Snus Adventures - Tobacco Growing Vlogs

17 videos

Videos on tobacco growing / DIY snus.

Tobacco Growing Vlog 2023 #7 - Aging & Wrap-Up15:54
Tobacco Growing Vlog 2023 #7 - Aging & Wrap-Up
1 year ago

Well, the day has come, the end of the 2023 growing season. In this final video of the 2023 Growing Vlog we'll get the tobacco into jars to age and wrap-up! **Don't forget to upvote this video, leave a comment, and follow this channel for more videos!* Social Media Links: Website - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter -

Tobacco Growing Vlog 2023 #6 - Curing Begins20:01
Tobacco Growing Vlog 2023 #6 - Curing Begins
2 years ago

In the sixth episode of 2023's Tobacco Growing Vlog, the plants are growing, and it's time to look to cure! **Don't forget to upvote this video, leave a comment, and follow this channel for more videos!* Social Media Links: Website - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter -

Tobacco Growing Vlog 2023 #5 - Into The Dirt16:27
Tobacco Growing Vlog 2023 #5 - Into The Dirt
2 years ago

In the fifth episode of 2023's Tobacco Growing Vlog, it's time for the tobacco plants to move outside into the beautiful, natural sun! **Don't forget to upvote this video, leave a comment, and follow this channel for more videos!* Social Media Links: Website - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter -

Tobacco Growing Vlog 2023 #4 -Moving Outside07:37
Tobacco Growing Vlog 2023 #4 -Moving Outside
2 years ago

In the fourth episode of 2023's Tobacco Growing Vlog, the tobacco plants have been growing inside and now it's starting to warm up! That means it's time to move the plants out to the greenhouse and let them get warm and grow! **Don't forget to upvote this video, leave a comment, and follow this channel for more videos!* Social Media Links: Website - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter -

Tobacco Growing Vlog 2023 #3 - The Final Transplants06:46
Tobacco Growing Vlog 2023 #3 - The Final Transplants
2 years ago

In the third episode of 2023's Tobacco Growing Vlog, we transplant the final sprouts into their individual containers! Now, we wait for it to warm up outside and keep these little fellas alive until then! **Don't forget to upvote this video, leave a comment, and follow this channel for more videos!* Social Media Links: Website - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter -

Tobacco Growing Vlog 2023 #2 - Transplanting12:39
Tobacco Growing Vlog 2023 #2 - Transplanting
2 years ago

It's time for the second episode of my 2023 tobacco growing season. In this episode, we transplant some of the sprouts into solitary pots. Enjoy! **Don't forget to upvote this video, leave a comment, and follow this channel for more videos!* Social Media Links: Website - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter -

Tobacco Growing Vlog 2023 #1 - Seed Starting19:50
Tobacco Growing Vlog 2023 #1 - Seed Starting
2 years ago

It's time for the first edition of the 2023 Tobacco Growing Vlog! In this episode, we begin this year's harvest and start our seeds! **Don't forget to upvote this video, leave a comment, and follow this channel for more videos!* Social Media Links: Website - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter -

Tobacco Growing Vlog 2022 #8:  Wrap-Up / Final Thoughts (4 February 2023)04:43
Tobacco Growing Vlog 2022 #8: Wrap-Up / Final Thoughts (4 February 2023)
2 years ago

I've had some folks ask for a wrap-up on the 2022 harvest and my results from my first year of growing tobacco. I'm a little late, but here's the results of my harvest and some reflection on what did / didn't work in 2022. **Don't forget to upvote this video, leave a comment, and follow this channel for more videos!* Social Media Links: Website - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter -

Tobacco Growing Vlog #7: Pre-Fall Updates (17 August 2022)04:54
Tobacco Growing Vlog #7: Pre-Fall Updates (17 August 2022)
3 years ago

Fall is approaching, so we're going to do a little update on the summer's harvest. Well, the summer's "practice", that is. **Don't forget to upvote this video, leave a comment, and follow this channel for more videos!* Social Media Links: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter -

Tobacco Growing Vlog 2022 #6:  Living Dangerously (18 July 2022)04:56
Tobacco Growing Vlog 2022 #6: Living Dangerously (18 July 2022)
3 years ago

In today's tobacco growing vlog, we try something different. And maybe a little dangerous. **Don't forget to upvote this video, leave a comment, and follow this channel for more videos!* Social Media Links: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter -

Tobacco Growing Vlog 2022 #5:  Dig It! (16 July 2022)08:34
Tobacco Growing Vlog 2022 #5: Dig It! (16 July 2022)
3 years ago

In this episode, I have some of the test batch to put into bigger pots, and I also will be separating out the sprouts into individual containers. **Don't forget to upvote this video, leave a comment, and follow this channel for more videos!* Social Media Links: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter -

Tobacco Growing Vlog 2022 #4: Dirt Support (9 July 2022)08:12
Tobacco Growing Vlog 2022 #4: Dirt Support (9 July 2022)
3 years ago

I noticed my stalks were starting to lean a little, so I tried something a friend online suggested. **Don't forget to upvote this video, leave a comment, and follow this channel for more videos!* Social Media Links: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter -

Tobacco Growing Vlog 2022 #3:  Sprout Development (2 July 2022)09:52
Tobacco Growing Vlog 2022 #3: Sprout Development (2 July 2022)
3 years ago

It's time to check in on the sprouts, so let's do another tobacco growing vlog! We'll also look at the Havana 608 test batch and try something new with a few of those plants. **Don't forget to upvote this video, leave a comment, and follow this channel. Thanks for watching!** Social Media Links: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter -

Tobacco Growing Vlog 2022 #2:  Transplanting The Test Batch (24 June 2022)10:56
Tobacco Growing Vlog 2022 #2: Transplanting The Test Batch (24 June 2022)
3 years ago

In this vlog, I'm transplanting the test batch (Havana 608) from smaller pots to bigger buckets. The ground isn't quite ready, so I'm having to get creative. It's all practice this year! **Don't forget to upvote this video, leave a comment, and follow this channel. Thanks for watching!** Social Media Links: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter -

Tobacco Growing Vlog 2022 #1: Sprouts (14 June 2022)05:16
Tobacco Growing Vlog 2022 #1: Sprouts (14 June 2022)
3 years ago

I decided to start a vlog to document the growing of my current batch of tobacco. I'm 5 days into this batch as of the date this was filmed (14 June 2022) with the seeds starting to sprout. Growing tobacco is an adventure, and I'm glad to bring you all along! **Don't forget to upvote this video, leave a comment, and follow this channel. Thanks for watching!** Social Media Links: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter -