New Briefs

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": The glamour and sophistication often associated with California stands in startling difference to its reality. The Golden State, home to some of the wealthiest people in the US, is also home to a disproportionate number of people who are living in poverty. To learn more check out: TRUE: California has the nation’s highest poverty rate, California's Devastating Fires Are Man-Caused -- But Not In The Way They Tell Us, Middle class is disappearing in California as wealth gap grows,

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": When doctors determined that Amanda’s son was in stable condition, she never dreamed that the authorities would come after her for signing him out of the hospital. She was wrong. Links:

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": Today's Halloween costumes are amazingly detailed and high-quality, especially when compared to the awful store-bought costumes of just a few decades ago. What happened? The reason is frighteningly simple.

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": Earlier this week, two big events happened for Sears: the company filed for bankruptcy and its CEO, Eddie Lampert, stepped down from his position. Sears was truly one of the giants of American retail but one of its lesser-known achievements was using markets to combat Jim Crow laws.

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": Trump wants to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum? Bad idea. We’ve been down this road before. Trade wars are short-sighted and economically destructive. Ever wondered what caused the Great Depression? Check out this free eBook (available in mobi, epub, PDF, and audiobook formats!) by Larry Reed, "Great Myths of the Great Depression:"

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": Will Elon Musk take humanity to Mars and beyond before NASA? Private enterprise is challenging skeptics by launching more rockets with larger payloads, and for a fraction of the cost of government-run space programs.

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": The best way to solve our health care problems is by unleashing the power of entrepreneurship, but special interests in government and big business would rather keep control for themselves. Learn more about this app here:

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You":

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": Epic EpiPen Rant Explains High Prices Both legislators and crony capitalists get called out in the halls of Congress for artificially driving up the price of a life-saving medical product. When the price of the #epipen shot up 600%, most people just blamed "corporate greed." But you might be surprised to learn why Mylan's price increase was possible in the first place. Rep. Mick Mulvaney explains in this incredible rant. For more, see:

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": August 29th, 2016. Secret police have arrested Yon Goicoechea, a pro-freedom activist critical of the Venezuelan government. Diosdado Cabello, President of Venezuela's legislature and a member of the Venezuelan military, confirmed Goicoechea's detention in a broadcast on state-controlled TV. In 2008, Goicoechea won the Cato Institute's Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty for leading the student protest movement in Venezuela. He succeeded in defeating constitutional reforms which would have given Hugo Chavez unprecedented authoritarian power. But now, the Venezuelan government is using his award to claim that Goicoechea was "trained by the US empire for years" as an agitator. Goicoechea's wife and friends say that his arrest is an attempt to distract from the problems created by Venezuela's socialist government. Once among the wealthiest nations in South America, after nationalizing major industries, enacting wage and price controls, and imposing other severe restrictions on the economy, Venezuelans are currently experiencing unending shortages of basic goods and services, mass starvation, a shocking 500% inflation rate, and one of the highest rates of violent crime in the world. News of Yon Goicoechea's arrest comes shortly after the Venezuelan government announced a new law creating forced labor in the country.

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": (Produced for by CitizenA)

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": (Produced for by CitizenA)

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": Friedman vs. Sanders: Democratic Socialism Debunked (Produced for by CitizenA)

Check out FEE's newest Out of Frame video, "American Cop Shows Are Brainwashing You": (Produced for by CitizenA)