Page Briefings - Short

40 videos

This is a collection of short Page Briefings. PDF versions containing hyperlinked references and JPG versions can be obtained at

Evidence for the Spirit - Short00:49
Evidence for the Spirit - Short
3 years ago

In this Page Briefing we provide “Evidence for the Spirit” because having an awareness of the evidence for an afterlife and a non-physical realm can profoundly impact your understanding of the meaning of life and death. Within one double-sided page the strongest evidence and references are presented that are short and to the point, which include information on the “Law of Entropy”, “Hydrocephalus (Water Head)”, “Irreducible Complexity of Biological Molecular Machines”, “Overdesign of the Human Body”, “Genetic Redundancy”, and more. Direct link to PDF version (includes hyperlinked references): Direct link to JPG version: Also see the full free audio video lecture series and courses at as well as many other free single page ‘Page Briefings’ at and obtain ebook/paperback book versions of the information at God bless!

Are Vaccine Ingredients Biblical - Short00:49
Are Vaccine Ingredients Biblical - Short
3 years ago

For the well-referenced answer to this question, please see the Page Briefing called “Are Vaccine Ingredients Biblical?” Are Vaccine Ingredients Biblical.PDF (contains hyperlinked references): Are Vaccine Ingredients Biblical.JPG (Image can be shared via social media): Also see the full free audio video lecture series and courses at as well as many other free single page ‘Page Briefings’ at and obtain ebook/paperback book versions of the information at God bless!

Worldly Jesus vs Biblical Jesus Chart - Short00:49
Worldly Jesus vs Biblical Jesus Chart - Short
5 years ago

The Torchbearer Series Worldly Jesus vs Biblical Jesus Chart - Short Which Jesus do you follow? See for full details and more information on a large variety of topics. Or see the third lecture video containing this content and more: #Worldly Jesus, #Biblical Jesus,#Bible,#Christian,#biblical authority,#worldliness,#Jesus,#WordofGod,#Falsedoctrine,#truth,#righteousness,#biblicalcompromise,#Godsholiness,#true doctrine,#Godswill,#real Jesus,#deception,#Satanslies,#Godscommandments,#commandments,#exposinglies,#divisionintheChurch,#GodsWord,#falsesigns,#salvation,#God'slaw,#santification,#repentance,#SonofGod,#Messiah,#Christ,#compromisingtheBible,#divineauthority,#sounddoctrine,#enemiesofGod

Westcott and Hort: Occultists or Christians? You Decide - Short00:49
Westcott and Hort: Occultists or Christians? You Decide - Short
5 years ago

Is this the largest challenge to Christianity in the last 150 years? Is there a solution? Does it even matter? Biblical understanding, careers, billions in book sales, and reputations are at stake! Westcott and Hort abandoned the traditional text and created a new Greek text, which relied heavily upon newly discovered Codex Sinaiticus, along with previously discovered Vaticanus and Alexandrinus. Their new Greek text became the Greek Nestle-Aland and UBS textbooks used by most Catholic and Protestant translators today. This new text caused translators to doubt God’s preserved words and doctrine, resulting in Bibles translated after 1881 to contain thousands of changes from the traditional text, including the removal of Mark 16:9-20 & John 7:53-8:11. The general public has been led to believe that Westcott and Hort were Christians, but were they really? Direct link to Download the full 'Westcott and Hort - Occultists or Christians - You Decide 11x17.PDF', which includes high resolution scans of the references: If you would like to print the PDF of 'Westcott and Hort - Occultists or Christians - You Decide' on 8.5x11 paper use this link: For a JPG of just the first page of 'Westcott and Hort - Occultists or Christians - You Decide' click here: See for full details and much more information on a large variety of topics. Or see the second lecture video containing this content and more:

Tytler Cycle - Fatal Sequence Chart - Short00:49
Tytler Cycle - Fatal Sequence Chart - Short
5 years ago

This Page Briefing displays a comprehensive visual of Tytler's Cycle called 'The Tytler Cycle Chart'. The Tytler Cycle (also called The Fatal Sequence, The Freedom Cycle, The Cycle of Bondage, The Cycle of Democracy, and The Cycle of Nations. ) is a social concept often attributed to Alexander Tytler (Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee, a Scottish advocate born in 1747). It explains an inevitable natural pattern that all nations which have ever existed pass through, and is meant to demonstrate the hopeless repeated depravity of mankind. This cycle is often mistakenly misspelled as The Tyler Cycle, The Titler Cycle, or the Tiler Cycle. The following is the Tytler's cycle sequence of events: The FIRST Tytler event is: From bondage to spiritual faith; The SECOND Tytler event is: From spiritual faith to great courage; The THIRD Tytler event is: From courage to liberty; The FORTH Tytler event is: From liberty to abundance; The FIFTH Tytler event is: from abundance to selfishness; The SIXTH Tytler event is: From selfishness to complacency; The SEVENTH Tytler event is: From complacency to apathy; The EIGHTH Tytler event is: From apathy to dependency; The NINTH Tytler event is: From dependency back to bondage. Is Tytler's theory correct? We recommend doing your own research to confirm if it is. Where are we in the Tytler Cycle? Some say that we are in the end of the seventh phase of the Tytler cycle (complacency to apathy) or the beginning of eighth phrase of the Tytler cycle (apathy to dependency), due to the rapidly increasing indifference and complacency of society concerning the truth, discernment, and morality of the Bible. Others go further to say that the ending of the eighth phase of the Tytler cycle or the beginning of the ninth phase (from dependency back to bondage) could begin once the antichrist establishes his one world order, since that would require all nations to be simultaneously subservient and dependent on him, during which then those with the mark of the beast will be trapped in the coming bondage phase. However, this would be implying that the Tytler cycle is prophetically aligned with Revelation. We don't know if this is true, so this is all merely speculation about the Tytler cycle. Where do you think we are in the Tytler cycle? The first phrase of the Tytler cycle, The second phrase of the Tytler cycle, The third phrase of the Tytler cycle, The forth phrase of the Tytler cycle, The fifth phrase of the Tytler cycle, The sixth phrase of the Tytler cycle, The seventh phrase of the Tytler cycle, The eighth phrase of the Tytler cycle, or The ninth phrase of the Tytler cycle? See for full details and more information on a large variety of topics. Or see the first lecture video containing this content and more: Tags: #tytlercycle, #tytlerscycle, #thetytlercycle, #thefatalsequence, #thefreedomcycle, #thecycleofbondage, #thecycleofdemocracy, #Thecycleofnations, #alexandertytler

Top 10 Destroyers of Uniformitarianism and Gradualism   Word Art - Short00:49
Top 10 Destroyers of Uniformitarianism and Gradualism Word Art - Short
5 years ago

Word art of the Top 10 Destroyers of Uniformitarianism and Gradualism. See for full details and more information on a large variety of topics. Or see the first lecture video containing this content and more:

Three Stages of Salvation Chart - Short00:49
Three Stages of Salvation Chart - Short
5 years ago

An illustration of the Three Stages of Salvation and related Bible verses. "How can I be saved?"; "What are the steps to salvation?"; "What is the process to complete salvation?"; "Are there different rewards in Heaven and will we get rewards in Heaven?"; " "Why does Sanctification matter?" We will refer to the ‘Three Stages of Salvation Chart’ and the following three Christian theological terms as part of the way to help answer these questions: 1. Justification – A term used to refer to Jesus paying for your sins so you do not have to suffer eternal punishment and instead can enter Heaven after death. Think of Justification as your spiritual diplomatic passport. What’s required: Your faith and acceptance that Lord Jesus Christ paid for your crimes (sins) against God, and repentance of your crimes (sins). Repentance means to whole-heartedly ask God for forgiveness. Result: You become God’s diplomat. (explained in Session 3 of The Torchbearer Series) 2. Sanctification – A term that refers to the process of becoming holy like Lord Jesus Christ, in order to earn and/or keep your inheritance, rewards, and crowns. What’s required: Become more like Lord Jesus Christ in your thoughts and actions, and diligently represent and promote God’s ways truthfully and accurately as his diplomat(representative). Result: You are God’s diplomat. (explained in Session 3 of The Torchbearer Series) 3. Glorification – A term used to denote the glorious result after death. Your inheritance, rewards, and crowns are provided to you. What’s required: Justification is required, and then the level of your Sanctification will determine the level of your Glorification. Result: You retire to Heaven with God after your diplomatic duties. (explained in Session 3 of The Torchbearer Series) See for full details and more information on a large variety of topics. Or see the third lecture video containing this content and more:

The Seven Golden Rules of Bible Interpretation - Short00:49
The Seven Golden Rules of Bible Interpretation - Short
5 years ago

The Seven Golden Rules of Bible Interpretation. These are the 7 Rules of Bible interpretation: First Rule of Bible Interpretation. Rule of Inspired Text: Only use inspired text to study and understand the Bible. Second Rule of Bible Interpretation. Rule of Literal Interpretation: Take every word or phrase at its primary, usual, dictionary meaning from the historical time period in which it was written, except if the facts of the immediate context indicate a deeper, hidden, or symbolic meaning when studied in light of related passages and fundamental truths. Third Rule of Bible Interpretation. Rule of Context: Words and phrases must be taken within the context of its verse, adjoining verses, and the context of the entire passage radiating outward. (The exception to this rule is that many prophetic verses are only unlocked and comprehended by locating its corresponding key located elsewhere within the entire Bible. For example, the fiery brass serpent set upon a pole in Numbers 21:8-9 is explained by John 3:14-15. ) Forth Rule of Bible Interpretation. Rule of First Mention: The first mention of a word can often define what the word means for the rest of the Bible. Fifth Rule of Bible Interpretation. Rule of Non-Contradiction: No part of the Bible may be interpreted so as to contradict another part. Sixth Rule of Bible Interpretation. Rule of Culture: Understanding certain cultures at the time of the Bible being written (and translated) may be crucial to unlocking the meaning of a verse. Seventh Rule of Bible Interpretation. Rule of Single Interpretation: Every verse in the Bible has only one single interpretation, although that verse may have multiple applications. Make sure to use exegesis not eisegesis hermeneutics during your study. Remember that it is also very important to enter every study session of the Bible prayerfully, as you can't understand the Bible without the Holy Spirit illuminating it for you. Hopefully this is a good explanation of how to interpret the Bible correctly. See for full details and more information on a large variety of topics. Or see the third lecture video containing this content and more:

The Sabbath Test Chart - Short00:49
The Sabbath Test Chart - Short
5 years ago

This is part of a definition test for the word "Sabbath(s)" in the Bible. See for full details and more information on a large variety of topics. Or see the third lecture video containing this content and more:

The Eclectic Manuscripts Comparison Chart - Bibliographical Test - Short00:49
The Eclectic Manuscripts Comparison Chart - Bibliographical Test - Short
5 years ago

Religious manuscripts comparison chart, showing the evidence and reliability of various historical religious texts and manuscripts using The Eclectic Manuscripts Comparison Chart. Sometimes called the Manuscript Comparison Chart, Manuscript Bibliographical Test, or the Chart of Religions Manuscripts, but formally called the ‘The Eclectic Manuscripts Comparison Chart - Bibliographical Test’. Many never ask the question, how do religious manuscripts stack up against each other as far as accepted evidence is concerned? Objective evidence should be the basis of belief. In other words, evidence not based upon pure opinion and ideally it should not be based upon faulty assumptions, which we all have been guilty of in the past. Instead, many only ask the question, which religion is the best fit for me based upon my currently held beliefs or understanding of the world? This second question is very subjective and is similar to choosing a favorite ice cream flavor. In other words, it is based completely upon a personal opinion, which could change at any time, and often does, like the shifting of sand in an hourglass. Each area of the chart comparing religions to each other using, The Eclectic Manuscripts Comparison Chart: Bibliographical Test, which has been researched, updated, and has references added corresponding to the latest information per the date listed at the top of the chart. We present evidence comparing religions to each other, which also contain references in each section of the chart. The manuscript totals in the chart will continue to change as a result of new manuscripts (both religious manuscripts and non-religious manuscripts) being discovered that are held within private collections, and unidentified manuscripts stored in universities and museums. Therefore, the chart should only represent a best effort. Having covered the importance of the Biblical Redundant Array of Independent Documents (B-RAID) and the Unbroken Manuscript Chain-of-Custody (UM-CoC) in the first session lecture, you should be familiar with the crucial role B-RAID and UM-CoC play in obtaining 100% accuracy. (Watch the full Session 1 lecture here: ) Download the PDF version of this chart, which includes all the references: For additional details about the chart with explanations, please see the ‘Supplemental Lecture Notes’ for the second session lecture here: See for full details and more information on a large variety of topics. Or see the second lecture video containing this content and more: When you compare religious manuscripts to each other, we believe that you will be able to much better answer the question, as to which religion has the best evidence and why. Also, when you compare religious manuscripts to each other, and base your belief on evidence, you will have stronger faith and trust in what you believe. If someone has ever asked you “why follow Jesus”, “why follow Christianity”, or “what evidence is there that Christianity is true”? You now have a sharable and printable manuscript comparison chart to refer them to, but to get the strongest evidence for Christianity you should watch all three core lectures from The Torchbearer Series. When you compare the reliability ancient manuscripts, for example comparing the New Testament manuscripts to Plato’s Tetralogies, or comparing the Christian religious texts to other ancient texts, you can quickly see that the Christian manuscript texts are very numerous by comparison. Has anyone ever asked you, “Prove Jesus existed”? Yet, would that same person ask to prove Plato existed? There is far less evidence strength for Plato’s existence, as shown in the Eclectic Manuscripts Comparison Chart, than there is for Jesus. When you compare ancient manuscript evidence to each other, especially when comparing religious manuscripts to each other, the evidence for Christian manuscripts is very strong, as is the evidence for the Jewish manuscripts. The strongest evidence for Old Testament evidence is not just from manuscripts, but also from thousands of archeological dig sites, which contain collaborating manuscript evidence. Tags: #Religion, #CompareReligions, #ReligousEvidence, #FreeCharts, #ManuscriptsComparisonChart, #ManuscriptComparisonChart, #EvidenceForChristianity, #Christianity, #Judaism, #Buddhism, #Islam, #EvidenceForJudaism, #EvidenceForBuddhism, #EvidenceForIslam, #EvidenceHolyBible, #BibleEvidence, #EvidenceForBible, #BibleEvidence, #BiblicalTruth, #BiblicalEvidence

The Bible Wine Test Chart - Short00:49
The Bible Wine Test Chart - Short
5 years ago

This chart shows every instance of the word wine in the Bible. All 236 matches spanning 216 verses for the word ‘wine(s)’ and ‘winebibber(s)’ in 44 books of the Bible. These are then divided into meaning groups to determine if a logical pattern emerges. This process is done to satisfy the 3rd ‘Rule of Context’, the 5th ‘Rule of Non-Contradiction’, and the 7th ‘Rule of Single Interpretation’, which as part of the Seven Golden Rules of Bible Interpretation. The remaining rules and details can be found within The Torchbearer Series of lectures. Chart shows that there would be a wine conflict within the Bible if it were not for knowing the true meaning of wine as defined in old dictionaries. At the time the word 'wine' was translated into English for the Bible, it had more than one meaning. (See references 1,2,3, and 4 below) Some modern dictionary definitions for 'wine' still contain the fuller meaning today (see reference 5 below). "The juice, fermented or unfermented, of various fruits or plants, used as a beverage, sauce, syrup, etc." Direct link to download the 'PDF' version of the chart: Direct link to download the 'JPG' version of the chart: 1) The Royal Dictionary In two parts - First French and English, by Abel Boyer, p.579. 1702. 2) John Kersey’s Dictionarium Anglo-Britannicum or A General English Dictionary, by John Kersey, p.697. London: J. Wilde, 1708. 3) Benjamin Marin’s Lingua Britannica Reformata or A New English Dictionary, by Benjamin Marin, p.700. London: J. Hodges, 1748. 4) Nathan Bailey’s New Universal English Dictionary of Words and of Arts and Sciences, by Nathan Bailey, p.652. London: W. Johnston, 1760. 5) Dictionary Staff. “Wine.” 2019. (accessed January 2019). For a much more complete, but short and to the point, analysis of more than one type of wine in the Bible, please see the 3rd core lecture session from The Torchbearer Series linked here The three-part core lecture series contains much more information than just on wine, and it is highly recommended that you watch the series from the beginning, starting here See for full details and more information on a large variety of topics.

Ten Commandments KJV - Short00:49
Ten Commandments KJV - Short
5 years ago

A list of the Ten Commandments from the King James Bible. The First Commandment. “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” In other words, have no other god before God, and always put God first. The Second Commandment. “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.”“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me. . .” In other words, do not make, serve, or worship idols/images. Some Christians wonder if the second commandment is irrelevant in modern society, yet many who are Roman Catholic venerate images to this day, and some New Age Christians rely on images of crosses or angels to offer them protection. There are some who ask whether did the Roman Catholics change the second commandment to suit their agenda, we do our best to answer this question in The Torchbearer Series. The Third Commandment. "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.” In other words, this commandment isn't merely referring to not speaking God's name irreverently, but it is also referring to not misrepresenting God and not using His name falsely in your words and actions. This seems to be evidenced by Proverbs 30:9. The Forth Commandment. “Remember the sabbath day[Saturday], to keep it holy.” “Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:” “But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:” “For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.” In other words, observe the Sabbath by resting from your labors on the day and hallowing it. The forth commandment is often considered the most controversial commandment of the ten commandments, which raises questions such as "Was the Sabbath done away with?" and "Was the Sabbath day changed?". We try to go into a great amount of detail concerning the forth commandment in The Torchbearer Series. The Fifth Commandment. “Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.” In other words, do not disrespect or dishonor your parents. This verse is sadly often overlooked by Christians, even though the fifth commandment is important when considering the godly harmony of the household. The Sixth Commandment. "Thou shalt not kill.” In other words, do not commit premeditated murder, and avoid the act of killing whenever possible. We see in David's case of murdering Uriah that this also includes indirectly orchestrating murder as well. Allowing and carrying out abortion also violates the fifth commandment. Exodus 21:22-23 directly refers to bringing "mischief" to (bringing harm to) an unborn child. The Seventh Commandment. “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” In other words, the meaning is quite straightforward, which is do not carry out the act of adultery. This verse is just as relevant to the single as it is to the married. Jesus warns of merely thinking about committing adultery in Matthew 5:28. The Eighth Commandment. “Thou shalt not steal.” In other words, do not take anything that does not belong to you for yourself or for someone else. Hardship should never be an excuse for stealing, since God said He would provide for our needs (Matthew 6:31-32). The Ninth Commandment. “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.” In other words, do not lie, which includes not spreading unconfirmed rumors as being true. A Page Briefing may be made in the future to address the so called moral gray areas concerning the ninth commandment. The Tenth Commandment. “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.” In other words, do not obsess and be bitter over what you don't have. This verse may sound harmless, but the thoughts of coveting can and will affect your actions, even if you don't realize it, and will often lead to sin. Note that there are verses that use the word covet positively (ex. 1 Corinthians 12:31), but this only because the word by itself merely means to want something earnestly. Hopefully this has helped you in understanding the 10 commandments. See for full details and more information on a large variety of topics. Or see the second lecture video containing this content and more:

Tempus Absumo Chart – Lifespan of Manuscripts – Short00:49
Tempus Absumo Chart – Lifespan of Manuscripts – Short
5 years ago

Understanding the new information on how long manuscripts last, including how long biblical manuscripts are usable, is a very important topic. The following is from the well-researched and referenced Core Course B501: Session 1 of 3 Supplemental Lecture Notes from The Torchbearer Series. Most references are not provided within this video description as a result of space limitations. Please see the following direct link to the lecture notes or visit website: Tempus Absumo means time before destruction. Tempus Absumo is pronounced: Temp·pus Ab·soo·moe. Tempus Absumo is Latin for ‘Time before Destruction or Annihilation’. Tempus = time, season, moment, period. Absumo = destroy, annihilate, ruin, consume, use, waste. Absumo = destroy, annihilate, ruin, consume, use, waste. Abbreviations Staff. “Tempus Absumo.” STANDS4 LLC. 2019. Papyrus Tempus Absumo: The following is an excerpt from research published in the field of papyrus tempus absumo in 2014 about the average lifespan of manuscripts; in which literary works, correspondence, notes, and commentaries were dated, which have often made it possible in many cases to determine when manuscripts were copied, and how long they were in use before being replaced, discarded, or destroyed. “How long did a papyrus roll last? The evidence from our collections indicates that a usable lifetime of about 100 to 125 years was common and can reasonably be considered the norm; a small but significant number of manuscripts were still usable some 300 years after they were first created; and on rare occasions a manuscript might last, it seems, for half a millennium (3.9 and 4.13).” – Professor George W. Houston, Ph.D. Parchment Tempus Absumo: New Testament manuscript autographs (originals) would have likely used parchment, not papyrus, “The cloke that I left at Troas with Carpus, when thou comest, bring with thee, and the books, but especially the parchments.” – 2 Timothy 4:13 (KJV) Since most of the New Testament writers were Jewish, they would have been aware of the rule of only writing sacred text on clean animal skin (parchment). Parchment is stronger, more stable, and lasts longer than papyrus. So we can expect to get at least the same, or better, Tempus Absumo results with parchment vs papyrus. Manuscript Tempus Absumo: It is noteworthy to mention, that according to the Worcester Cathedral Library “Vellum [parchment] has proven to last over a thousand years in excellent condition; however, it can be very vulnerable to changes in humidity, which causes pages to buckle. Books with parchment pages were bound with strong wooden boards and were clamped shut by metal clasps or leather straps in order to keep the pages pressed flat.” Parchment is considered so durable that it was used for the most important legal documents in the United Kingdom, at least until October 12th, 2015, when the Commons Committee voted in favor of scrapping vellum [parchment] as the material on which Acts of Parliament are printed, and instead adopted the use of a modern high-quality acid-free long-lasting paper. So why is this new Tempus Absumo information important? Because it was previously thought by some scholars that papyrus manuscripts would only last around 20 years, which would have required far more hand copying to occur until the first printing press Bible could be produced in 1455, the Gutenberg Bible. If we take the earliest time that a document could have been written of Christ’s ministry in 27 A.D., and subtract that from 1455, we have at most 1,428 years of hand-copying. This means if we go from the time of Christ’s ministry to the time of 1455, we would have an estimated 3 generations of copies for the best-case scenario for papyrus (shown in green on the Tempus Absumo diagram) and in the worst-case scenario 14 generations of copies for papyrus (shown in yellow on the Tempus Absumo diagram). Hopefully, this short video description has helped answer the following questions. Some of the differences between Papyrus Tempus Absumo versus Parchment Tempus Absumo. Which last longer Papyrus or Parchment? Why is Tempus Absumo important? Which is more resilient to environmental conditions Parchment or Papyrus? Did the Apostles write on Parchment or Papyrus? Later, what did the followers of Jesus use to write on Papyrus or Parchment? How long did a papyrus last? How long did a Parchment last? For the full details and the references that you can very easily check out for yourself and share, re-post, link to, print, and handout, please see Many free Bible charts, diagrams, and documents are also available. Watch the full lecture series here:

Satan's Counterfeit vs God's Authentic Chart - Short00:49
Satan's Counterfeit vs God's Authentic Chart - Short
5 years ago

Be warned of Satan's Counterfeits against God's Authentic truth. See for full details and more information on a large variety of topics. Or see the third lecture video containing this content and more:

Satan Rules the World until Lord Jesus Christ Returns - Short00:49
Satan Rules the World until Lord Jesus Christ Returns - Short
5 years ago

Verses showing Satan rules the World until Lord Jesus Christ returns. See for full details and more information on a large variety of topics. Or see the third lecture video containing this content and more:

Man vs God Holiness Chart - Short00:49
Man vs God Holiness Chart - Short
5 years ago

A chart displaying Man's vs. God's holiness. See for full details and more information on a large variety of topics. Or see the third lecture video containing this content and more:

Lewis Trilemma Chart   Jesus is God Decision - Short00:49
Lewis Trilemma Chart Jesus is God Decision - Short
5 years ago

The Lewis Trilemma chart expanded. See for full details and more information on a large variety of topics. Or see the second lecture video containing this content and more:

KJV and Textus Receptus Matthew 26:29-35 - Short00:49
KJV and Textus Receptus Matthew 26:29-35 - Short
5 years ago

Side-to-side comparison of the KJV and Textus Receptus verses of Matthew 26:29-35. See for full details and more information on a large variety of topics. Or see the first lecture video containing this content and more:

Jewish Drift Chart - Short00:49
Jewish Drift Chart - Short
5 years ago

The Jewish Drift Chart showing various Jewish sects and their closeness to the Torah. See for full details and more information on a large variety of topics. Or see the third lecture video containing this content and more:

Heretical Removal Mark 16:9-20 from Modern Bibles - Short00:49
Heretical Removal Mark 16:9-20 from Modern Bibles - Short
5 years ago

The heretical removal of Mark16:9-20 from Modern Bibles. See for full details and more information on a large variety of topics. Or see the first lecture video containing this content and more: