Quick update & Playeur Comment/Profile System Issue
1 year ago
New videos Fri & Sat but disappointed in Playeur's comment & profile system. I'm also on yt where I post other random videos (shorts, etc). Please feel free to comment here on Playeur or over on YouTube but understand that sometimes I don't know when people comment on Playeur (see below).
Comment System:
One issue I have with Playeur is that their comment system doesn't work the way it should. Whenever someone comments on one of my videos or posts, I am not notified that the comment exists unless I go into my dashboard (which I don't do every time I visit the platform. If someone does comment on something and I respond, they in turn, have no idea I have commented back.
I remember commenting on someone's video and asked a question but they never said anything. I checked a couple of times but now... quite a while later... I have no idea what that video was and cannot find it. So if they have commented back... I will never know!
So Playeur has not figured out a way to make the site feel like a community where people can talk to one another via videos or posts. On YouTube, when someone comments, I get an email. Then, when I log in, it shows I have messages. Then, if I comment back, I get another notification. In other words, I can have conversations.
If I'm unable to see that someone has commented and they assume I'm ignoring them, why on earth would they ever subscribe to my channel and pay money to be ignored? Just say'n.
This is a major issue for me and I'm guessing there are a lot of others wondering why everyone is ignoring their comments. I've commented back to people who said something about my videos and I have no idea if they ever saw it because none of them have said anything back.
All of this is a bummer because I came to Playeur with the goal of leaving YouTube and I really like the upload feature, etc. It's this comment thing that's really making me question if it's worth uploading videos to the site unless the goal is to simply have an online backup of what I put on YouTube.
Profile System:
For some bizarre reason, Playeur does not make it easy to find someone's video channel via their profile. If you click on my profile, you will not find my two channels. I literally had to list them in my profile details so people could search for my work. So if any of my followers have a channel with videos, I have no idea because there is no link in their profile. Why would they do that? What if I want to see their videos or follow their channel? I literally can't do it.