Crazy Chicks Living Large
Both flocks mixed together

A week after separating Phoenix from the flock, things are looking up! I swear the projects are almost done... LOL... maybe! We are adding welded wire to fill in some gaps to the run, add a hole to the chicken coop for electricity, and put in a new 2x4 perch which will be lower than the back perch. In addition, I goofed around with the chickens and marveled at their silliness! Collected some eggs and generally took care of a few gardening items. Music by License code: 4SVWIZIKOBRL9WBR #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

Check out the video right before this one where I remove one of the hens (Phoenix) for about a week to deal with her aggression to the young chickens. In the meantime, while Phoenix as in isolation, the other 8 chickens enjoyed a bit less stress and made me laugh a few times! Music by License code: 6SM0SBMBKR6J7P20 #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

Watch for tomorrow's video showing what the other chickens were doing while Phoenix was away in her own coop in a week-long time-out. Phoenix became very aggressive towards the young chickens and I got tired of it so decided to split her away from the other 8 ladies to see if that would snap her out of it. Part of the time she was okay with it because the hens above her in the pecking order were not bothering her. Most of the time however she wanted back with the flock. Music: Bensound License code: WHJP15R23ROUZL0Q #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens #chickenbully

This is the video everyone has been waiting for!! Maybe... ;-) This is a compilation of Sweepy, Angel, Starla, Cleo, and Popcorn... from day one to 16 weeks old. #wyandotte #easteregger #bluegemchicken Music by: License code: SIPN7PGHR9CINX0Y

I found an unidentified egg this morning. Pretty sure it's Angel or Popcorn but leaning towards Popcorn due to her egg laying song the other day. They are only 16 weeks old but this breed is known to lay eggs early. Coincidentally, Miss Cloud laid one of her notoriously weak eggs which I show in the video. Royalty Free Music: License code: KAMBXBFRIVYB0JND #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

In today's video I wonder if one of the Blue Gem chickens will start laying eggs soon. Both Angel and Popcorn have started squatting when I reach down to pet them and even started singing when seeing another egg in the nesting box. Seems early but apparently this bird will start laying at 16 weeks. Yikes! Music by License code: HIS6YER2N34JGJEL #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

I'm feeling a bit better after my serious contemplation in the last video and have come to the conclusion that I'm betting too picky while also acknowledging that I'm simply not in complete control of the flock integration. Spent a minute talking about the fact my Barred Plymouth Rock chickens have different hues to their faces at different times of the day. Also showing my face a bit more in the videos although that will come and go because I simply forget to record myself but instead record the chickens. Cleo is very sweet at this stage although she is also a bit flighty... she's one of the Silver Laced Wyandottes. Music by: License code: KBQUA9KTXMUNXOOM #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

On the day I recorded this video, I was feeling a tad stressed. Before I got the five new chickens, I was debating not getting them at all. I considered just keeping the original 4 hens for another year but jumped in the deep end anyway. That decision led to a new coop, run, extended run, roof, and other modifications. As with many moments when I question past decisions, I realize the decision as made and must go forward. Deep breath.. things will work out fine. Sometimes it's hard to see how well things are or how bad they could be, when you're stuck in the moment. Is it all that bad? Not really. Royalty Free Music: License code: E3MB4WOMIZLX9BG5 #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens #stressedout

Day in the life of chickens. I had to take down the umbrella and sun block only to need to put it back up again. It's a little silly to try to open an umbrella and push it into a straw bale while recording (in case anyone is interested) but I did it anyway. Small update on PK who hurt herself a bit ago (see the video right before this one) and then Trinity decides to hen block. Finally, we had a rain storm and I recorded the calm and the storm. Music by: License code: FADUOMC0W2S0RWQB #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

Parkour Chick ran towards me in a run/jump/fly sort of way and landed HARD on her ankle. After worrying and fretting, I finally took her to the vet where they told me what I already suspected... a sprained ankle. Music I use: License code: BO4WH02BJV1ECOMB #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

I'm frustrated because no one seems to really know what the answer is to the question. I can't tell you how many people have told me 'facts' about raising chickens only to find someone else who says the original person is wrong while giving me new 'facts'. Phoenix occasionally tries to rise about Parkour chick and I finally got a good video of how that works. When they first established the pecking order, there as blood involved. Now it's simply a peck here and there until one says "okay... you're boss". Music: License code: UU5UY062DPRTDT2B #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

Highlights from the week including the young ladies enjoying the water mister and Popcorn apparently under the impression she's a duck? They loved scratching around and I tried to avoid the wasps. Did you know chickens get weak in the knees when they dust bath? Music I Use: License code: HXGX2L4AUQEEJQHH #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

Integrating 2 Year Old Hens with 14 Week Old Pullets Alright we are finally here! Here at the point when the new flock starts living with the original flock in the same coop. Such fun to be had... smell the sarcasm! This video goes over the first night when I moved them in and the two days following. It's been a journey for sure and so much more has been learned. Music by: License code: JEO26V8YMT4OCZIF #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

Here begins the process of mixing the young pullets (13 weeks old) with the hens (2 yrs). At first I put the pullets inside the new extension during the day while keeping the door closed so they could see but not touch. In the evening, they went back inside their own coop at night. This lasted about 5 days. Occasionally I would let them all mingle inside the entire run but only when I was outside. They of course also got to venture into the yard together which was always a better experience than being stuck in the run. Music by License code: KVDVXYW03ODO4XJT #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens