1911s and 2011s

Given the enduring popularity of the 1911 I thought it was a good idea to cover the basics.

The Ruger SDR1911 is nice, but seriously Ruger?

I like 1911s. I like High-capacity. So what's not to like about this gun? Let's talk about that...

The Parts-Bin Special didn't work out in .45 ACP- How about 9mm?

Les Bear'[s shop has been a source of premium 1911s for decades, and many argue that they are the best! let's see why.

This is among the first 2011-style double-stacks to break the $1000 barrier. Is it any good?

I was in a bit of a quandary about what to do for my first 2011 project. In the end I decided to play to my strengths and pursued the concept of a carry-sized gun with race-gun chops.

My 1911 Budget Race gun based on an RIA 9mm. Hadn't shot this one for a while and was surprised.