Upload Update & Some Interesting Info
3 years agoHello there… this is Phenix JiRa, creator of all videos found on this channel.
I currently have four channels on YouTube and am gradually adding videos from those channels into Utreon. Searching through Utreon, I don’t see many people using the post feature but I’m all about giving updates or chatting about subjects in addition to uploading/viewing videos.
This channel is primarily for my That Thought channel which is a contemplation & musing basket full of videos where I go on and on about what I think about random crap. Oh, some of it is super special (haha) but other things are just a bitch session here and there. Feel free to comment, like, follow, or even subscribe if you have the extra cash lying around to toss my way. I will be implementing a lower-priced tier once Utreon makes that available (per Utreon, that is coming soon).
As I have time, I will also upload my gaming and poetry reading videos. If you are interested in viewing videos of this type sooner than I’m able to add here, you can visit those channels on yt.