Modern Weapons

Largely because of it's unique style the Whitney .22 pistol is a great favorite of collectors, which sadly places it beyond the reach of mere mortals like myself. Fortunately a new production version was made, and through the good offices of a Channel Benefactor I was able to get my hands on one.

A micro-9 with a 1911 manual of arms? Sounds perfect for me. But is it?

Interesting yes. Innovative? Arguably. Useful? Perhaps. Cool? Definitely.

A quick review, but anything I say here would be spoilers.

Despite the fact that working around all of the safeties on this little gun is a bit like doing a Chinese puzzle-box these are a solid and pretty good budget pistol.

Sometimes good is good enough. You don't need to be rich to be suitably well-equipped.

The HP22 can be a little tricky to reassemble. This suggestion may help.