
Hey guys, its Adriel's kid, my dad told me to get this stage builder today and it's really cool. There are a lot of pros to this game and some cons. It's a lot like Gmod with guns. Hope you enjoy the vid. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 Notes 0:28 Why I got the game 0:53 Pros and Cons 2:03 Who's it for 2:22 Why I liked it 2:41 Features 3:26 Conclusion ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This video is for those who are complete beginners to hunting. I assume you don’t have experienced family or friends to show you the ropes and you’re trying to do it on your own. If you do have family/friends who hunt, ask them! This video is mainly geared to hunting small and big game and I haven’t spent much time talking about waterfowl because I don’t like duck/goose meat. My 13 year old son edits my videos, so prepare for memes. Recommended hunting firearms (some links are affiliate) Rimfire hunting rifles: Ruger 10/22 US: cabelas.xhuc.net/yRWoAD Ruger 10/22 Canada: https://www.bullseyenorth.com/all-products/browse/keyword/ruger-10%7C22 Centerfire hunting rifles: Budget Option: Savage Axis US: http://cabelas.xhuc.net/OGyWG Canada: https://www.bullseyenorth.com/all-products/browse/brand/savage Better quality option: Tikka T3X Lite US: https://cabelas.xhuc.net/vnWmkA Canada: https://www.bullseyenorth.com/shop/tikka-t3x-lite-65creedmoor-24-blued-black-modular-synthetic-stock-9192 Budget pump action shotgun: Mossberg Maverick 88 (get the 28" barrel one that takes interchangeable chokes! Budget Semi auto shotgun: Stoeger M3500: cabelas.xhuc.net/DVBa6y Nicer semi auto shotgun: Browning A5: https://cabelas.xhuc.net/QO0E9Y 0:00 Intro 0:37 Getting a Hunting License 2:09 Firearms License 7:35 Where Should I Hunt? 10:15 What Can I Hunt? 16:34 How To Stay Warm 25:38 How Do I Make My Meat Taste Good? Article: https://www.huntinggearguy.com/hunting/getting-started-hunting-in-alberta/

I compare Shotcut exporting speed and file sizes with hardware acceleration, without, and with parallel processing. This info is up to date as of Mar 2021, using Shotcut 21.02.27 Long story short, hardware acceleration makes a pretty decent difference. If you've got a newer machine, use both hardware acceleration AND parallel processing for a pretty decent performance bump. Test setup: PC1: Core i5-4690k 16GB DDR3 Geforce 1060 PC2 AMD Ryzen 5 2600X 32 GB DDR4 Geforce 1070 PC3 AMD Ryzen 5 3400G 16GB DDR4 Radeon Vega11 on-chip GPU Files were exported using the "YouTube" preset, (55% VBR with libx264 for soft encoding and h264_nvenc for hardware encoder) 00:00 Intro and Overview 01:06 Speed charts 03:37 File size comparison 05:10 Using your computer while rendering 07:26 Quality comparison 08:11 Conclusion

Wondering what kind of wear to expect on a gun? I go through some pics of guns that have a few thousand rounds through them and show typical wear patterns. 00:00 Glock wear 02:34 CZ Shadow 2 wear 04:22 SKS wear 07:38 Ruger 10/22 09:34 Browning A5 12:27 Preventing wear, overoiling, and overcleaning

I show some of my favorite bits of gear that I like to take to the shooting range.

"Ghost Loading", aka having a shell on the carrier, is a method of getting 1 extra shell for 3 gun. This quick video shows how to do it and not look like a noob at your first event.

I modified a damper that controls air flow using a servo, 18B20 temperature sensor, and an Arduino nano. Parts list: -Arduino nano -Cylewet Temperature Sensor Thermal probe which uses a DS18B20 temp sensor (https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07DDHJYXT/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) -RC airplane servo from eBay -Extractor Fan Back Draft Shutter https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00FCE1SU0/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Just showing a quick part replacement on the Remington 581 22LR rifle