Fam Damily

This was our amazing trip to Jamaica with a few shots of life back home for the chickens. Our neighbor Bill took care of the hens and did an amazing job including sending photos (and cute texts) while we were away. Music: Bensound License code: 5YQWVA48SLGUYGSF Music: Summer #Chickens #Vacation #jamaica

Several years ago the family went on a week's adventure to the Oregon Coast. This is just a few of the pictures and videos we took on the journey there. Stopped at the locks, zoo, and eventually hit the ocean. Music provided by: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music #OregonCoast #Vacation #Family

Our first meeting with Ellie where we instantly fell in love... or she fell in love with us. We have tons and tons of videos and pictures of Ellie which means more of these videos are on the way. It's also a look into how phone videos and pictures have improved over the years! Music provided by: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music #FamilyPet #FamilyDog #Canine