Nerf Blaster Reviews
Reviews of all the Nerf blasters I've done.

This is a rather decent-ish blaster that performs decently, still the scope from this blaster would look sick on the Nerf Fortnite BASR-L. Support My Other Channels: 3D Printing Channel: 3DFreshDesigns Gaming Channel: DuoBrosGaming Vlog Channel: BreakingNGR331 Sports Channel: Broome Tioga Boces Special Olympics Support NerfGunReviewer331: Facebook Page: Patreon Page:

I was very hesitant about buying one or any of the 2.0 line of blasters. However, the Warden DB-8 (reminds me of a re-skin of the Rough Cut 2x4) seems like a decent blaster for beginners and starters.

I had to make a "Long arm" joke. But all in all, this blaster is pretty decent and the color scheme is very well done.

I'm kinda impressed with the Trio 2.0 blaster as it's easy for anyone to pick up and use with ease, the performance is pretty good as well.

This is a really good blaster, however the scope is virtually impossible to see through (I would prefer iron sights instead). Aside from that, everything checks out.

The HammerStorm blaster has a different and yet somewhat similar design (I'm thinking either hammershot or doublestrike). Bonus points for the barrel attachment add-on. Mine preforms well, very accurate over short or medium distances.

I personally love this blaster for it's lightweight design and its firepower. Performance is greatly improved compared to various nerf blasters like the Rayven CS-18.

"I honestly don't remember the original Element EX-6 being this powerful." I think they upgraded the internals for this blaster or for just the ICON Series. Either way, it's has come a long way.

The only reason why I got this Fortnite blaster was to review it. I personally don't like the game as much and that's all I'll say for that.

I love this blaster, interesting concept and uniquely different than most. For the range test, I measured from the tripod to the end of the tape was approx. 50 feet.

An interesting design by using shotgun shells in a pistol form.

Looks can be deceiving, this blaster definitely caught me off-guard as far as performance goes.

Interesting design, I don't like the dart storage idea in the stock and it's bigger than I imagined.

Powerful starter pistol for cheap, Practically anyone could pick it up and adjust quickly.

This, I think, is one of the cooler blaster from the Alpha Strike series, again with the detachable shells.

Interesting design and still has the detachable shells...

Another Jolt variant... With what looks like, detachable shells?

The "speed loading technology" is soooo unique and unheard of, for me at least. Still a unique and amazing blaster from Nerf.

I don't know why I was hesitant on buying this blaster, but I really love it that I did.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn modifications on Nerf blasters. It's very well detailed and provides a crap-ton of information in many of it's chapters. It has certainly helped me out. To explain the "range" test, just something goofy I remembered from a youtuber reviewing the Nerf dash button that amazon offered lol. You can buy the book on his amazon. Link: