An unofficial trailer for Peter Watkins' 1966 nuclear war film 'The War Game'. The War Game has a fascinating history from the way it was made, to Watkins' skill as a filmmaker to the story of its apparent suppression by the British government. Listen to our Fighting On Film episode on The War Game here - The film's copyright is held by the BBC and Peter Watkins this video was made under the terms of fair usage and is intended to highlight the film as a piece of cinema. Where to find TAB:

This week we tackle a truly harrowing film. Arguably director Peter Watkins' finest work, 1966's 'The War Game'. An anti-nuclear war film that takes Watkins' pseudo-documentary style to its pinnacle to tell the story of what a Britain during a nuclear war might look like. Suppressed by the BBC and government the film still won an Oscar. We are joined by author and host of the Atomic Hobo podcast, Julie McDowall to discuss this very important film. Be sure to follow us on Twitter: And check out our new website: Also available on other platforms and apps - find them here: Thanks for listening! Where to find TAB:

A quick look at a 1956 British Civil Defence pamphlet on Nuclear Weapons. We'll look at this in more detail in a future full length video! Check out the Fighting On Film episode on The War Game (1966) here - Where to find TAB:

David Niven brings up the PIAT! We return to the Projector, Infantry, Anti-Tank’s long and storied on-screen career. This time we are examining a scene from ‘Paper Tiger’ (1975). It's an interesting film, and certainly not one you'd expect a PIAT to pop up in! David Niven plays Mr Bradbury, a tutor to a young Japanese boy. Bradbury is a Walter Mitty-like character that regales the child with made up tales of his wartime escapades. Be sure to check out our accompanying article for this video here - TAB is a viewer-supported channel and any help is very much appreciated! You can also now support us with one-time donations via Ever wished all the best gun history content creators were gathered in one place? Check out - - we're on there! Where to find TAB:

Join us for the second edition of our Show & Tell series were we look at the escape and evasion epic 'The 12th Man' (2017) and a modern last stand movie 'The Outpost' (2020)! Also available on other platforms and apps - find them here: Check out our website Thanks for listening!

A quick short looking at a new acquisition for the TAB reference collection. A WW2 Ministry of Information poster about the weapons of the Home Guard, in this case the 29mm Spigot Mortar or Blacker Bombard! Thank you! Check out Rich's video looking at another poster from the same series Where to find TAB:

My friend Martin and the guys at Lead, Thread & Bread Reenactment Supplies on Malta have very kindly put together a couple of 3D models of the PIAT bomb and shared them with us. They're available for TAB Patreon supporters to download here - Massive thanks to Martin for offering the 3D model and you should definitely check out Lead, Thread & Bread here - & Be sure to check out our accompanying article for this video on our website. TAB is a viewer-supported channel and any help is very much appreciated! You can also now support us with one-time donations via Ever wished all the best gun history content creators were gathered in one place? Check out - - we're on there! Where to find TAB:

This week we return to Korea. Following on from our look at 'A Hill In Korea' a couple of weeks ago, in this episode we discuss 'Men in War' (1957) starring Robert Ryan and Aldo Ray. Based on Van Van Praag's 1949 novel 'Day Without End' and directed by Anthony Mann, 'Men in War' follows a platoon of US soldiers which have been cut off by sudden North Korean advances. Be sure to follow us on Twitter: And check out our new website: Also available on other platforms and apps - find them here: Thanks for listening! Where to find TAB:

While doing some archival digging in the IWM's online image collection I came across a couple of intriguing photos. Featuring the UK's WW2 Deputy Prime Minister Clement Attlee examining a STEN MkII with an intriguing ad hoc front grip! Be sure to check out our accompanying article for this video on our website. TAB is a viewer-supported channel and any help is very much appreciated! You can also now support us with one-time donations via Ever wished all the best gun history content creators were gathered in one place? Check out - - we're on there! Where to find TAB:

I came across some intriguing newsreel footage while doing some archival digging that shows an Allied M3 medium tank pitted against a German Panther! What do you think? Be sure to check out our accompanying article for this video on website below. TAB is a viewer-supported channel and any help is very much appreciated! You can also now support us with one-time donations via Ever wished all the best gun history content creators were gathered in one place? Check out - - we're on there! Where to find TAB:

Join us this week as we slip on our flight suits, climb into our cockpits and fire up our Mosquitos for 1964's 633 Squadron. The squadron is tasked with a secret mission to destroy an enemy factory. The film is based on a book by Frederick E. Smith and stars Cliff Robertson, George Chakiris, Harry Andrews and Angus Lennie. Also available on other platforms and apps - find them here: Check out the new FoF site - Thanks for listening! Where to find TAB:

Big thank you to Alex VR, a viewer, who very generously sent us these brilliant manuals and handbooks. Looking forward to taking a closer look at these in future videos! Thanks Alex! Where to find TAB:

Today we have a bit of an interesting unpacking/unwrapping video. I've saved up a few parcels with some new additions to the TAB reference collection and I thought I'd bring you along for the ride. The manuals we'll be taking a look at span about 60 years of British Army doctrine and weapons. And there's some quite interesting and rare stuff here. So lets dive in! Be sure to check out our accompanying article for this video here - If you enjoy our work please consider supporting us via Patreon, TAB is a viewer supported channel and any help is very much appreciated! We have some great new perks, check out our Patreon page here: You can also now support us with one-time donations via Ever wished all the best gun history content creators were gathered in one place? Check out - - we're on there! Where to find TAB:

This week marks the 70th anniversary of the Battle of the Imjin River. To commemorate this we look the only film to be made about the British Army's experience during the Korean War 1956's A Hill In Korea (Also known as Hell In Korea). The film features a stellar cast including Stanley Baker, Harry Andrews, Robert Shaw, George Baker, Harry Landis and a young Michael Caine in his first film role. Also available on other platforms and apps - find them here: Thanks for listening! Where to find TAB:

This week marks the 70th anniversary of the Battle of the Imjin River, the Korean War battle perhaps most closely associated with the UK's involvement in the conflict. Sadly, Korea remains a largely forgotten war and only one film has ever been made about the British Army’s experience 1956’s 'A Hill In Korea'. In this video we'll discuss the battle, the super bazooka and the classic war film! Be sure to check out our accompanying article for this video here - If you enjoy our work please consider supporting us above, TAB is a viewer-supported channel and any help is very much appreciated! Donations via Ever wished all the best gun history content creators were gathered in one place? Check out - - we're on there! Where to find TAB:

The 1942 British Thompson Submachine Gun manual. Let's take a look inside. It's essential for soldiers to know how to use and maintain their weapons properly. We've been collecting training manuals, pamphlets and handbooks to give us a wider understanding of how troops were trained and how they used their weapons. Be sure to check out our accompanying article for this video here - If you enjoy our work please consider supporting us above, TAB is a viewer-supported channel and any help is very much appreciated! You can also now support us with one-time donations via Ever wished all the best gun history content creators were gathered in one place? Check out - - we're on there! Where to find TAB:

Here's a behind the scenes look at the filming Matt did at @The Tank Museum for the upcoming 'Rhineland 45 - Decision in the West' documentary being produced by the guys behind @The Great War! Be sure to check out the project here - Correction: it's a Cromwell, not a Comet. Whoops! If you enjoy our work please consider supporting us above, TAB is a viewer-supported channel and any help is very much appreciated! You can also now support us with one-time donations via Ever wished all the best gun history content creators were gathered in one place? Check out - - we're on there! Where to find TAB:

This week we look at two of acclaimed British director Peter Watkins' formative amateur films: The Diary of an Unknown Soldier (1959) & The Forgotten Faces (1960). Perhaps best known for his later 1964 film Culloden and 1965's ground-breaking nuclear war film The War Game. These two early films are especially fascinating as you can see Watkin's distinct style develop through them. Also available on other platforms and apps - find them here: Thanks for listening! Where to find TAB:

A little bit of behind the scenes footage from the filming Matt did @The Tank Museum for the upcoming #Rhineland45 documentary being produced by the guys behind @The Great War! On Saturday we filmed an amazing Vickers Gun segment with the @Vickers MG Collection & Research Association and we'll have a full behind the scenes look at that challenging but very rewarding day of filming up soon. So apologies for no video this Sunday but its been a busy few days! Thanks for watching.

Just a quick look at some of the weapons the lads of 6th Airborne would have carried. Don't forget to check out our latest Fighting on Film podcast on A Bridge Too Far. - Special thanks to the @Vickers MG Collection & Research Association for a look at these weapons!