The Big Silver Short

Tomorrow’s #inflation report: “expected to be scorching hot“🔥 (ArcEcon guesses 6%+, $LV could drop) Greetings fellow #Acadians! Just wanted to let you know I am a recovering well, and even found time to record a short “movie” message to prepare you for tomorrow's light show BS inflation report! I imagine it to be an exciting one! So click the button to watch this brief message now! *** To get Arcadia videos delivered straight to your #silverbox: *** To get your copy of #TheBigSilverShort go to: Paperback: Audio: *** To buy physical silver safely and securely: Email: Call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) *** To see the irrefutable evidence proving how JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and the CFTC have been suppressing the silver price go to: *** To support a legal filing against the CFTC go to:

Some rather stunning news in the gold and silver world, as one of the traders who was found guilty of spoofing has actually been sentenced to prison. To find out more, click to watch the video now! *** To see the letter to CFTC Commissioner Rostin Benham asking him to explain his comments about the silver price being “tamped down” and controlled, go to: To see the detailed evidence the CFTC has been sitting on that explains how the silver price fell by 10% on February 2, 2021, despite unprecedented records for silver demand on that very same day, go to: *** To support legal action against the CFTC go to: *** To get Arcadia videos delivered straight to your inbox: *** To get your copy of The Big Silver Short click the link below: Paperback: Audio: *** To buy physical silver in a safe in convenient way, so that you know that you’re actually getting what you paid for, and that it will be the verified silver that you requested, call or email our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin, whose owner Andy Schectman has agreed to beat any online price for the Arcadia audience: Email: Call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) *** To sign the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: *** Click here to subscribe to Arcadia's Youtube channel: *** To support the show go to:

#USMint admits there’s a “global #silvershortage” For months the bullion banks tried to cover up how close they were to seeing their fractional reserve bullion scheme collapse in the beginning of February. During the #SilverSqueeze weekend. Yet now the US Mint is admitting that there actually is a “global silver shortage,” which makes you wonder if this scheme is getting close to the end of the road. To find out more, click to watch the video now! *** To get your copy of #TheBigSilverShort click the link below: Paperback: Audio: *** To see the evidence of silver manipulation so you can send the letter for yourself to Maxine Waters or other representatives of the House or Senate financial committees go to: *** To see the letter Chris Marcus sent to CFTC Commissioner Rostin Benham asking him to explain his comments about the silver price being “tamped down” and controlled go to: To see the detailed evidence explaining how the silver price fell by 10% on February 2, 2021 (despite unprecedented records for silver demand on that very same day), that the CFTC has been sitting on for over 2 months, while the crime continues to occur, go to: *** To support legal action against the CFTC, and if you feel that CFTC commissioner Rostin Behnam should explain why the futures market was able to “tamp down” a dangerous situation in the silver market, and why the agency acted to “control the price and volatility” click here: *** To get Arcadia videos delivered straight to your inbox: **** To buy physical silver in a safe and convenient way, so that you know that you’re actually getting what you paid for and that it will be the verified silver that you requested, call or email our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin, whose owner Andy Schectman has agreed to beat any online price for the Arcadia audience: Email: Call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) *** To sign the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: *** To support the show go to:

One of the people who's been covering the silver manipulation saga as long as almost anybody else out there is Sean from SGT Report. And given how he’s also talked to countless silver experts in the time that he’s been doing his show, it was interesting to see what Sean thinks about the latest developments, and whether the LBMA is running out of time. To find out more, click to watch the video now! **** To visit Sean’s SGT Report site go to: **** To see the letter Marcus sent to CFTC Commissioner Rostin Benham asking him to explain his comments about the silver price being “tamped down” and controlled go to: To see the detailed evidence explaining how the silver price fell by 10% on February 2, 2021 (despite unprecedented records for silver demand on that very same day), that the CFTC has been sitting on for over 2 months, while the crime continues to occur, go to: **** To support legal action against the CFTC, and if you feel that CFTC commissioner Rostin Behnam should explain why the futures market was able to “tamp down” a dangerous situation in the silver market, and why the agency acted to “control the price and volatility” click here: **** To get Arcadia videos delivered straight to your inbox: ***** To get your copy of #TheBigSilverShort click the link below: Paperback: Audio: **** To buy physical silver in a safe and convenient way, so that you know that you’re actually getting what you paid for and that it will be the verified silver that you requested, call or email our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin, whose owner Andy Schectman has agreed to beat any online price for the Arcadia audience: Email: Call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) **** To sign the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: *** To support the show go to:

In recent weeks and months the silver market has learned that there are additional obstacles to the silver price breaking through the $30 level, that the CFTC hadn’t informed anyone about outside of the banks. But that leaves the question….what will it take for silver to break through $30? John Lee of Silver Elephant joins me on the show to discuss. So click to watch the video now! *** To find out more about the latest Silver Elephant deals go to: **** To find out more about the deal between Blackrock Silver and First Majestic Silver go to: **** To see the letter Marcus sent to CFTC Commissioner Rostin Benham asking him to explain his comments about the silver price being “tamped down” and controlled go to: To see the detailed evidence explaining how the silver price fell by 10% on February 2, 2021 (despite unprecedented records for silver demand on that very same day), that the CFTC has been sitting on for over 2 months, while the crime continues to occur, go to: **** To support legal action against the CFTC, and if you feel that CFTC commissioner Rostin Behnam should explain why the futures market was able to “tamp down” a dangerous situation in the silver market, and why the agency acted to “control the price and volatility” click here: **** To get Arcadia videos delivered straight to your inbox: **** To get your copy of #TheBigSilverShort click the link below: Paperback: Audio: **** To buy physical silver in a safe and convenient way, so that you know that you’re actually getting what you paid for and that it will be the verified silver that you requested, call or email our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin, whose owner Andy Schectman has agreed to beat any online price for the Arcadia audience: Email: Call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) **** To sign the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: **** To support the show go to:

Dick Hayes and the LBMA have routinely mocked the Reddit #SilverSqueeze movement, despite then later admitting how they were running out of silver. So you know what Dick and the LBMA think. But what does Wall Street Silver have to say in response? Tune in to find out! *** To visit the Wall Street Silver Reddit Forum go to: *** To see the letter Marcus sent to CFTC Commissioner Rostin Benham asking him to explain his comments about the silver price being “tamped down” and controlled go to: To see the detailed evidence explaining how the silver price fell by 10% on February 2, 2021 (despite unprecedented records for silver demand on that very same day), that the CFTC has been sitting on for over 2 months, while the crime continues to occur, go to: **** To support legal action against the CFTC, and if you feel that CFTC commissioner Rostin Behnam should explain why the futures market was able to “tamp down” a dangerous situation in the silver market, and why the agency acted to “control the price and volatility” click here: *** To get Arcadia videos delivered straight to your inbox: **** To get your copy of #TheBigSilverShort click the link below: Paperback: Audio: *** To buy physical silver in a safe and convenient way, so that you know that you’re actually getting what you paid for and that it will be the verified silver that you requested, call or email our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin, whose owner Andy Schectman has agreed to beat any online price for the Arcadia audience: Email: Call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) *** To sign the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: *** To support the show go to:

#CPMGroup say silver could hit $50, #FirstMajestic does deal with #BlackrockSilver Some shocking news in the silver space today, as now even CPM Group’s Jeff Christian is talking about how the silver fundamentals support a price that could be beyond $50. To find out more, as well as to hear the latest deal news with First Majestic Silver and Blackrock Silver, click to watch the video now! *** To find out more about the deal between Blackrock Silver and First Majestic Silver go to: *** To see the letter Marcus sent to CFTC Commissioner Rostin Benham asking him to explain his comments about the silver price being “tamped down” and controlled go to: To see the detailed evidence explaining how the silver price fell by 10% on February 2, 2021 (despite unprecedented records for silver demand on that very same day), that the CFTC has been sitting on for over 2 months, while the crime continues to occur, go to: **** To support legal action against the CFTC, and if you feel that CFTC commissioner Rostin Behnam should explain why the futures market was able to “tamp down” a dangerous situation in the silver market, and why the agency acted to “control the price and volatility” click here: *** To get Arcadia videos delivered straight to your inbox: *** To get your copy of #TheBigSilverShort click the link below: Paperback: Audio: *** To buy physical silver in a safe and convenient way, so that you know that you’re actually getting what you paid for, and that it will be the verified silver that you requested, call or email our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin, whose owner Andy Schectman has agreed to beat any online price for the Arcadia audience: Email: Call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) *** To sign the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: *** To support the show go to:

The #CFTC responds to the Marcus proposal! If you’ve been waiting for signs of the apocalypse, look no further. Because the CFTC has actually responded to Marcus’ comments, in this shocking #silver update! To find out more, click to watch the video now! *** And if you're still in the mood for a little more jammage after this one, have fun with this:) *** To see the letter Marcus sent to CFTC Commissioner Rostin Benham asking him to explain his comments about the silver price being “tamped down” and controlled go to: To see the detailed evidence explaining how the silver price fell by 10% on February 2, 2021 (despite unprecedented records for silver demand on that very same day), that the CFTC has been sitting on for over 2 months, while the crime continues to occur, go to: **** To support legal action against the CFTC, and if you feel that CFTC commissioner Rostin Behnam should explain why the futures market was able to “tamp down” a dangerous situation in the silver market, and why the agency acted to “control the price and volatility” click here: *** To get Arcadia videos delivered straight to your inbox: *** To get your copy of #TheBigSilverShort click the link below: Paperback: Audio: *** To buy physical silver in a safe in convenient way, so that you know that you’re actually getting what you paid for, and that it will be the verified silver that you requested, call or email our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin, whose owner Andy Schectman has agreed to beat any online price for the Arcadia audience: Email: Call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) *** To sign the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: *** To support the show go to:

#Goldman was involved in “tamped down” futures market structure that CFTC’s Behnam referenced?! Apparently #CFTC acting commissioner Behnam has made additional comments about who’s involved in setting some of the futures market guidelines, and to find out who else is involved, click to watch the video now! --- To see the letter to CFTC Commissioner Rostin Benham, with detailed evidence explaining how the silver price fell by 10% on February 2, 2021 (despite unprecedented records for #silver demand on that very same day), that the CFTC has been sitting on for over 2 months, while the crime continues to occur, go to: ---- To support legal action against the CFTC, and if you feel that CFTC commissioner Rostin Behnam should explain why the futures market was able to “tamp down” a dangerous situation in the silver market, and why the agency acted to “control the price and volatility” click here: ---- To get Arcadia videos delivered straight to your inbox: ---- To get your copy of #TheBigSilverShort click the link below: Paperback: Audio: ---- To buy physical silver in a safe in convenient way, so that you know that you’re actually getting what you paid for, and that it will be the verified silver that you requested, call or email our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin, whose owner Andy Schectman has agreed to beat any online price for the Arcadia audience: Email: Call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) ---- To sign the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: --- To support the show go to:

Did the #CFTC's acting commissioner #RostinBehnam just admit that rather than regulating the silver market, that he condoned it being manipulated and tamped down by the banks that run the #COMEX? Keep in mind this clip was first posted on March 18, over 1 month after the CFTC had been sitting on the detailed evidence I submitted to them on February 12. Evidence which explains in detail the question that the CFTC and the banks are unable (or unwilling) to explain. Which of course is: "How did the price of silver fall 10% on February 2nd, while the demand for silver set historical records that were so big, that the LBMA admitted they were weeks away from running out of silver, and the silver trusts actually changed their prospectuses to include language to protect them from a short squeeze, but went out of their way not to tell anybody about it?" The CFTC, #JPMorgan, #GoldmanSachs, the CME, the #PerthMint, and many more either can't or won't answer this question. Although to see the detailed evidence I submitted to the CFTC's whistleblower program on February 12 that lays it out clear as day, go to: *** If you feel that CFTC commissioner Rostin Behnam should explain why the futures market was able to “tamp down” a dangerous situation in the silver market, and why the agency acted to “control the price and volatility” click here: *** To get Arcadia videos delivered straight to your inbox: **** To get your copy of #TheBigSilverShort click the link below: Paperback: Audio: **** To buy physical silver in a safe and convenient way, so that you know that you’re actually getting what you paid for and that it will be the verified silver that you requested, call or email our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin, whose owner Andy Schectman has agreed to beat any online price for the Arcadia audience: Email: Call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) *** To sign the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to:

For those who have been following the silver market, there have been a lot of conflicting reports about what’s been going on at the Perth Mint in Australia. And in particular, whether they actually have the silver they claim they do, given that analysts and customers are reporting that they have allegedly already defaulted on several orders. So I called the Perth Mint last night to find out for myself, and I think you’ll be shocked by the answer I got. Fortunately, I was invited on to this week’s Sprott Money Weekly Wrap Up, where I talked about the situation with Craig Hemke of TF Metals, and addressed what investors should be aware of ASAP. To find out more, click to watch the interview now! ---- To find out more about the great content Sprott Money shares go to: ---- To get Arcadia’s Perth Mint PDF go to: ----- To get your audiobook copy of #TheBigSilverShort go to: To get the paperback version of “The Big Silver Short” go to: ----- To support the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: ---- To buy physical silver and get the best price in the country email: Or call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) (you can also ask about their gold for silver swap program) ----- To buy or sell gold, #silver, #platinum, or #palladium through our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin (who’s offered to match or beat any price in the country) email: Or call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) (you can also ask about their gold for silver swap program) ---- To support the show go to: - ---- For Arcadia’s precious metals trading and option consulting, email:

Today is silver options expiration, and there are some clues as to how the trading might play out for the rest of the day. To find out more, click to watch the video now! ---- To stay post on Arcadia’s options updates and group coaching program go to: ---- To get your audiobook copy of #TheBigSilverShort go to: To get the paperback version of “The Big Silver Short” go to: ---- To support the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: ---- To buy physical silver and get the best price in the country email: Or call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) (you can also ask about their gold for silver swap program) ---- To buy or sell gold, #silver, #platinum, or #palladium through our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin (who’s offered to match or beat any price in the country) email: Or call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) (you can also ask about their gold for silver swap program) ---- To support the show go to: - ---- For Arcadia’s precious metals trading and option consulting, email:

#Silver rallies, & #CFTC/#Reddit investigation update... After several days of watching the silver price get punished, it finally rallied today, trading higher by almost a dollar. Yet meanwhile, the confusing rhetoric out of the CFTC continues, as it becomes increasingly harder by the day to believe that the CFTC has not been compromised by the same banks it fines and claims to regulates. To find out why, click to watch the video now! --- To find out more about the latest news from tonight’s sponsor Bluestone Resources go to: To join Bluestone’s investor webinar on Wednesday March 10 at 12 PM EST go to: --- To get your audiobook copy of #TheBigSilverShort go to: To get the paperback version of “The Big Silver Short” go to: --- To support the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: ---- To buy physical silver and get the best price in the country email: Or call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) (you can also ask about their gold for silver swap program) ---- To buy or sell gold, #silver, #platinum, or #palladium through our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin (who’s offered to match or beat any price in the country) email: Or call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) (you can also ask about their gold for silver swap program) --- To support the show go to: --- For Arcadia’s precious metals trading and option consulting, email:

CFTC Commissioner admits #silverprice was rigged To find out more, click to see the evidence now! --- To get your audiobook copy of #TheBigSilverShort go to: To get the paperback version of “The Big Silver Short” go to: --- To support the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: --- To buy physical silver and get the best price in the country email: Or call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) (you can also ask about their gold for silver swap program) --- Click here to subscribe to Arcadia's Youtube channel: --- To support the show go to: --- For Arcadia’s precious metals trading and option consulting, email:

While you have likely heard that the #silver market is manipulated, many market participants have been left feeling confused as to what’s really true, and what to believe. Because it's one thing to say the market’s manipulated, but it's another to explain exactly how it’s manipulated. As well as what you can do about it, and how best to respond. Fortunately, tonight we will lay any mystery to rest. Because as the manipulation has increased in intensity, the clues have also become easier to understand and translate for all to see in plain sight. Perhaps the reason the crime has gone on for so long is because it was never the easiest thing for the average person to grasp. But this video will change that once and for all, and especially if you’ve been considering legal action against the banks that have repeatedly cheated their own customers out of their money, you may want to send this video to your legal counsel as well. To find out more, click to see the evidence now! --- To get your audiobook copy of #TheBigSilverShort go to: To get the paperback version of “The Big Silver Short” go to: --- To support the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: --- To buy physical silver and get the best price in the country email: Or call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) (you can also ask about their gold for silver swap program) --- To support the show go to: --- For Arcadia’s precious metals trading and option consulting, email:

#Silver has started to leave the #COMEX Don’t look now, but silver has started to leave the COMEX. To find out more about this shocking development, #RafiFarber of The End Game Investor joins me on the show to explain. To find out more, click to watch the video now! --- To get access to Rafi’s incredible research at “The End Game Investor” go to: To see Rick Rule's interview this morning on Mining Stock Education go to: --- To buy physical silver and get the best price in the country email: --- To get your audiobook copy of #TheBigSilverShort go to: To get the paperback version of “The Big Silver Short” go to: --- To support the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: --- To buy or sell gold, #silver, #platinum, or #palladium through our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin (who’s offered to match or beat any price in the country) email: Or call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) (you can also ask about their gold for silver swap program) --- To support the show go to: --- For Arcadia’s precious metals trading and option consulting, email:

Did the silver shorts just reveal their exit plan? Unusual comments from #JeffChristian of the #CPMGroup about what could possibly happen in the #silver market. To find out more, click to watch the video now! --- To see the smoking gun piece of evidence about the impact of the manipulation in the silver market click on this one: --- To get your audiobook copy of #TheBigSilverShort go to: To get the paperback version of “The Big Silver Short” go to: --- To support the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: --- To buy or sell gold, #silver, #platinum, or #palladium through our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin (who’s offered to match or beat any price in the country) email: Or call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) (you can also ask about their gold for silver swap program) --- To support the show go to: --- For Arcadia’s precious metals trading and option consulting, email:

While physical silver is still available, online retailers like APMEX are increasingly running out of certain silver products. To find out more, click to watch the video now! --- To get your audiobook copy of #TheBigSilverShort go to: To get the paperback version of “The Big Silver Short” go to: --- To support the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: --- To buy or sell gold, #silver, #platinum, or #palladium through our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin (who’s offered to match or beat any price in the country) email: Or call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) (you can also ask about their gold for silver swap program) --- To support the show go to: --- For Arcadia’s precious metals trading and option consulting, email:

If you're wondering why the silver price is down today, just wait until you discover what Goldman Sachs was up to. To find out more, click to watch the video now! --- To submit a claim for damages from JP Morgan's spoofing go to: Or call: (888) 549-3945 --- To get your audiobook copy of #TheBigSilverShort go to: To get the paperback version of “The Big Silver Short” go to: --- To support the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: --- To buy or sell gold, #silver, #platinum, or #palladium through our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin (who’s offered to match or beat any price in the country) email: Or call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) (you can also ask about their gold for silver swap program) --- To support the show go to: --- For Arcadia’s precious metals trading and option consulting, email:

#GoldmanSachs Currie says silver market bigger than equities After another wild day in the #silver market, there was more news from Goldman Sachs’ commodities chief #JeffCurrie. Where this time he made the rather unusual claim on Bloomberg TV that the silver market is now apparently even bigger than the equity markets. So to find out more about this shocking development, click to watch the video now! --- To get your audiobook copy of #TheBigSilverShort go to: To get the paperback version of “The Big Silver Short” go to: --- To support the petition to ban #JPMorgan from trading in the #gold and silver #markets go to: --- To buy or sell gold, #silver, #platinum, or #palladium through our #preciousmetals sponsor #MilesFranklin (who’s offered to match or beat any price in the country) email: Or call: 833-326-GOLD (4653) (you can also ask about their gold for silver swap program) --- For Arcadia’s precious metals trading and option consulting, email: