Let's Play - Wings of Vi

Wings of Vi is a challenging 2D platformer in which you play as the angel Vi, tasked with defeating the Demon Lord JehOul after he is freed from captivity. Throughout her journey, she must traverse dangerous worlds and fight countless hellspawn in order to discover where Jeh'Oul lurks and save the world from his demonic clutch. The game takes inspiration from "Megaman", "Cave Story", and "Castlevania", along with a host of masochistic retro platformers, while cutting out the arbitrary difficulty of hidden traps and pixel-perfect jumps in favor of skill based gameplay. The game aims to capture the attention of the same core group of players as its spiritual precursor, "I Wanna be the Boshy", including the hardcore-platformer lovers and the speedrunning community, all while appealing to a broader audience through a variety of difficulty levels and modifiers. #letsplay #wingsofvi #nathansifugamingwingsofvi ----------------------- This Playlist: ----------------------- This BitChute Playlist ► https://www.bitchute.com/hashtag/nathansifugamingwingsofvi/ This YouTube Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLty9ZEcWAtrAaKpXdyQ1l0lQUFGLjmYKw Check out my playlists! ► https://www.youtube.com/NathanSifuHD/playlists Intro / Outro Music: Here's LittleVMills' Epic Metal Cover of U Got That by Halogen https://www.youtube.com/LittleVMills https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8xoV-v1Yl0 ----------------------- Follow me on: ----------------------- Parler ► https://parler.com/profile/nathansifugaming Gab ► http://www.gab.com/NathanSifuGaming Minds ► http://www.minds.com/NathanSifuHD ----------------------- Live Streaming: ----------------------- Youtube ► http://youtube.com/c/nathansifugaming DLive ► https://dlive.tv/NathanSifuGaming cgn.us ► http://www.cgn.us/NathanSifuGaming ----------------------- My Videos on: ----------------------- BitChute ► https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nathansifugaming/ Odysee / LBRY ► https://odysee.com/@nathansifugaming:8 / https://lbry.tv/@nathansifugaming:8 FruitLab ► https://fruitlab.com/channel/EY1Ek3sEc9uTrxwC Rumble ► https://rumble.com/c/c-333715 cgn.us ► http://www.cgn.us/NathanSifuGaming BitTube ► https://bittube.tv/profile/NathanSifuGaming D.Tube ► https://d.tube/#!/c/nathansifugaming ----------------------- Support Links: ----------------------- Donate some PIPS on Fruitlab ► https://fruitlab.com/channel/EY1Ek3sEc9uTrxwC Donate some LBC to my Odysee/LBRY ► https://odysee.com/@nathansifugaming:8 "Like" one of my D.Tube Videos. ► https://d.tube/#!/c/nathansifugaming All Playlists (steemit page link) ► https://steemit.com/letsplay/@nathansifugaming/nathansifugaming-let-s-play-playlists-links I have a merch store, T-Shirts, Hoodies, Mugs, Waterbottles, Phone cases, and More https://shop.spreadshirt.com/NathanSifuGaming All My Links ► https://tapmybio.com/nathansifugaming wings of vi BLIND,Wings of Vi,Wings,Vi,WOV,Let's play Wings of Vi,Lets play Wings of Vi,lp Wings of Vi,Let's play,Lets play,Walkthrough,Playthrough,Rubi,Ira,bosses,I wanna be the Boshy,anime,cute,sexy,sexy angles,wings of vi demons,wings of vi succubus,customize character,gaming,steemgc,indiegames,wingsofvi

Let's Play Wings of Vi! A Retro Style Action Platformer! BLIND playthrough/walkthrough! Wings of Vi is a challenging 2D platformer in which you play as the angel Vi, tasked with defeating the Demon Lord JehOul after he is freed from captivity. Throughout her journey she must traverse dangerous worlds and fight countless hellspawn in order to discover where Jeh'Oul lurks and save the world from his demonic clutch. The game takes inspiration from "Megaman", "Cave Story", and "Castlevania", along with a host of masochistic retro platformers, while cutting out the arbitrary difficulty of hidden traps and pixel-perfect jumps in favor of skill based gameplay. The game aims to capture the attention of the same core group of players as its spiritual precursor, "I Wanna be the Boshy", including the hardcore-platformer lovers and the speedrunning community, all while appealing to a broader audience through a variety of difficulty levels and modifiers. #letsplay #wingsofvi #nathansifugamingwingsofvi ----------------------- This Playlist: ----------------------- This BitChute Playlist ► https://www.bitchute.com/hashtag/nathansifugamingwingsofvi/ This YouTube Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLty9ZEcWAtrAaKpXdyQ1l0lQUFGLjmYKw Check out my playlists! ► https://www.youtube.com/NathanSifuHD/playlists Intro / Outro Music: Here's LittleVMills' Epic Metal Cover of U Got That by Halogen https://www.youtube.com/LittleVMills https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8xoV-v1Yl0 ----------------------- Follow me on: ----------------------- Gab ► http://www.gab.com/NathanSifuGaming Minds ► http://www.minds.com/NathanSifuHD Parler ► https://parler.com/profile/nathansifugaming ----------------------- Live Streaming: ----------------------- DLive ► https://dlive.tv/NathanSifuGaming Mixer ► http://www.mixer.com/NathanSifuGaming cgn.us ► http://www.cgn.us/NathanSifuGaming ----------------------- My Videos on: ----------------------- BitChute ► https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nathansifugaming/ Odysee / LBRY ► https://odysee.com/@nathansifugaming:8 / https://lbry.tv/@nathansifugaming:8 D.Tube ► https://d.tube/#!/c/nathansifugaming cgn.us ► http://www.cgn.us/NathanSifuGaming FruitLab ► https://fruitlab.com/channel/EY1Ek3sEc9uTrxwC ----------------------- Support Links: ----------------------- Donate some PIPS on Fruitlab ► https://fruitlab.com/channel/EY1Ek3sEc9uTrxwC Donate some LBC to my LBRY ► https://lbry.tv/@nathansifugaming:8 "Like" one of my D.Tube Videos. ► https://d.tube/#!/c/nathansifugaming All Playlists (steemit page link) ► https://steemit.com/letsplay/@nathansifugaming/nathansifugaming-let-s-play-playlists-links I have a merch store, T-Shirts, Hoodies, Mugs, Waterbottles, Phone cases, and More https://shop.spreadshirt.com/NathanSifuGaming All My Links ► https://tapmybio.com/nathansifugaming wings of vi BLIND,Wings of Vi,Wings,Vi,WOV,Let's play Wings of Vi,Lets play Wings of Vi,lp Wings of Vi,Let's play,Lets play,Walkthrough,Playthrough,Rubi,Ira,bosses,I wanna be the Boshy,anime,cute,sexy,sexy angles,wings of vi demons,wings of vi succubus,customize character,gaming,steemgc,indiegames,wingsofvi

Wings of Vi is a challenging 2D platformer in which you play as the angel Vi, tasked with defeating the Demon Lord JehOul after he is freed from captivity. Throughout her journey she must traverse dangerous worlds and fight countless hellspawn in order to discover where Jeh'Oul lurks and save the world from his demonic clutch. The game takes inspiration from "Megaman", "Cave Story", and "Castlevania", along with a host of masochistic retro platformers, while cutting out the arbitrary difficulty of hidden traps and pixel-perfect jumps in favor of skill based gameplay. The game aims to capture the attention of the same core group of players as its spiritual precursor, "I Wanna be the Boshy", including the hardcore-platformer lovers and the speedrunning community, all while appealing to a broader audience through a variety of difficulty levels and modifiers. #letsplay #wingsofvi #nathansifugamingwingsofvi --- This Playlist: This BitChute Playlist ► https://www.bitchute.com/hashtag/nathansifugamingwingsofvi/ This YouTube Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLty9ZEcWAtrAaKpXdyQ1l0lQUFGLjmYKw Check out my playlists! ► https://www.youtube.com/NathanSifuHD/playlists Intro / Outro Music: Here's LittleVMills' Epic Metal Cover of U Got That by Halogen https://www.youtube.com/LittleVMills https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8xoV-v1Yl0 --- Follow me on: Gab ► http://www.gab.com/NathanSifuGaming Minds ► http://www.minds.com/NathanSifuHD Parler ► https://parler.com/profile/nathansifugaming --- Live Streaming: DLive ► https://dlive.tv/NathanSifuGaming Mixer ► http://www.mixer.com/NathanSifuGaming cgn.us ► http://www.cgn.us/NathanSifuGaming --- My Videos on: BitChute ► https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nathansifugaming/ Odysee / LBRY ► https://odysee.com/@nathansifugaming:8 / https://lbry.tv/@nathansifugaming:8 D.Tube ► https://d.tube/#!/c/nathansifugaming cgn.us ► http://www.cgn.us/NathanSifuGaming FruitLab ► https://fruitlab.com/channel/EY1Ek3sEc9uTrxwC --- Support Links: Donate some PIPS on Fruitlab ► https://fruitlab.com/channel/EY1Ek3sEc9uTrxwC Donate some LBC to my LBRY ► https://lbry.tv/@nathansifugaming:8 "Like" one of my D.Tube Videos. ► https://d.tube/#!/c/nathansifugaming I have a merch store, T-Shirts, Hoodies, Mugs, Waterbottles, Phone cases, and More https://shop.spreadshirt.com/NathanSifuGaming All My Links ► https://tapmybio.com/nathansifugaming

Wings of Vi is a challenging 2D platformer in which you play as the angel Vi, tasked with defeating the Demon Lord JehOul after he is freed from captivity. Throughout her journey she must traverse dangerous worlds and fight countless hellspawn in order to discover where Jeh'Oul lurks and save the world from his demonic clutch. The game takes inspiration from "Megaman", "Cave Story", and "Castlevania", along with a host of masochistic retro platformers, while cutting out the arbitrary difficulty of hidden traps and pixel-perfect jumps in favor of skill based gameplay. The game aims to capture the attention of the same core group of players as its spiritual precursor, "I Wanna be the Boshy", including the hardcore-platformer lovers and the speedrunning community, all while appealing to a broader audience through a variety of difficulty levels and modifiers. #letsplay #wingsofvi #nathansifugamingwingsofvi --- This Playlist: This BitChute Playlist ► https://www.bitchute.com/hashtag/nathansifugamingwingsofvi/ Intro / Outro Music: Here's LittleVMills' Epic Metal Cover of U Got That by Halogen https://www.youtube.com/LittleVMills https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8xoV-v1Yl0 --- Follow me on: Gab ► http://www.gab.com/NathanSifuGaming Minds ► http://www.minds.com/NathanSifuHD Parler ► https://parler.com/profile/nathansifugaming --- Live Streaming: DLive ► https://dlive.tv/NathanSifuGaming Mixer ► http://www.mixer.com/NathanSifuGaming cgn.us ► http://www.cgn.us/NathanSifuGaming --- My Videos on: BitChute ► https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nathansifugaming/ Odysee / LBRY ► https://odysee.com/@nathansifugaming:8 / https://lbry.tv/@nathansifugaming:8 D.Tube ► https://d.tube/#!/c/nathansifugaming cgn.us ► http://www.cgn.us/NathanSifuGaming FruitLab ► https://fruitlab.com/channel/EY1Ek3sEc9uTrxwC --- Support Links: Donate some PIPS on Fruitlab ► https://fruitlab.com/channel/EY1Ek3sEc9uTrxwC Donate some LBC to my LBRY ► https://lbry.tv/@nathansifugaming:8 "Like" one of my D.Tube Videos. ► https://d.tube/#!/c/nathansifugaming Buy from my Merch store ► https://shop.spreadshirt.com/NathanSifuGaming

Wings of Vi is a challenging 2D platformer in which you play as the angel Vi, tasked with defeating the Demon Lord JehOul after he is freed from captivity. Throughout her journey she must traverse dangerous worlds and fight countless hellspawn in order to discover where Jeh'Oul lurks and save the world from his demonic clutch. The game takes inspiration from "Megaman", "Cave Story", and "Castlevania", along with a host of masochistic retro platformers, while cutting out the arbitrary difficulty of hidden traps and pixel-perfect jumps in favor of skill based gameplay. The game aims to capture the attention of the same core group of players as its spiritual precursor, "I Wanna be the Boshy", including the hardcore-platformer lovers and the speedrunning community, all while appealing to a broader audience through a variety of difficulty levels and modifiers. #letsplay #wingsofvi #nathansifugamingwingsofvi --- This Playlist: This BitChute Playlist ► https://www.bitchute.com/hashtag/nathansifugamingwingsofvi/ Intro / Outro Music: Here's LittleVMills' Epic Metal Cover of U Got That by Halogen https://www.youtube.com/LittleVMills https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8xoV-v1Yl0 --- Follow me on: Gab ► http://www.gab.com/NathanSifuGaming Minds ► http://www.minds.com/NathanSifuHD Parler ► https://parler.com/profile/nathansifugaming --- Live Streaming: DLive ► https://dlive.tv/NathanSifuGaming Mixer ► http://www.mixer.com/NathanSifuGaming cgn.us ► http://www.cgn.us/NathanSifuGaming --- My Videos on: BitChute ► https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nathansifugaming/ Odysee / LBRY ► https://odysee.com/@nathansifugaming:8 / https://lbry.tv/@nathansifugaming:8 D.Tube ► https://d.tube/#!/c/nathansifugaming cgn.us ► http://www.cgn.us/NathanSifuGaming FruitLab ► https://fruitlab.com/channel/EY1Ek3sEc9uTrxwC --- Support Links: Donate some PIPS on Fruitlab ► https://fruitlab.com/channel/EY1Ek3sEc9uTrxwC Donate some LBC to my LBRY ► https://lbry.tv/@nathansifugaming:8 "Like" one of my D.Tube Videos. ► https://d.tube/#!/c/nathansifugaming Buy from my Merch store ► https://shop.spreadshirt.com/NathanSifuGaming I have a merch store, T-Shirts, Hoodies, Mugs, Waterbottles, Phone cases, and More https://shop.spreadshirt.com/NathanSifuGaming All My Links ► https://tapmybio.com/nathansifugaming Let's Play Wings of Vi! A Retro Style Action Platformer! BLIND playthrough/walkthrough!

Wings of Vi is a challenging 2D platformer in which you play as the angel Vi, tasked with defeating the Demon Lord JehOul after he is freed from captivity. Throughout her journey she must traverse dangerous worlds and fight countless hellspawn in order to discover where Jeh'Oul lurks and save the world from his demonic clutch. The game takes inspiration from "Megaman", "Cave Story", and "Castlevania", along with a host of masochistic retro platformers, while cutting out the arbitrary difficulty of hidden traps and pixel-perfect jumps in favor of skill based gameplay. The game aims to capture the attention of the same core group of players as its spiritual precursor, "I Wanna be the Boshy", including the hardcore-platformer lovers and the speedrunning community, all while appealing to a broader audience through a variety of difficulty levels and modifiers. #letsplay #wingsofvi #nathansifugamingwingsofvi --- This Playlist: This BitChute Playlist ► https://www.bitchute.com/hashtag/nathansifugamingwingsofvi/ Intro / Outro Music: Here's LittleVMills' Epic Metal Cover of U Got That by Halogen https://www.youtube.com/LittleVMills https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8xoV-v1Yl0 --- Follow me on: Gab ► http://www.gab.com/NathanSifuGaming Minds ► http://www.minds.com/NathanSifuHD Parler ► https://parler.com/profile/nathansifugaming --- Live Streaming: DLive ► https://dlive.tv/NathanSifuGaming Mixer ► http://www.mixer.com/NathanSifuGaming cgn.us ► http://www.cgn.us/NathanSifuGaming --- My Videos on: BitChute ► https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nathansifugaming/ Odysee / LBRY ► https://odysee.com/@nathansifugaming:8 / https://lbry.tv/@nathansifugaming:8 D.Tube ► https://d.tube/#!/c/nathansifugaming cgn.us ► http://www.cgn.us/NathanSifuGaming FruitLab ► https://fruitlab.com/channel/EY1Ek3sEc9uTrxwC --- Support Links: Donate some PIPS on Fruitlab ► https://fruitlab.com/channel/EY1Ek3sEc9uTrxwC Donate some LBC to my LBRY ► https://lbry.tv/@nathansifugaming:8 "Like" one of my D.Tube Videos. ► https://d.tube/#!/c/nathansifugaming Buy from my Merch store ► https://shop.spreadshirt.com/NathanSifuGaming I have a merch store, T-Shirts, Hoodies, Mugs, Waterbottles, Phone cases, and More https://shop.spreadshirt.com/NathanSifuGaming All My Links ► https://tapmybio.com/nathansifugaming Let's Play Wings of Vi! A Retro Style Action Platformer! BLIND playthrough/walkthrough!

Wings of Vi is a challenging 2D platformer in which you play as the angel Vi, tasked with defeating the Demon Lord JehOul after he is freed from captivity. Throughout her journey she must traverse dangerous worlds and fight countless hellspawn in order to discover where Jeh'Oul lurks and save the world from his demonic clutch. The game takes inspiration from "Megaman", "Cave Story", and "Castlevania", along with a host of masochistic retro platformers, while cutting out the arbitrary difficulty of hidden traps and pixel-perfect jumps in favor of skill based gameplay. The game aims to capture the attention of the same core group of players as its spiritual precursor, "I Wanna be the Boshy", including the hardcore-platformer lovers and the speedrunning community, all while appealing to a broader audience through a variety of difficulty levels and modifiers. #letsplay #wingsofvi #nathansifugamingwingsofvi --- This Playlist: This BitChute Playlist ► https://www.bitchute.com/hashtag/nathansifugamingwingsofvi/ Intro / Outro Music: Here's LittleVMills' Epic Metal Cover of U Got That by Halogen https://www.youtube.com/LittleVMills https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8xoV-v1Yl0 --- Follow me on: Gab ► http://www.gab.com/NathanSifuGaming Minds ► http://www.minds.com/NathanSifuHD Parler ► https://parler.com/profile/nathansifugaming --- Live Streaming: DLive ► https://dlive.tv/NathanSifuGaming Mixer ► http://www.mixer.com/NathanSifuGaming cgn.us ► http://www.cgn.us/NathanSifuGaming --- My Videos on: BitChute ► https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nathansifugaming/ Odysee / LBRY ► https://odysee.com/@nathansifugaming:8 / https://lbry.tv/@nathansifugaming:8 D.Tube ► https://d.tube/#!/c/nathansifugaming cgn.us ► http://www.cgn.us/NathanSifuGaming FruitLab ► https://fruitlab.com/channel/EY1Ek3sEc9uTrxwC --- Support Links: Donate some PIPS on Fruitlab ► https://fruitlab.com/channel/EY1Ek3sEc9uTrxwC Donate some LBC to my LBRY ► https://lbry.tv/@nathansifugaming:8 "Like" one of my D.Tube Videos. ► https://d.tube/#!/c/nathansifugaming Buy from my Merch store ► https://shop.spreadshirt.com/NathanSifuGaming I have a merch store, T-Shirts, Hoodies, Mugs, Waterbottles, Phone cases, and More https://shop.spreadshirt.com/NathanSifuGaming All My Links ► https://tapmybio.com/nathansifugaming Let's Play Wings of Vi! A Retro Style Action Platformer! BLIND playthrough/walkthrough!

Wings of Vi is a challenging 2D platformer in which you play as the angel Vi, tasked with defeating the Demon Lord JehOul after he is freed from captivity. Throughout her journey she must traverse dangerous worlds and fight countless hellspawn in order to discover where Jeh'Oul lurks and save the world from his demonic clutch. The game takes inspiration from "Megaman", "Cave Story", and "Castlevania", along with a host of masochistic retro platformers, while cutting out the arbitrary difficulty of hidden traps and pixel-perfect jumps in favor of skill based gameplay. The game aims to capture the attention of the same core group of players as its spiritual precursor, "I Wanna be the Boshy", including the hardcore-platformer lovers and the speedrunning community, all while appealing to a broader audience through a variety of difficulty levels and modifiers. #letsplay #wingsofvi #nathansifugamingwingsofvi --- This Playlist: This BitChute Playlist ► https://www.bitchute.com/hashtag/nathansifugamingwingsofvi/ Intro / Outro Music: Here's LittleVMills' Epic Metal Cover of U Got That by Halogen https://www.youtube.com/LittleVMills https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8xoV-v1Yl0 --- Follow me on: Gab ► http://www.gab.com/NathanSifuGaming Minds ► http://www.minds.com/NathanSifuHD Parler ► https://parler.com/profile/nathansifugaming --- Live Streaming: DLive ► https://dlive.tv/NathanSifuGaming Mixer ► http://www.mixer.com/NathanSifuGaming cgn.us ► http://www.cgn.us/NathanSifuGaming --- My Videos on: BitChute ► https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nathansifugaming/ Odysee / LBRY ► https://odysee.com/@nathansifugaming:8 / https://lbry.tv/@nathansifugaming:8 D.Tube ► https://d.tube/#!/c/nathansifugaming cgn.us ► http://www.cgn.us/NathanSifuGaming FruitLab ► https://fruitlab.com/channel/EY1Ek3sEc9uTrxwC --- Support Links: Donate some PIPS on Fruitlab ► https://fruitlab.com/channel/EY1Ek3sEc9uTrxwC Donate some LBC to my LBRY ► https://lbry.tv/@nathansifugaming:8 "Like" one of my D.Tube Videos. ► https://d.tube/#!/c/nathansifugaming I have a merch store, T-Shirts, Hoodies, Mugs, Waterbottles, Phone cases, and More https://shop.spreadshirt.com/NathanSifuGaming All My Links ► https://tapmybio.com/nathansifugaming Let's Play Wings of Vi! A Retro Style Action Platformer! BLIND playthrough/walkthrough!

Wings of Vi is a challenging 2D platformer in which you play as the angel Vi, tasked with defeating the Demon Lord JehOul after he is freed from captivity. Throughout her journey she must traverse dangerous worlds and fight countless hellspawn in order to discover where Jeh'Oul lurks and save the world from his demonic clutch. The game takes inspiration from "Megaman", "Cave Story", and "Castlevania", along with a host of masochistic retro platformers, while cutting out the arbitrary difficulty of hidden traps and pixel-perfect jumps in favor of skill based gameplay. The game aims to capture the attention of the same core group of players as its spiritual precursor, "I Wanna be the Boshy", including the hardcore-platformer lovers and the speedrunning community, all while appealing to a broader audience through a variety of difficulty levels and modifiers. #letsplay #wingsofvi #nathansifugamingwingsofvi --- This Playlist: This BitChute Playlist ►https://www.bitchute.com/hashtag/nathansifugamingwingsofvi/ Intro / Outro Music: Here's LittleVMills' Epic Metal Cover of U Got That by Halogen https://www.youtube.com/LittleVMills https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8xoV-v1Yl0 --- Follow me on: Gab ► http://www.gab.com/NathanSifuGaming Minds ► http://www.minds.com/NathanSifuHD Parler ► https://parler.com/profile/nathansifugaming --- Live Streaming: DLive ► https://dlive.tv/NathanSifuGaming Mixer ► http://www.mixer.com/NathanSifuGaming cgn.us ► http://www.cgn.us/NathanSifuGaming --- My Videos on: BitChute ► https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nathansifugaming/ Odysee / LBRY ► https://odysee.com/@nathansifugaming:8 / https://lbry.tv/@nathansifugaming:8 D.Tube ► https://d.tube/#!/c/nathansifugaming cgn.us ► http://www.cgn.us/NathanSifuGaming FruitLab ► https://fruitlab.com/channel/EY1Ek3sEc9uTrxwC --- Support Links: Donate some PIPS on Fruitlab ► https://fruitlab.com/channel/EY1Ek3sEc9uTrxwC Donate some LBC to my LBRY ► https://lbry.tv/@nathansifugaming:8 "Like" one of my D.Tube Videos. ► https://d.tube/#!/c/nathansifugaming I have a merch store, T-Shirts, Hoodies, Mugs, Waterbottles, Phone cases, and More https://shop.spreadshirt.com/NathanSifuGaming All My Links ► https://tapmybio.com/nathansifugaming Let's Play Wings of Vi! A Retro Style Action Platformer! BLIND playthrough/walkthrough!

Wings of Vi is a challenging 2D platformer in which you play as the angel Vi, tasked with defeating the Demon Lord JehOul after he is freed from captivity. Throughout her journey she must traverse dangerous worlds and fight countless hellspawn in order to discover where Jeh'Oul lurks and save the world from his demonic clutch. The game takes inspiration from "Megaman", "Cave Story", and "Castlevania", along with a host of masochistic retro platformers, while cutting out the arbitrary difficulty of hidden traps and pixel-perfect jumps in favor of skill based gameplay. The game aims to capture the attention of the same core group of players as its spiritual precursor, "I Wanna be the Boshy", including the hardcore-platformer lovers and the speedrunning community, all while appealing to a broader audience through a variety of difficulty levels and modifiers. #letsplay #wingsofvi #nathansifugamingwingsofvi --- This Playlist: This BitChute Playlist ►https://www.bitchute.com/hashtag/nathansifugamingwingsofvi/ Intro / Outro Music: Here's LittleVMills' Epic Metal Cover of U Got That by Halogen https://www.youtube.com/LittleVMills https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8xoV-v1Yl0 --- Follow me on: Gab ► http://www.gab.com/NathanSifuGaming Minds ► http://www.minds.com/NathanSifuHD Parler ► https://parler.com/profile/nathansifugaming --- Live Streaming: DLive ► https://dlive.tv/NathanSifuGaming Mixer ► http://www.mixer.com/NathanSifuGaming cgn.us ► http://www.cgn.us/NathanSifuGaming --- My Videos on: BitChute ► https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nathansifugaming/ Odysee / LBRY ► https://odysee.com/@nathansifugaming:8 / https://lbry.tv/@nathansifugaming:8 D.Tube ► https://d.tube/#!/c/nathansifugaming cgn.us ► http://www.cgn.us/NathanSifuGaming FruitLab ► https://fruitlab.com/channel/EY1Ek3sEc9uTrxwC --- Support Links: Donate some PIPS on Fruitlab ► https://fruitlab.com/channel/EY1Ek3sEc9uTrxwC Donate some LBC to my LBRY ► https://lbry.tv/@nathansifugaming:8 "Like" one of my D.Tube Videos. ► https://d.tube/#!/c/nathansifugaming I have a merch store, T-Shirts, Hoodies, Mugs, Waterbottles, Phone cases, and More https://shop.spreadshirt.com/NathanSifuGaming All My Links ► https://tapmybio.com/nathansifugaming Let's Play Wings of Vi! A Retro Style Action Platformer! BLIND playthrough/walkthrough!