, and recalibrate our aura fields? 5. I sent you a picture of my family, what did your technology pick up in this picture? What results should we expect? 6. What is your most popular program? 7. If a young inventory were to try to recreate a small version of Nikola Tesla’s Scalar towers in their neighborhood, where can they learn more about this? 8. Tom, you also do non-profit relief in Uganda and India. Tell us about those projects? 9. Do you have a last message or suggestions for building a 5th dimension society full? For more information about Tom’s offerings, please visit his company website: To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work, visit website below. Theme music, "Promised Land" copyrighted by the composer, Olive Musique, and authorized by Creative software subscriptions provided by:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #ScalarLightDistantEnergyHealing, #TomPaladino, #NikolaTeslaRadiantEnergy, #ChristConsciousnessEnergyHealing, #HealingCovid19Coronavirus, #EnergyHealingViruses, #EnergyHealingPandemicsEndemics, #5DHealing, #5thDimensionEnergy, #Consciousness, #UniversalSpirituality, #InfiniteConsciousness, #OnenessSourceCode, #SamsaraNirvana, #Buddhism, #MerkabaChakrasPodcast, #VonGalt, #HealingWithinMatrix, #EnergyMedicineForVirusesPathogen