Flock Two, Year 1

33 videos

This flock was born on May 9, 2023. Take a trip down memory lane as they grow from chick to hen.

Chicken Run Flood - Murphy's Law Hits07:48
Chicken Run Flood - Murphy's Law Hits
1 year ago

Not long after building the chicken run extension, I came out one morning to find the ground saturated with water yet nothing above the ground was wet... just the ground. You got it... we hit it... and now we gotta fix it! I've added in some more calming moments with the chickens so this video isn't one big "OMG" moment which is what it felt like at the time. At the end is a quick preview of the upcoming chick-hen-integration video. Music by: https://www.bensound.com/free-music-for-videos License code: LI7JKX1LJGYOHQI0 #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

A Chicken Named Popcorn07:35
A Chicken Named Popcorn
1 year ago

We are getting close to integrating the pullets with the hens. This is one of their last few days living without them and we're hanging out in the sumac forest and wandering around the yard. This is a few days after re-homing Gizmo on a farm and I spent a little time talking about the guy's setup and how it felt to be a little "last minute" in my opinion. I also explain the story of how we got Popcorn and my sudden realization on how to tell the difference between Starla and Cleo! What a relief! Music: https://www.bensound.com/free-music-for-videos License code: F5290CV7SFH40CLM #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

Taking Care of Three Chicken Flocks10:47
Taking Care of Three Chicken Flocks
1 year ago

We are discussing expanding the chicken run before blending the two flocks. I just don't believe it's big enough the way it is! I was tasked with taking care of my neighbor's flock again which makes the total flock watch at three. Sweepy (Sweet Pea) loves to chase birds and I finally caught her on camera! I tried to find a used dog kennel on Craigslist and other places but none of them were what I wanted to spend. Sweepy also loves high places and she's the one to watch... don't want her in the neighbor's yard! Taking care of two flocks is stressful enough but three just about did it for me after the week was over. When I say stressful, I don't mean I was giving up or angry... just so much to do and consider and discover. I've thought about creating 'how to' videos for chickens but just haven't gotten around to it. I'm still not sure if I'll do it because I get so angry when YouTube puts ads on my videos when I have under 200 subs and they aren't going to pay me for interrupting my videos that people are trying to watch! Music by https://www.bensound.com/free-music-for-videos License code: F0TFMDSJ0A98XSQJ #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

Cockerel in the Pullet House - Rooster Named Gizmo29:23
Cockerel in the Pullet House - Rooster Named Gizmo
1 year ago

I purchased 6 pullets but one turned out to be a cockerel. This video takes us from discovery to adjustment to decision to reflection on what I've learned. Gizmo is an Ameraucana chicken that I purchased as a pullet but turned out to be a cockerel. He started crowing at 7 weeks old and there were some good learning moments and some I didn't really love. After a lot of soul searching and honest talk with myself, I decided it would be best to find him a new home. I was worried what response I would get locally since there were so many people with unexpected roosters this year. After posting a very cute ad on Craigslist, I heard from a local farmer looking for a young rooster of Gizmo's breed. It was a perfect match up! If you're interested in the journey, please watch the whole video. You can always skip to certain sections but this video is crammed with some cool moments. After putting all of the video clips into the video maker, I had over 3.5 hours to pick through and miraculously I was able to get this final cut below 30 minutes! Music I use: https://www.bensound.com License code: J2BLSIZDP9JG4F9T #cockerel #RaisingChickens #rooster

Guess the Cockerel | French Cleat for Crates09:52
Guess the Cockerel | French Cleat for Crates
1 year ago

One of these things is not like the other. That's right... I have a cockerel in my flock. Can you guess who it is? Those who know chickens certainly can. The video coming out after this one tells the story of my accidental cockerel/rooster and what I ultimately did with him (keep or re-home). Michael modified two wooden crates I purchased using a French Cleat. He cut a 2x4 and attached part of it to the back of the chicken coop and the other half to the crates. This system is awesome because it means I can remove the crates to clean or adjust them. We added a removable small roof as well. Sweepy (Sweet Pea) got on my back again and then Angel decided to copy her. So much fun with chickens. I spent a little time in my forest made of Sumac. I do love how quick it grows! Music by: https://www.bensound.com License code: 4SSVG9RTHJSSFGRX #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens #frenchcleat

Using Cat Litter Boxes as Chicken Nesting Boxes14:41
Using Cat Litter Boxes as Chicken Nesting Boxes
1 year ago

We don't get wind all the time but when we do... it blows!! Got to 35 mph wind gusts. Looks like we need to fix our fence sooner than anticipated because the winds will only get worse as the season progresses. I filmed myself and had to laugh because the wind was blowing my hair into my face and it really caused a hysterical reaction. Just so much going on... I might be going crazy. ;-) The chicks get their first taste of zucchini and cherry tomatoes and even get to eat out of a giant bowl of chicken feed! Later they get into the hen's run and spend some time on their perches. I also decided to try some old cat boxes for their outside nesting boxes for the hot weather times. They worked great but I think I really like the cat/dog carrier because it is more stable (heavy) and doesn't move plus there's not lip for them to climb over. Finally, I was walking passed the potato plants when I realized they are ready for harvest. Music by Bensound License code: VSEPFNY6SZQ2OR7E #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

Too Frick'n Hot for Chickens15:36
Too Frick'n Hot for Chickens
1 year ago

I'm not cut out for this! Once upon a time I liked hot weather but now it make me anxious, nauseous, and angry... and maybe a tad dramatic. In this video I discuss experimenting to keep the chickens cool while not completely melting myself. Coop modification, full setup, and chickens. Miss Cloud has lost all her eyebrows (lol) and they love the compost! They love worms but it's so hot the worms are buried deep in the ground. So they actually ate some pill bugs. I added a box fan to the chicken coop to try and pull the hot air out through the window. Parkour Chick seemed over heated but got over it after she finally laid her egg. Turned on the water mister system for a couple hours and poured water on the ground for them to stand in. I added some nesting boxes under the coop like I did last year. These two are not the ultimate ones I used because they were a bit lame. I ended up using a dog carrier and cat litter boxes. Much better. We added some additional rungs to the chicken lamp/ladder which is way better! They were sliding between them before we made this improvement. Because everything seems so complicated, I did a little 'documentary' of my setup to beat the heat! Music by Bensound License code: YJANHGSQUFRVDBCZ #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

Training Pullets to Perch Outside, Maybe12:14
Training Pullets to Perch Outside, Maybe
1 year ago

I am attempting to get my newest young chickens to perch outside (inside the chicken run). It might not work because they are only 10 weeks old or so while the original flock was several months old when I trained them. Music I Use: Bensound.com/free-music-for-videos License code: EDLB3NYLZYNPGHXU #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

Chickens in the Backyard Forest09:18
Chickens in the Backyard Forest
1 year ago

I spent some quiet time in the forest with the chickens contemplating raising chickens and dealing with changes. Thoughts and revelations. Hold out until the end... lol Music: bensound.com License code: O6HQEZMTGB6LIN25 #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

My Chickens Love Kale and Cuddles11:59
My Chickens Love Kale and Cuddles
1 year ago

Getting ready for the heat wave! Looking at 100 degree days and I'm creating shade and thinking of new ideas. Popcorn decided to cuddle with me and the hens love kale! Music: https://www.bensound.com License code: PNED3HIBO0LEUUQD #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

Hens Not So Sure About the Chicks16:45
Hens Not So Sure About the Chicks
1 year ago

More time out in the yard with the hens and chicks. Cute little chicken chase and a bit of scolding. Music I Use: Bensound.com/free-music-for-videos License code: X55KPFDNEVBNZXE4 #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

Seven Week Old Chickens Enjoying Life13:53
Seven Week Old Chickens Enjoying Life
1 year ago

This week went by fast! The chicks spent time outside with the hens (sort of) and I spent time with them in their coop on a windy afternoon. New feed, checked on my neighbor's chickens, and watched the chicks try to dust bathe. Music by Bensound License code: 3FWX6U4M2XLXGIYM #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

Hens Finding Worms in All the Wrong Places11:23
Hens Finding Worms in All the Wrong Places
2 years ago

Michael spent time moving sod while the chickens 'helped'! Royalty Free Music: Bensound.com License code: ZDADLI9XRI34J9S2 #Chickens #Humor #BackyardChickens #raisingchickens

Baby Chicks Can Be a Bit Jumpy11:27
Baby Chicks Can Be a Bit Jumpy
2 years ago

All six chicks are living in their own coop outside and they are about 5 weeks old now. I am lucky enough to film one of the cutest moments of Popcorn as well as Sweet Pea & Gizmo's Chick Attack. Michael worked in the yard today creating a trench for a future barrier between the grass and the cherry blossom trees. Music by Bensound.com/royalty-free-music License code: RUSQQ8R5CY6N69RR Music: Acoustic Breeze #Chickens #Humor #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

Hindsight & Highlights04:01
Hindsight & Highlights
2 years ago

Enjoy these clips from videos put out recently. I had fun sticking some quick items together to come up with a fun video to hopefully make people smile. Music I use: https://www.bensound.com License code: 4MYC3YYWSFZXF7AN #Chickens #Humor #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

What the Duck is in My Yard06:06
What the Duck is in My Yard
2 years ago

As I was putting my chickens in their kennel, this #mallardduck landed hard in the yard behind me. I found it panting like mad and it's heart seemed to be beating out of its chest. I kept it away from the chicken coop and gave it some water until it eventually left much later that same night. It was an interesting distraction! Music by: Bensound License code: DRHX7POKXCUCSPXW #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

Moving New Chicks Outside to the Coop12:12
Moving New Chicks Outside to the Coop
2 years ago

It took a few days for the chicks to get used to sleeping in the coop rather than the brooder box. I created a little 'documentary' (lol) showing how it went. It was an adventure for sure. Music I use: Bensound License code: B6EZFNQSEZ2HXKFT Music: Acoustic Breeze #Chickens #Humor #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

In the Coop with the Chickens10:35
In the Coop with the Chickens
2 years ago

Yes, I'm in the coop again and I'm talking sweetly to Popcorn. Never in my life did I ever expect to type that sentence. Soon after I was cursing in the coop and that seems more normal. PK's feathers are gorgeous now and I have a new perch system in the main run. Music I use: Bensound.com License code: MTBISELCWAHUBNP0 Music: Happy Rock #Chickens #Humor #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

Introducing Hens to Chicks12:25
Introducing Hens to Chicks
2 years ago

The new chicks are outside in the portable chicken run while the hens are wandering around the yard. Parkour Chick is the first to see the chicks and didn't seem to thrilled about it. I spent a little time in the coop with the chicks and discuss some issues and resolutions. Music: Bensound.com/royalty-free-music License code: 9O0RWA8HUNCVYCBV Badass #babychicks #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens #Humor

Lap Chickens - Baby Chick Fun16:23
Lap Chickens - Baby Chick Fun
2 years ago

It's week 4 but the chicks are closer to 3 weeks old. We went outside today to see what the excitement is all about. They figured it out! Angel decided to lie in the sun... while on my arm! I'm adding these links to a few of my baby chick videos. Producer's Pride Brooder & Coop Heater: https://amzn.to/3Mmazfj AcuRite Digital Thermometer: https://amzn.to/3nWcvSh Music: bensound.com License code: ICASBVBTW4XRF1FY #babychicks #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens #Humor