"Narrative Soloing"-Backing Track Demos

A bit of a boredom project from today, experimenting with some Spitfire LABS sounds and playing around with textures. Figured I'd have a quick go at creating a story on top of it! Hope you enjoy! #spitfirelabs #creativemusic #guitarist Workshops and Community Groups - https://www.juandhas.com/workshops "Narrative Soloing" Available Now! - https://www.juandhas.com/store Lessons Available at - https://www.juandhas.com/lessons Books, Lesson packages and Sheet Music available at - https://www.juandhas.com/store Feel free to check out my music below! - Bandcamp - https://juandhas.bandcamp.com Please do like, and subscribe if you enjoyed this video. Also, do check out my social media links below!

#guitartone #electricguitar #guitargear "Narrative Soloing" Available Now! - https://www.juandhas.com/store This week, I wanted to return to the discussion of tone, and cover my gear/how I conceptualise my sound. Hope you find this interesting, and feel free to check the links below for each part of my gear! GEAR I USE: Guitar - https://www.kieselguitars.com/catalog/guitars/hh2 Amp - https://www.quilterlabs.com/index.php/product/overdrive-200 Cab - http://www.egnateramps.com/EgnaterProducts/Tweaker/TweakerCabinets/Tweaker212x.html Picks - https://stoneworkspicks.com/collections/stoneworks-jazz-picks MXR EQ - https://www.jimdunlop.com/mxr-six-band-eq/ EHX Freeze (modded with Silent Switch) - https://www.ehx.com/products/freeze Wampler Euphoria - https://www.wamplerpedals.com/products/distortion-overdrive/euphoria/ JHS AT+ - https://www.jhspedals.info/at-plus TC Electronic Flashback - https://www.tcelectronic.com/product.html?modelCode=P0C80 TC Electronic Hall of Fame - https://www.tcelectronic.com/product.html?modelCode=P0CYY Workshops and Community Groups - https://www.juandhas.com/workshops Lessons Available at - https://www.juandhas.com/lessons Books, Lesson packages and Sheet Music available at - https://www.juandhas.com/store Feel free to check out my music below! - Bandcamp - https://juandhas.bandcamp.com Please do like, and subscribe if you enjoyed this video. Also, do check out my social media links below!

#guitar #improvisation #guitarsolo Starting with one of the lesson topics suggested over on Instagram - How to Tackle One-Chord Vamps. Hope this lesson helps you to generate a little more interest in your soloing, and get you started with some outside concepts as well! Workshops and Community Groups - https://www.juandhas.com/workshops Lessons Available at - https://www.juandhas.com/lessons Books, Lesson packages and Sheet Music available at - https://www.juandhas.com/store Feel free to check out my music below! - Bandcamp - https://juandhas.bandcamp.com Please do like, and subscribe if you enjoyed this video. Also, do check out my social media links below!

"Narrative Soloing" Available Now! - https://www.juandhas.com/store Thought I would upload the standalone demo of "Where Have I Seen You Before", for sake of easy reference. Hope everyone's been enjoying the backings, and a huge thank you to everyone that's picked up a copy! Truly appreciate the support! Workshops and Community Groups - https://www.juandhas.com/workshops Lessons Available at - https://www.juandhas.com/lessons Books, Lesson Packs and Sheet Music available at - http://www.juandhas.com/store Feel free to check out my music below! - Bandcamp - https://juandhas.bandcamp.com Please do like, and subscribe if you enjoyed this video. Also, do check out my social media links below!

Backing No. 4 - "Light Ahead" is a bit more up-beat than the rest, giving you some more freedom to stretch out and use your chops (if that's an approach you want to take). However, it still poses a challenge of making sure your lines, and the greater solo, is still melodically sound. Just finished up with creating the booklet, which honestly ended up turning into more of an e-book in and of itself...Looking forward to sharing this with you all, as well as a take on the last backing tomorrow! Workshops and Community Groups - https://www.juandhas.com/workshops Lessons Available at - https://www.juandhas.com/lessons Spread Triads Lesson Pack - http://www.juandhas.com/store You can find my book "Etudes Vol. 1 - Harmonic Concepts in Improvisation" here - http://www.juandhas.com/store Feel free to check out my music below! - Bandcamp - https://juandhas.bandcamp.com Please do like, and subscribe if you enjoyed this video.

The backing pack is done! All that's left is to write the PDF booklet that I plan on including, which will include a general guide on Phrasing/Motivic Development, and harmonic breakdowns of each backing. The pack will include 5 backings for you to play over (not just for guitarists!), and I really hope you enjoy working through them! Will be releasing the pack on September 25th via my website! The idea originally started as just wanting to make a play-along track to play to out of boredom. The current pandemic has not exactly been kind to musicians, and I honestly really miss the feeling of playing live, with real instrumentalists. Now while I can't simulate the feel entirely, I figured I could at least make a track that was engaging and filled that void in some way. What I didn't expect was people really digging the last track I posted...so I thought this might be a good idea to throw together. Not only to have something fulfilling to play to, but also as a way of getting us to really consider the dynamics, growth and contour of a solo. Crafting a narrative or a storyline, essentially. In the meantime, I'm going to be sharing videos of each backing so you get an idea of each one, and these can be referenced as a guide for how I may approach some of these play-alongs. Here's the ballad track "A Wistful Gaze". Hope you enjoy! Workshops and Community Groups - https://www.juandhas.com/workshops Lessons Available at - https://www.juandhas.com/lessons Spread Triads Lesson Pack - http://www.juandhas.com/store You can find my book "Etudes Vol. 1 - Harmonic Concepts in Improvisation" here - http://www.juandhas.com/store Feel free to check out my music below! - Bandcamp - https://juandhas.bandcamp.com Please do like, and subscribe if you enjoyed this video.

Here's this week's lesson video, tackling the changes from the backing track I posted a few days ago! Inspired by you guys asking to play over this, I'm going to be putting together a pack of backings called "Narrative Soloing", as a way for people to practice thinking of a greater story, rather than just playing changes for the sake of changes. Hope you find this breakdown useful, and have fun on the tune! Backing Track/Chord Chart Available Here! - https://youtu.be/Uz0fb59lXuQ Workshops and Community Groups - https://www.juandhas.com/workshops Lessons Available at - https://www.juandhas.com/lessons Spread Triads Lesson Pack - http://www.juandhas.com/store You can find my book "Etudes Vol. 1 - Harmonic Concepts in Improvisation" here - http://www.juandhas.com/store Feel free to check out my music below! - Bandcamp - https://juandhas.bandcamp.com Please do like, and subscribe if you enjoyed this video.