Building, Creating, Home Improvements

10 videos

Adding an Automatic Chicken Door to an Existing Door | Hints at End13:12
Adding an Automatic Chicken Door to an Existing Door | Hints at End
1 year ago

After two years as a chicken owner, I decided it was time to order an automatic coop door. Stick with this video for special hints at the end. As of today, we have been using it for two months and so far, so good. Once spring comes along, it will probably be turned off since I leave the door open from then until fall. Happy building! Music: License code: W95GTSERS1JQ4CLX #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens #automaticchickencoopdoor

Rafters for Chicken Run Roof03:23
Rafters for Chicken Run Roof
1 year ago

This is a quick video to show some of the rafter work Michael did for the roof over the chicken run. For some reason I missed these clips entirely for the main video and I wanted to show the bird's mouth cut we used which helps stabilize the rafters and keep them in place and lined up. Music: License code: JXMXALE7YC9VMGAP #BackyardChickens #roofinstallation #agricultural_engineering

Chicken Run Roof Installation18:59
Chicken Run Roof Installation
1 year ago

This is our last major construction project centered around the chickens! At least, that is the intention... not sure what else we could possibly do. After getting a new chicken run a few months ago, we added a chicken run extension which lead to needing a roof. So here it is! We purchased special brackets that work with T-Posts for the wood in addition to the ones for the door. We also used light weight roofing materials in hopes things would go smoothly. Well... it didn't go too bad but there were hiccups! #suntopsheets T-Post lumber brackets by #smartatfixes Music: License code: JXMXALE7YC9VMGAP #BackyardChickens #roofinstallation #agricultural_engineering

Building a Door for the Chicken Run | T-Post Hinges08:35
Building a Door for the Chicken Run | T-Post Hinges
1 year ago

I've been using hardware cloth as a door-ish for the chicken run extension and it's about time to get the real deal installed. We used special door hinges for the T-posts which work great. We used similar brackets from the same company for holding up the roof which has not fallen down. ;-) There are a few chicken pictures tossed in for fun because this project, along with so many others, are exclusively for the chickens! Spoiled rotten Music I Use: License code: OZUCTKPXUX1LSH7U #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

Chicken Run Extension Install10:25
Chicken Run Extension Install
1 year ago

That's right... adding an extension to the chicken run! The square footage of the underside of the coop, the wooden run, and the kennel is 112 sqft combined. That is a little more than 12 sqft per chicken. Although this calculation seems adequate, the coop & run space is 3.5 feet wide and 15 feet long which does not give them much space to get around each other. The kennel is 6x10 which is much better. I then determined it would be good to have another enclosed space about the same size as the kennel. Basically, imagine setting another 6x10 ft kennel up against the existing one and that tells you what we've done... sort of. ;-) Music by: Bensound License code: MI4REJAW8SIPHOKP #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

New Chicken Coop Roof Install21:42
New Chicken Coop Roof Install
1 year ago

Adding a roof to our chicken coop and run. Michael does some individual filming and explaining of his process. Music I use: Bensound License code: 0ARCNTD4YQTZQXEW #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens

My Trip to the Local Lavender Farm09:38
My Trip to the Local Lavender Farm
2 years ago

Today I planted a couple grape and lavender plants near the chicken kennel. Lavender is supposed to discourage flies and I know this based on my trip to the local lavender farm where NO FLIES existed. This is great news for next summer. Take a walk with me through the lavender farm! Music provided by: #Chickens #Humor #BackyardChickens #RaisingChickens #Trinity #ParkourChick #Phoenix #MissCloud

Cutting Down Trees with Friends08:29
Cutting Down Trees with Friends
3 years ago

Michael and I decided to take down two trees in our backyard. The question is how many saws did it take, how many friends volunteered, and how many days. Ha! Music provided by: #Chickens #Poultry #Humor #BackyardChickens #SpitFire #Trinity #ParkourChick #Phoenix #MissCloud

Guess How Many Coins in the Jar09:26
Guess How Many Coins in the Jar
3 years ago

I got bored one day and decided to count my #coins. Just for fun, can you guess how many coins are in this jar BEFORE I dump it out and then after you see the piles separated out? Guess if we'll end in an even or odd number, the last number of the dollar amount and the last two numbers. It's silly but might as well. #coincounting #GuessHowMany Music provided by:

Smokeless Camp Stove19:54
Smokeless Camp Stove
3 years ago

Michael takes us through making a smokeless camp stove. Along the way, we have a few issues to overcome and even bring in a little help from Igor. This is a fun time! Music provided by: