Gold and Silver History

All of the talk in the gold and silver markets continues to be around Basel III. Where there’s the possibility that the banks are forced to reign in their unallocated paper gold and silver contracts. Which some think might be the spark to finally free the precious metals prices. Will that actually occur? To find out, Alasdair Macleod of joins me on the show to explain what’s happening. So click to watch the video now! *** To get access to Alasdair’s research at go to: *** To find out more about today’s sponsor Aurcana Silver go to: *** To see the letter Chris Marcus sent to CFTC Commissioner Rostin Benham asking him to explain his comments about the silver price being “tamped down” and controlled go to: *** To see the detailed evidence explaining how the silver price fell by 10% on February 2, 2021 (despite unprecedented records for silver demand on that very same day), that the CFTC has been sitting on for over 3 months, while the crime continues to occur, go to: *** To support legal action against the CFTC, and if you feel that CFTC commissioner Rostin Behnam should explain why the futures market was able to “tamp down” a dangerous situation in the silver market, and why the agency acted to “control the price and volatility” click here: *** To get Arcadia videos delivered straight to your inbox: *** To get your copy of #TheBigSilverShort click the link below: Paperback: Audio: *** To buy physical silver in a safe in convenient way, so that you know that you’re actually getting what you paid for, and that it will be the verified silver that you requested, call or email our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin, whose owner Andy Schectman has agreed to beat any online price for the Arcadia audience: Email: Call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) *** To sign the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: *** To support the show go to:

Perhaps one of the most exciting things in all of the financial markets, throughout history, is when a big rally in the silver market finally gets underway. Especially if you are prepared. Which is what we discuss in today's episode of the show with Gary Thompson of Brixton Metals. As Gary shares his years of Mining and investing experience to talk about how to maximize your leverage to the upside on a silver rally, while minimizing your wrist. So to find out more about this timely call, click to watch the video now! To find out more, click to watch the video now! *** To find out more about Gary Thompson and Brixton Metals go to: *** To see the letter Chris Marcus sent to CFTC Commissioner Rostin Benham asking him to explain his comments about the silver price being “tamped down” and controlled go to: To see the detailed evidence explaining how the silver price fell by 10% on February 2, 2021 (despite unprecedented records for silver demand on that very same day), that the CFTC has been sitting on for over 2 months, while the crime continues to occur, go to: *** To support legal action against the CFTC, and if you feel that CFTC commissioner Rostin Behnam should explain why the futures market was able to “tamp down” a dangerous situation in the silver market, and why the agency acted to “control the price and volatility” click here: **** To get Arcadia videos delivered straight to your inbox: *** To get your copy of #TheBigSilverShort click the link below: Paperback: Audio: *** To buy physical silver in a safe and convenient way, so that you know that you’re actually getting what you paid for and that it will be the verified silver that you requested, call or email our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin, whose owner Andy Schectman has agreed to beat any online price for the Arcadia audience: Email: Call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) *** To sign the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: *** To support the show go to: #BaselIII blow up the paper #gold & #silver markets While many of us have been watching the manipulation in the gold and silver markets and wondering if there would ever be an end in our lifetimes, it's often been easy to feel as if the fraud might continue forever. But keep in mind that time has a way of resolving the things that seem impossible on a day-to-day basis, and if you were wondering whether if there's even a chance that the new #Basel3 regulations may actually impact the fractional reserve gold and silver paper markets, then today's video is for you. To find out more, click to watch the video now! *** To find out more about Kuya Silver go to: *** To sign up for this Tuesday's option call at 8 PM eastern go to: *** To find out more about the latest news from Silver Elephant go to: *** To see the letter Chris Marcus sent to CFTC Commissioner Rostin Benham asking him to explain his comments about the silver price being “tamped down” and controlled go to: To see the detailed evidence explaining how the silver price fell by 10% on February 2, 2021 (despite unprecedented records for silver demand on that very same day), that the CFTC has been sitting on for over 2 months, while the crime continues to occur, go to: *** To support legal action against the CFTC, and if you feel that CFTC commissioner Rostin Behnam should explain why the futures market was able to “tamp down” a dangerous situation in the silver market, and why the agency acted to “control the price and volatility” click here: *** To get Arcadia videos delivered straight to your inbox: *** To get your copy of #TheBigSilverShort click the link below: Paperback: Audio: *** To buy physical silver in a safe and convenient way, so that you know that you’re actually getting what you paid for and that it will be the verified silver that you requested, call or email our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin, whose owner Andy Schectman has agreed to beat any online price for the Arcadia audience: Email: Call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) *** To sign the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: *** To support the show go to:

#AndySchectman: “#Silver Is The Buying Opportunity of A Generation” The premiums in the #silvermarket have come in over recent weeks. But that still doesn't ...

#EricSprott Talks About #Silver #Shortage Beyond interesting comments from Eric Sprott this week in his #SprottMoneyNews conversation with #CraigHemke. Becau...

#AlasdairMacleod: Banks Are Losing Control of #GoldPrice What’s been talked about in the #gold and #silver markets for decades, appears to finally be manifes...

#Fed Policy Is Driving Investors Out of US Assets: "#TowardsFreedom" Author #DanBecker With the world increasingly realizing that the #FederalReserve’s plan ...

Getting Leverage To #Gold and #Silver with Junior Miners: Peter Clausi With the #FederalReserve making a mockery out of the financial system, not surprisingl...

#Gold, #Silver Spike Following #JeromePowell's #60Minutes Appearance Last night #FederalReserve chairman Jerome Powell made an appearance on 60 Minutes. And ...

#DaveKranzler: #HSBC/#Gold Traders Getting Blown Out By #Fed Policy At this point, it's probably a good time for a quick review. As we've talked about on the...

#AndySchectman: #TheFed Is Forcing Customers Into #Gold This week #FederalReserve chairman #JeromePowell said that he's concerned about the #economic outlook...

#LondonPaul: Does The #COMEX #Gold Even Exist? Why are the gold and #silver exchanges scrambling for metal? Is it all related to #Corona? Or are some of the ...

#EdSteer: #Silver Shorts Still Treading On Thin Ice While the #silverprice has been held in check at the $15 level over the last few weeks, that doesn't mean...

#Silver Inflows To #SLV Continue Above 2010-2011 Levels There's new data available measuring the amount of #gold and silver that have gone into the trust's l...

The Secret World of Gold (Full Documentary) If you've ever wondered about some of the things that happen in the #gold market that the banks just don't want y...

Will #Trump And #USTreasury Default on #Debt To China Yesterday there was a news release by Reuters suggesting that #DonaldTrump and the US #Treasury should ...

#JimWillie: Gold and Silver Are Ready For Launch With the #FederalReserve using its blank check to print everything in sight, and the warning signals continu...

#JimWillie: What You're Not Being Told About #CoronaVirus (#COVID-19) As we learn more about the coronavirus, and all of the numbers that are released by the...

#Gold and #Silver Alert: “Fed Vows Aggressive Action” The #FederalReserve has already resorted to unlimited quantitative easing. But amazingly, that's still ...

#DaveKranzler: “The #COMEX is Failing” The pressure on the #LBMA and the COMEX has not let up, and with premiums for physical #silver remaining elevated, you...