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IMPORTANT - Canceling Playeur Platform, this is a SCAM.

5 months ago

Hey everyone, I'm terribly sorry to have to bring this bad news to everyone on this platform, but I am going to have to cancel this subscription platform. I have had nothing but issues with Playeur on my end, which have become very numerous.
I have not been receiving messages from any of you, or I can't actually click the messages to answer them, I can't read comments, and it's just become too much of a problem over the past couple of weeks. Now, payouts have become a problem. I've been notified of a few problems by you guys via email as well, and I've just had enough.
So I don't want any of you to continue your subscription on here, because I'm going to stop posting content on this platform. If you like, you can either switch to Patreon, and I am looking into additional options as well (like subscribestar or something). But I think over the past couple of months Playeur has become a scam, since so many people have basically started to report that the owners of this platform have changed, and it's now a bait and switch.

I will attempt to delete this account in it's entirety if I can, but I will leave this up for anyone who needs to cancel. Sorry again folks, I can't help that this platform became a bait-and-switch. It seemed good in the beginning, but it's now become an utter scam. So PLEASE cancel your subscription on here as soon as you can. I'll figure out some other non-Patreon way for you guys to support my work soon.

Edit: I can see that someone commented on this post, but I'm sorry that I can't read it, all I can see on my end is "1 comment", but the comment itself is nowhere to be seen. This is one of the main frustrations of this site, and the support on my end is non-existent. They just delete trouble tickets, if they acknowledge them at all now. I've got at least a dozen trouble tickets that are over a month old at this point.

1 Comment

NamelessBeard @namelessbeard2m2 months ago

Might be worth posting a video here and/or metion it on The Wire's, as I missed the memo.

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