InRangeTV Q&A

51 videos

August 2021 Q&A55:25
August 2021 Q&A
4 years ago

InRange is entirely viewer supported; follow and subscribe above!

June 2021 Q&A01:16:59
June 2021 Q&A
4 years ago

InRange Merch: All the questions in this video and every other video on this channel is made possible ONLY by generous Patreon supporters. InRange is entirely viewer supported, no sponsors, no advertising, just you. Follow and Subscribe Above!

May 2021 Q&A01:08:21
May 2021 Q&A
4 years ago

InRange is entirely viewer supported; follow and subscribe above! Welcome to the May 2021 Patreon supported Q&A!

November 2020 Q&A54:43
November 2020 Q&A
4 years ago

0:30 John W Is cereal a soup? 1:27 Cameron W What are your gun pet peeves? 3:42 Gorm Do you have a favorite caliber/cartridge? 4:25 Psychoflite Favorite libation? 5:27 FunFirepower Are there any plans to check out the red dot solution from Langdon? 5:50 RGB What is the most important digital security tool for every one to learn? 7:25 Chinley Have you ever had a firearm catastrophically malfunction? 8:43 Forest S Why don't we see more double action revolver content? 9:51 Will W Do you find yourself drawn more to small manufacturers like Robinson versus big ones like colt or is it easier for small companies to innovate? 11:00 Patrick W Whats your opinion on the cartridge conversions for reproduction black powder revolvers? 11:43 Daniel O What if anything are you currently reading? 12:33 Nate W What pants are you wearing in the desert brutality 2020 video, and where do I get them? 13:15 PHILLIP DOUBLE U You mentioned before you would sign up to be a COVID-19 vaccine guinea pig, were you able to participate? 14:06 Alex F Why aren’t more Ar15s free floated? 15:06 Tim K Are you going to learn Finnish? 16:46 Zachary L Where can one find details on Woodland Brutality 2021? 18:09 Jonathan J D60 in competition? 19:05 Jordan W What can we as individuals do to discourage and deflate moral panics? 21:40 Tim What are you looking forward to in the gun industry? 22:15 James D How do you choose Your Rifle and Handgun for 2 Gun matches? 23:11 Christian S Has the ammo shortage of this year affected IRTV? 23:57 Montana M Best gun to defend against dinosaurs? 24:08 Keith D Which reproduction optics would you recommend/not recommend? 24:52 Brian I Iron Sights: Which is more important? Sight picture or sight radius? 25:43 Walker S Do you believe the WWI era Sturmtruppen tactic of equipping several squad members with exclusively grenades and a pistol has any place on the modern battlefield? 28:17 BoredDoc Do you think firearms manufacturers marketing almost every firearm as uber tactical weapons drives a significant portion of people from ever wanting to take up shooting? 29:11 Jordan Can i have a hug? 29:15 Adam S Is (M855) frowned upon/outright forbidden at matches that use steel plates? 30:10 Michael S What advice do you have for someone wanting to start a 2gacm match in an area that doesnt have one? 31:22 Norman H If one were going to be in Tucson area and have a free day, are there historical/military sites or museums you'd recommend visiting. 32:18 N7 Shepard Cotter pin or a machined pin for an AR BCG? 32:34 Paul R What was your favorite larp/costume you’ve worn to a match? 33:01 Jeff S What is most infuriating lie (or misconception) perpetuated on the subject of the Old West or any other topic of Americana? 36:08 Scotty C Do you think that encouraging gun ownership in identity groups typically on the left would help reduce the partisan nature of gun control efforts? 37:03 Sam N Do the rules of cowboy action shooting allow competitors to carry their pistols butt-forward in the style of Wild Bill Hickok? 38:15 James F Do you think there would be a market for a modernized lever gun? 38:48 Bee 39:02 Andrew C If you were to have to pick between a 32 short Iver Johnson top break revolver loaded with 32 short BP or a 380acp Ruger LCP? 39:32 Ivan Is it possible to mix black and smokeless powder to increase the pressure without damaging black powder gun. 40:39 Matthew J Strong-side carry is much more universal in competition than in actual carry, why? 41:35 Tim When you were exploring the WWSD project, what technologies or components did you realize you wanted, but couldn't find working expressions of? 41:46 William H How do you underload a black powder cartridge? 42:50 Nick B Despite its weight and single columness, the P7 is my favorite handgun. Does that make me a bad, or obsolescent person 44:13 Alex T Are amphetamines still used in combat? 45:05 Zak Do you know of any other firearms that have used a magazine like that of the FN P90? 46:02 Matthew T How do you zero irons for 6 o’clock hold? 47:02 Kevin J Do you think love can bloom even on a battlefield? 48:39 Justin How do you find a fair stage par time that balances match efficiency and mental pressure to a wide spectrum of shooter skill. 49:41 Michael J Have you ever tried running a California compliant AR on the clock to determine if they could still be viable for ...well anything? 50:07 Andrew D Do you believe the Schofield revolver would’ve benefited from using moon clips? 50:47 Private Jo-n-es What would be your choice of animal companion to accompany you on post-apocalyptic shenanigans? 51:09 Eric S Did your 1850-60's Confederate Swivel Breech Rifle have redundant ramrods? 51:32 Mitch For your American made optics series, do you factor in optics made with foreign components? InRange is entirely viewer supported, follow and subscribe above!

September 2020 Q&A41:36
September 2020 Q&A
4 years ago

Ryan R Why do you think 45-70 is a bad cartridge? Craig S Advice for buying NODs? James S Mud test 1886/1892? Charles S The Army’s new SMG? Uilim Odd AR15 calibers? T. H. Blue dot instead of red dot? Jeremy the HaedFox Biggest firearm accessory disappointment? Psychoflite OWV about Bass Reeves? Christian S PS5/XBox/PC? John W Diminishing returns on precision rifles? Cody C EDC Knife? Autism Gaming SKS as a DMR? Thomas P 2G-ACM with Shotgun and Pistol? Josh W How long did you have that Ouija board? Hunter T British DPM shirt in the heat? Fenix A Best concert you’ve ever attended? Stuka444 Have you made civil war paper cartridges? Greg S Is 300BLK good for competition? Winchester94 What division did you shoot in CAS? Gunfighter division for Brutality matches? Tyler A Henry USA 6.5 Credmoor lever gun. Can lever guns compete with bolt guns? Jordan A What’s the best way to support InRange? John G Any old IRTV content you’d want to revisit? James D AR vs AKM, AK74, G36? Phantom Boomer Connection between FW and IRTV? Garrett S Do you change you zeros based on what optic you’re using? Patrick S Short stroke kits in lever guns? Useful? Historical? Cutler R Single or Double ply TP? Seth G Single stack heel magazine pistol handicap in matches? Michael M Caliber conversions for MDR and zeros? Jon B Historical content about prohibition era? Rob R Affordable NV video? Brendan S 2GACM specifically for cowboy action guns? Alex P High Power offhand practice, how? Matthew J How would you employ a 1911 in the American Revolutionary War? PHAZE Folding RDS for pistols, why aren’t they a thing? Nate Do you analyze other audience funded producers for ideas? William H Liberal gun ownership and acceptance in the gun community? Why is it so awful? Eric S Winter Brutality Match? Yuriy R Suppressor with a WWSD2020 rifle? Scott V What Old West “outlaw” would you want to meet? Matt J Can we see your library? Uilim What trigger is in the WWSD? Thomas K WWSD2020 California edition? InRange is entirely viewer supported. Follow and Subscribe above!

Q&A - August 2020 - Schwarzlose & Blunderbusses01:17:46
Q&A - August 2020 - Schwarzlose & Blunderbusses
5 years ago

Questions listed in the pinned comment. Video descriptions are limited to 5000 characters.

June 2020 Q&A - WWSD2020 Edition45:53
June 2020 Q&A - WWSD2020 Edition
5 years ago

Kyle G Any updates on a tentative ship date? Pistolsmith Will there be an unfinished non-firearm (80%) version of the kp15 available at some point in the future? M193 GoofBall What kind of butt plate will the lowers come with and are there any plans to release other butt plates with different thicknesses, pitch angle, materials, etc. to allow for some degree of customization? PDQ Molly Will the KP-15 include compatibility with some form of ambi bolt-release by default or will that feature be 'machined'-in later for WWSD2020 models? Sean S I totally understand that only the WWSD2020 complete rifle from Brownells will be offered already configured for a PDQ bolt release. Is there anything about the new design that precludes busting out some mad Dremel skills and altering a stand alone lower to accept a PDQ lever? Walter H Are there any plans to make inserts for the storage area along the lines of the Magpul pistol grip inserts - batteries, spare parts, cleaning kits, cigar humidors, etc.? Daniel C Was a buffer retaining pin even bothered with? Aaron H Whenever you mention the polymer lower you went with, there will often be mentions of “AR-15 lowers converted to polymers”. What exactly does this mean, and what’s the difference between your lower and those? David S Are there any plans for a variant that would allow for the grip to be changed out, (so individuals could customize the grip angle to their preferences,) or would you consider that to be unfeasible? Rumblestrip Which buffer system is this set up for, rifle, carbine? Could I run an A5 system? John W Are there any chemical incompatibilities we should know about? Eg Spray paint, acetone, gunscrubber. Any special care required like keep it oiled or something? Andy W What is the expected longevity of your tooling and molds? Anthony O Polymer framed handguns have been the way of the future for service handguns since Glock proved the validity of the concept in the early 80s. With a notable exception of the G36 it seems that rifles havent enjoyed a similar incorporation of polymer as a structural material. Do you think the KP-15 may help to legitimize polymer in rifle construction? Tim K Were carbon fiber or any other composite barrels considered in order to drive weight down even further? Dan E. Has there been any consideration of carbon fiber or any other binding material as a substitute for the usual glass fiber as reinforcement in the polymer mix? If so, have you found any significant advantages or disadvantages to the materials compared to standard 30% glass fiber/nylon mix? Dennis S Will Sig Sauers AR adapter parts work with the KP15 lower? Will W Will all mags be compatible or will it only run pmags? Steven W As someone who works in manufacturing I'm curious as to the legal status of the mold for the lower. I know you have to have a license to manufacture the lower, but at what point is that license required? At the moldmaker level? At the time the halves are injection molded (if they're still being done in 2 halves like the old version)? At the time they're welded together? James B Will the two halves of the lower be friction welded together and is that stronger then casting the whole lower as one piece? PHILLIP DOUBLE U Will the KE lower be compatible with trigger/hammer anti-rotataion pin kits? Glavos During development what processes did you use for the 3d printed prototypes and was there any serious issues encountered? Mark B Will the lower be strong enough to support big bore calibers such as 450 Bushmaster? Full-Auto Eric L I am an SOT and planning on modifying a WWSD to full auto. Would drilling/modifying the lower bring up any strength concerns as far as you’re aware? Amanda H. Assuming the lawful possession of a RDIAS, will there be enough space in the fire control pocket to fit the RDIAS? Can the receiver handle full auto fire? Matthew S Do you think there's any way a polymer AR lower could accept standard aftermarket AR stocks and pistol grips while maintaining structural integrity? James H Besides increased durability what other reasons do I have for buying the KP-15 over current polymer lowers? fred B Since it is a polymer can it take a stipple job like pistols do? Fawlteroy G which areas of the lower are most challenging to design for in polymer? Jonathon I've been wanting to build a BRN-180 based rifle or SBR and was considering the KP15 as a contender for the lower. Do you think the lightweight lower would end up giving me a gun that's too front heavy? Alex H Has any consideration been made to make a non pistol grip version for those in restricted states? Stanislao Is there an option for the straight trigger SLT-2? Charles C Do you think a WWSD rifle, maybe with a few tweaks, would satisfy the rules for CMP Service Rifle competition?

Q&A - Firearms Industry Session 101:30:06
Q&A - Firearms Industry Session 1
5 years ago

InRange hosted a live Q&A session this Saturday, May the 16th at 6PM Mountain time/7PM Central, with firearms industries professionals via InRangeTV's Discord. The panel consisted of the following guests: Sinistral Rifleman; Head of Sales and Marketing director at KE Arms. JBowles former engineer at CMMG and current employee at Hodge Defense. Tinky Winky, Engineer at Vltor Weapon Systems SmallArmsHumaneSociety, former partner at Wiselite Arms, and current Owner of Small Arms Humane Society Over 70 supporters attended this event live and we plan to hold similar future events. If you're a SME or work in the industry and would like to be a future guest of an InRange Q&A, please email us:

November 2019 Q&A - Part 1 of 235:19
November 2019 Q&A - Part 1 of 2
5 years ago

0:27 Nathaniel H What role if any do you see small arms playing in a hypothetical second Korean War? 2:04 Joshua H If you could do anything to Improve the Bianchi UM84 to make it a better combat holster, what would you do? 3:30 Craig S Jr. The year is 1866 and you need a combat-ready rifle: Dreyse, Henry, Spencer, or rifled musket? 5:18 Arturo C Why didn't you attend Red Oktober 2019 ... is it no longer the type of "match" that you like? 7:36 Jasper W How is POA/POI effected when you turn a firearm on its side to shoot around a barricade? 8:35 London Jolly What's the firearm that stands out in your mind as being much worse than everyone seems to say? If I were to throw my hat in, it'd be the G3, despite my want for an A3 clone? 11:04 Jamie B What are your thoughts on using handloads for self defense? 14:32 Martin H What’s the best way for a tourist to the US to experience historical firearms that they can’t experience back home, semi/full auto specifically? 15:47 Jon B Do all open bolt firing machine guns have disconnector functions to prevent out of battery discharge? 17:14 Bunny What’s a good pistol holster for two-gun? 18:16 Brock D Why no aluminum case rifle ammunition? 19:42 Russeh what would kind of stages/ targets/ things would you add to 2gACM if you had no money, range, or time limitations? 20:59 Colton B Karl has talked about using ballistol to neutralize the effects of corrosive primers, and I have tried this, but despite copious amounts of Ballistol and scrubbing, I have still had trouble with some of my guns. Have you ever encountered this, and if so what do you do? 22:50 Alex What in your opinion is the most important misconception about firearms to fix? 23:53 Josh M Have I made a grave mistake by joining the discord secret santa? 24:32 Jordan M You could own only 5 machine guns what would they be? 26:00 John W What size/type of footwear do you both wear? 26:45 PHILLIP DOUBLE U Your targets take alot of abuse from 2 gun. Is there a certain brand of steel target you prefer? 28:38 Brian I Why did you leave the brake on the XCR during the battle rifle trials? 29:24 Thurmond A K II Karl, have you ever considered making a video on your history with firearms? I know you've mentioned NRA High Power and Cowboy Action Shooting, but all reference to it is scattered across the InRange backlog. 30:34 Travis R What are your thoughts on the flux pistol "brace" for glocks/sig pistol, considering they retain holsterability (with the proprietary holster) while adding a retractable stock? Could they possibly be a good addition to a law enforcement load out? Would they be allowed in competition or considered an unfair advantage?

October 2019 Q&A51:24
October 2019 Q&A
5 years ago

0:39 Trystan R What are your thoughts on polymer cased ammo such as True Velocity? 2:05 Craig S Jr. Karl, what's the differences in gear (not the guns themselves, but rather say accessories and web gear) between 3-gun and 2-gun? 4:05 Carol K What makes a gun too precious to shoot? ( 5:05 cat) 7:17 PHILLIP DOUBLE U For tuning the action of a DI AR-15, one can use an adjustable gas block, change the mass of the bolt carrier/buffer, or change spring rate of the buffer spring. What method do you suggest for getting the lowest recoil impulse? 8:38 Sean S What do you think of the DERPGRU phenomena? 9:50 Kris with a K Being a content creator having to spend time on social media platforms, how do you manage negativity that comes with said platforms? 12:15 Eamon B Do you ever have issues with stuff mounted on guns, such as lasers and lights, getting hung up on firing ports such as on VTAC barricades, and if so, do you ever take them off for competitions? 13:43 Carl V Are there any plans to increase the amount of shooters in the next Finnish Brutality so more people can join this awesome experience? 15:05 John H The M1 carbine has a reputation for being unreliable. What was wrong with it? Design flaw? Ammunition? Unrealistic expectations? 18:13 Ron B On the AR -15 platform, can you give us an idea of the loss of accuracy from having a tradition pinned front sight base/gas block combo vs a full floating hand guard setup? Could you characterize it in percent MOA loss? 20:19 London Jolly What are your thoughts on running a chest rig over a slick plate carrier? 21:29 John G As InRange continues to evolve, what’s been the most surprising development? 23:30 Nick N What is your opinion of the BRN-180 thus far? 24:39 Josh W How well do you think VR will work as a cost effective way to train firearm manipulation, and or pilots or anything similar? 26:31 Nathan F Is a heavy trigger an acceptable, practical and usable form of safety? 28:00 Andrew M What is your opinion on "PDW" stocks for AR-15s? Do they have any practical value or are they just a gimmick? 29:18 Chris C If there was a unified attempt to ban 3D printed firearms, how do you think Americans would act in general? 30:01 Jay C Is there a Maxim 9 in inventory, and/or will there be a followup with it, perhaps in a 2-gun setting? 31:18 E Germi Is the Browning Hi Power obsolete? Why or why not? 32:03 Tim B Do you have to have a special license to have weapons shipped for videos or are they just borrowed from local owners for the length of time to film? 33:21 Tim K What cartridge do you think is tragically overlooked? 34:11 Alan I like the dust tests as a compliment to the mud tests. How do you think open bolt machine guns like the PKM would fare? 35:09 Brock F Are there any airfields/ municipal airports near 2GACM? 36:04 Denver S Am I wrong for loving synthetic motor oil and wheel bearing grease for gun lubricants? 38:34 Christopher H Third-time question: What are the best oiled-wood-and-blued-steel firearms for 2gACM? 39:27 Mark B How challenging is it to do a multi channel collaboration like Finnish brutality and how much did you know everyone before hand? 40:47 Martin M What fictional (movie, video game, etc..) guns would you like to own in real life? 42:03 Lewis B I know the WWSD carbine went with the 14.5" (or 14.7") w/p&w flash suppressor due to US federal law. If these constraints were not applicable, would you have gone with a shorter barrel? 43:09 Brian I Karl, have you ever tried airsoft or paintball? If so, how did it compare to competition shooting? 44:19 Michael O Olympic (22) rifle and dynamic shooting, how many transferable skills are there between the two? 45:29 Luis R Do you for see any changes coming handguns that will make the 1911 obsolete? 46:12 Gabriel C Would you recommend focusing more on physical fitness or shooting proficiency for a match like Desert Brutality? 47:15 Jon B Are you and Ian doing Red October this year? 47:39 Herk Please explain best technique for kettlebell throwing, a la Kasarda Drill; I'd like to practice for Brutality matches without ingraining inefficient technique or, worse, getting injured. 48:37 John W In 2/3 gun matches, have you ever tried shooting from kneeling vs always going prone when possible? 49:43 Bunny How concerned do I need to be about wiggle between the AR upper and lower and how would you fix it?

August 2019 Q&A - Finland Edition w/Jari Laine (CEO of Varusteleka) Part 2 of 252:25
August 2019 Q&A - Finland Edition w/Jari Laine (CEO of Varusteleka) Part 2 of 2
6 years ago

Josh W What are the upper limits of performance on an AK and how much better than a Valmet or VZ-58 can you get? John W What is the difference between the smocks, cloaks and other 'camo outerwear' that V sells (show and tell? Alex S. What is the weirdest piece of military surplus you've come across? Will K How are Finnish combat rations? (or whatever their equivalent is) Christopher B Gentlemen, do you know if the finish military ever experimented with turning their Valmet rifles into bullpups? Teddy Jari: What periods of history most captivate you, and why? John K What is the best Finnish meal a person should eat to experience finish cuisine? Dominic Karl - Thoughts on adding government-mandated encryption back doors? Kris with a K Why is it that Finns tend to have a dead-pan style of humor? Grant M When I visit Finland in the future, is there a range I can visit (as a tourist) to fire some uniquely Finnish firearms like the Suomi SMG or the KK62? Denis T For Jari: Do you know any rifle range with rental guns within reasonable distance from Helsinki (about one hour on a train), open for non-citizens? William M How does Finnish internet compare to the US? (General speed/price, availability of ISPs, net neutrality laws, etc.) Eamon B Jari, is it legal for Americans to order the alcoholic beverages on Varusteleka? Will they make it through customs? Richard Delve I was with the Canadian 4th Construction Engineer Regiment in the former Yugoslavia in 1992 - UNPROFOR. While in Sector East (Vukovar), we had some Finnish soldiers from a construction battalion with us. Were any of you guys from Varusteleka involved in that mission, or in Vukovar? p.s. They brought a portable sauna with them and initiated us into the wonderful tradition... Martin M Where/what would you recommend visitors to Finland to go or do? Matthew J Why are so many Finnish adaptations of Russian guns near-universally fantastic, while native designs seem to be no better or worse than those of other countries? Angus A In Finland can you buy imported Russian guns like SVDs and AK74s? If yes, how much do they cost? eRahja What do you think about New rk62m? Mathias L Hi Karl and finns! Karl, you have previously stated that when designing stages for rifle, you have the AKM as the lowest denominator. Do you have a lowest denominator when designing pistol stages? Vic R If you had a choice between the Finnish and American military surplus market and could only stick to one, which would you prefer to have? sourjo Hi, can you explain what were the handguns used by finish police & military? Timo G Will we ever see Finnish Brutality in winter? Charles S Are SMGs in use in any significant numbers in the Finnish military? Erik S What is the biggest difference that you guys have seen between Finnish and American gun culture that don't have to do with the differing gun laws? James B How is the ammo in Finland compared to the selection in the U.S.?

July 2019 Q&A01:19:10
July 2019 Q&A
6 years ago

0:00:40 Carol K If you were to go backpack camping in bear country, what would you take with you? 0:03:20 Denver S What parts kit builds have you done before? 0:05:20 Eamon B If you could not use a semi-auto (rifle or pistol) for whatever reason, would you rather use a pump-action shotgun or a pistol-caliber lever gun for home defense? 0:06:30 Grumpy Badger Are striker fired pistols making DA/SA pistols obsolete for defensive use, in particular, is it better to steer a new shooter towards striker fired? 0:07:50 Garrett S Do you think it is better to piece together a carry first aid kit, or purchase one prebuilt? 0:09:30 Greg S How well did famous firearms designers do financially? Did Browning get rich? Garand? Stoner? 0:13:40 Carl L Karl: Do what is your favorite Norwegian Food/Drink, and why? 0:14:22 Charles A Do you think the adoption of the 5.56 would have been delayed if had NATO adopted the .280 British? 0:17:53 Lance P Is there anyway I can encrypt my civilian communications such as radios or my day to day communication devices? 0:20:13 DandyEcho Why did box magazines for shotguns never take off in the way they did for rifles? 0:23:00 Spencer M Why do you think water cooled MGs were completely abandoned? 0:26:30 Tim Anything current or upcoming in the firearms industry that has either of you excited or interested? 0:27:07 eRahja What non waring country in ww2 had best small arms? 0:28:28 Anthony B To both of you, When you run through a 3gun match does it make you truly appreciate the 2G ACM matches? 0:31:22 Teddy What do y'all think of the Chinese Type 56 chest rigs from Vietnam and Afghanistan, and the "Lifchik" copies that Russians made and used from Afghanistan through Chechnya? 0:33:37 Kuzma L Why hasn't anyone come up with integrating power source into modern rifles? 0:38:04 Hydroskull If you were tasked with arming any country's armed forces in any way you want, but only with weaponry that they had access to at the end of WWII, which country would you pick? 0:42:27 Alizarin Where do you think people are getting the idea that militaries would switch back to full length rifle calibers? 0:44:35 Jacob B Is there some sort of currently insurmountable technical reason as to why flechette projectiles never succeeded? 0:49:35 Phillip H Any tips other than just more practice to get over the jitters/adrenaline rush of the first stage of a match? 0:50:25 Eric L Is there a reason that we haven't seen a modern replacement to the M2 50 Cal? 0:50:48 Ed M Karl, having shot the WWI BAR, do you hate the weapon system less? 0:52:57 Christopher B Will you do some kind of flint lock action challenge match? 0:53:38 London Jolly What do you guys personally think the (gun) industry should be investing in? 0:56:22 Mattia S Is there a gun you really want to shoot at a match, but never been able to? 0:57:04 Timo G Is there going to be any meetup just for the Patreon supporters during the Finnish Brutality? 0:57:55 Zachary H I was wondering if y'all have looked into or considered the 25-45 sharps as an option? 0:58:46 Adam How far away do you and Ian think are small arms energy weapons? 1:00:00 Christopher D Do you think a box-magazine-fed levergun would be a viable alternative in states that are hostile to semiauto firearms? 1:01:56 Scott S When you folks play in the Trooper and Armored trouper divisions, do you do any of this type of "work". Are you exempted because of all the heavy crap you are carrying all day long? 1:03:00 Chanse H Do you think there is a benefit to having the gas port on top of the barrel vs the bottom of the barrel i.e. barrel life or reliability? 1:03:46 E Germi What is the easiest assault rifle to manufacture? 1:05:30 Dragonbait1 With all the 308 shooting you 2 have been doing, when does it make sense to chose or issue a 308(class) individual rifle over an intermediate cartridge rifle? 1:06:06 MattC10/63 Browning Hi Power or CZ-75? 1:07:22 Alan The year is 2030 WWIII has broken out between the Neo-Finnish Empire and Hyper-Korea. What taking into account the advances in modern manufacturing techniques what might the cheap wartime production, last ditch, or resistance craft built firearms look like in this future global conflict? 1:09:15 Ryan Where can we buy the InRangeTV tactical bathrobes? 1:09:20 Sean O What was wrong with WW2 German Steel Case 8mm ammo? 1:11;20 Tim B What’s the legality of the Roni system? 1:12:08 Marcus M Best rifle for a Canadian? 1:15:04 Jeremy R Why are there no dual feed magazine pistols, is it due to size restrictions? 1:17:21 Jacob B Match videos with modern guns?

June 2019 Q&A Part 2 w/ Deviant Ollam & James Reeves.  *Explicit Language Warning*30:10
June 2019 Q&A Part 2 w/ Deviant Ollam & James Reeves. *Explicit Language Warning*
6 years ago

****************************** This episode contains mature language and content. Viewer discretion applies. ****************************** Sit down with Deviant Ollam (hacker, lock picker, cyborg), Karl from InRangeTV and James Reeves of TFBTV on the banks of the Mississippi River in New Orleans for a frank and adult discussion regarding guns, rights, lock picking, history and more. Timestamps: 00:00:11 Jonathan B Alternate WWII armament question: Given the choice between a 100% reliable M1 carbine and an M1 Garand, which would you choose to equip a military force with if you also had the means to make supporting arms in the same caliber? 00:02:35 Mikey Biometric locking systems for gun storage? Kyle T How easy are fingerprint scanners, a la a smart phone, to spoof/bypass/trick? 00:12:18 Christopher S You guys frequently mention that most of the innovation to be had in modern firearms is in optics. Do you think that suppressor advancements will also play a large role improving the overall firearm? 00:15:27 Hakan I In your perspective, how vulnerable is US military to electronic warfare? 00:17:46 Mauserdude Combo travel/security question. Do you have a recommendation for a decent under $100 lock for securing gun cases for airline travel? 00:20:34 Train Hoooooonk- Choooooo-choooooooo-ooooooooooooo-Honnnnnk 00:24:05 Andrew D Are there any instances you are aware of where TSA have illegally cut locks and anything has been done about it? 00:25:50 james K If you were going to run a "bolt-action/geezer" division at 2gun, what would it include? 00:27:45 Tim B I’ve heard you all mention projects to modernize Garands, SKSs, and lever guns. What’s going on with those projects? 00:28:15 Jonathan B Do you consider the M1 carbine to be a PCC for the 2GACM? 00:28:37 Mike You've previously said that the M1 Garand is the oldest rifle to still be a viable/practical weapon. What about the M1 makes it so, and why don't other semi-automatics of the era (Remington model 8 for example) make the cut?

June 2019 Q&A Part 1 w/ Deviant Ollam & James Reeves.  *Explicit Language Warning*24:55
June 2019 Q&A Part 1 w/ Deviant Ollam & James Reeves. *Explicit Language Warning*
6 years ago

****************************** This episode contains mature language and content. Viewer discretion applies. ****************************** Sit down with Deviant Ollam (hacker, lock picker, cyborg), Karl from InRangeTV and James Reeves of TFBTV on the banks of the Mississippi River in New Orleans for a frank and adult discussion regarding guns, rights, lock picking, history and more. Part 1 of 3: 00:02:45 Daniel B I have gotten permission to start 2 Gun action at my gun club, Bluewater Sportsmans Association in Port Huron, Michigan. I just need to confirm interest to satisfy our board. Would you plug my details? to get on the list and get details. 00:03:29 Matthew B Do you see Desert Tech coming out with more caliber conversions for the MDR? Such as .300 Blackout, 6.5, 6.8, etc. 00:05:29 Luna What is your opinion about those who gear up and play airsoft against each other? It is nornally looked down upon or even ridiculed in the gun community, so I was wondering what your guys opinions about it are. 00:07:54 Mattia S I remembber you guys weren't fond of bullpups for a number of reasons. Is your general opinion about bullpups still the same? 00:11:23 John G Hey Guys! One for Deviant: What’s the most “crude but effective” physical security measure you’ve encountered professionally? 00:15:13 Rhys Best security improvement to an apartment door, in which heavy modification may be frowned upon. 00:20:04 Brodie K Even though the T48 was a better choice, do you see the adoption of the M14 instead as necessary to get to the AR platform?

May 2019 Q&A01:06:14
May 2019 Q&A
6 years ago

Gannon W Why are there so many side feeding SMGs in WWII as opposed to bottom or top feed? Brandon A In your opinion is the scar 16/17 a durable enough rifle for smaller nations to maintain and use as a standard service rifle for several decades? Jamie B Opinions on running suppressed rifle during 2G match? Phil B Are drop-in uppers like the BRN-180 the future of the AR? (in terms of upgrades, conversion to piston, etc) Leonard H Why don't we see more carbon fiber in current firearms? London Jolly Putting aside the advantages of economy of scale and looking just at the rifles themselves, is there any other platform that can stay toe-to-toe with the AR on most points, if not exceed it on some? Shervin S What do you think of an FG-42 in an intermediate cartridge (either 7.62x39 or 5.56)? Can it be done and would there be a market for it, assuming a semi-auto only model? Steven W Repeat question: If you were on a limited budget, are already doing consistent dryfire and manipulation practice and wanted to improve your shooting the most would you spend your budget on matches, range practice, or classes? Santaroga repeat: "US military style" irons or sub $100 red dot optics - would you trust the optics? stuka444 Now that Ian's book is on its way out, do you have any intentions of writing a book Karl? Nate H What are your thoughts on side charging uppers for the AR-15? As a lefty I can't say I mind a reciprocating right side handle. Kyle C Do you think gas seal revolvers could still have a role in today's shooting culture? I'd really like to see one chambered in, say, 44 Magnum or 10mm. Auto Brion B How long after you the post the q and a email do you collect all the questions? Richard C What are your thoughts about fan obsessions and memes such as Ian’s “Gun Jesus” moniker as one example? Ferrous How do you think the Trapdoor Springfield would have stacked up on the clock compared to their European single-shot black powder counterparts (for example, the Gras)? Jacob B What are your thoughts regarding a WWSD style firearm built around an AR57 upper? John H Compensator on an everyday carry pistol: useful or gimmick? Chris C Is Cordite propellant still in use in any modern military role? If so why is it still being used? Joshua K When did the difference between a “magazine” and a “clip” become so important & entrenched given that as recently as World War II you see US Army Ordnance using the terms somewhat interchangeably in publications and film? Tim Thumbhole stocks. Everyone I've ever asked has said that they are abhorrent, inferior in every way to a pistol grip. Yet several guns in past or current military use, such as the Accuracy International that is on Forgotten Weapons, have them. Is it truly inferior and why would a military use it if it was? Andrew C At Desert brutality 2020 can we get a metal band to hold a concert? Keith D For Karl. Do you recommend a specific aftermarket trigger or fire control pack for your AK's? Ed M Not the strongest guy and 7.62 AKs bruise me up, do you have any tips in improving recoil handling? Krazzett What's your opinions on the resurgence of PCCs in the last couple years. Do you think they have any merit over a short barreled carbine or are they just an excuse for people to own a gun that doesn't cost as much to feed and is more pleasant to shoot? SpaceCowboyfromNJ Prior asked question: You find yourself in the year 1900, what firearm from the time period do you chose as your every day carry and why? Mihir K (Attempt #3) While it certainly looks cool in movies and video games (i.e. John Wick, Splinter Cell), what is your opinion on the practicality of the Center Axis Relock (CAR) shooting system, and have you ever seen it used at a match? Yuriy R Do you think we will see a mechanical system for supporting a firearm during use (like the M56 Smartgun rig from "Aliens") any time soon? eRahja Is there any good reason to own desert eagle? Does it have some practical use? John W I have brain cancer, and am missing part of my vision as a result; could I still participate in a 2g event? Angus A What is the accuracy gain from a free float fore-end? In practical terms, what does it give an ar15's MOA? Gori the all powerful It's been a while since you started the discord server. How do you feel about it after all this time? Peter Z I've asked this previously, but is the AR-15 a DI gun or could it be considered a long stroke system? Probably Satan Have you ever had buyers remorse after a firearm related purchase; if so, why? Connor D What are your thoughts on doing a Cowboy Action 2 gun match? Bobby M If you were to add a 22lr category to 2GACM how would you do the rules???

April 2019 Q&A01:09:52
April 2019 Q&A
6 years ago

MattC10/63 PS-90 vs MP-7? Oliver N What are your thoughts of the Desert Tech MDR filling the role of a modern WA2000? Luke H In the event of the US going to war with a country with infantry equipped with armor plates, do you still think that 5.56 will be sufficient, or maybe a new cartridge or projectile will be required? thanks for all the great content, keep it up! Will W Could you do a video or go into how to set up ammunition for long term storage? Jacob M Do the advantages of fixed or variable magnification optics outweigh the speed of a red dot in a competition environment? Black Dots Outside of a new technology (e.g., energy weapons) do you think there will be a small arm sufficiently better than the AR that would warrant the expense/time to change platforms? Tim K What sort of challenges would you like to incorporate into a two gun match but haven't yet due to safety, budget, time and/or effort reasons? What sort of awesome ideas have you had to scrap in the past because the budget just wouldn't allow it? Matthew J Aside from shooting, what one skill would most 2Gun shooters benefit most from improving? Mattia S How good or bad is the G41 (both W and M)? Would you rather have a good bolt rifle in match/combat? Egan R You’ve mentioned several times how difficult it is to break into the gun market with a new or retro product (Hudson, HMG etc) how does brownells keep hitting it out of the park with functional, reasonably priced retro products? Stephen T Any plans to evaluate the BRN-180 upper from Brownells in an upcoming ACM? Ian What's the best, by your standard, uniform or costume from Desert Brutality? Chris C Second time asking. Aluminum GI mags vs Steel GI mags vs Polymer mags (PMAG) benefits and downsides? Ferrous 2nd time asking: Do you guys have a rubric or bible for how to put together 2Gun stages or advice on running matches for those of us who can't make it to Arizona? Anthony H Which youtube channels do you watch and who would you really like to collab with? Jordan W What’s the biggest (or most surprising) lesson learned from running old equipment at 2-gun events (good or bad)? London Jolly When do you see large calibers being allowed back into yours guys' 2gacm / DB / etc.? Max O Which pair would you rather have? TT33/pps 43 or 1911a1/m1928a1 thompson? John S What's up with the straight-out 3-to12 o'clock bolt handles on the older WW1-era and earlier rifles? Seems worse in every way than modern elbowed (for lack of a better word [doglegged?]) bolt handles. No one thought of that earlier? Arturo C Given that the pool of shooters is smaller than pistol or rifle/carbine, are there any regularly scheduled sub-machine gun (not semi-auto variant) matches or are they just one-off events? Patrick W Would either of you be willing to shoot a match with a Desert Eagle? Jacob R Why does it seem that French military surplus ammo doesn't stand up as well as other countries? David S Are you willing to promote matches that the discord is organizing squads for like High Desert 3 Gun June 7-9? Time-Travel Bushcraft Are there plans to release the old paid video content from before Patreon? Kyle T Of all the guns you personally own, what is your favorite one to shoot besides your WWSD carbine? Nicholas C Do you think, within the limitations of a match environment, there is a way to implement the use of cover into stage design at something like 2GACM or DB? Teddy Bipods in practical shooting: Useful benefit, or useless weight? Matthew M Asked this last month. Would you guys be willing to do a 2 gun versus with a m14/m1a vs a BM59 to see what advantages the bm59 offers, if any? Daniel R. So you guys have covered a wide array of old and older guns on the channel. What was your most fun to run through a match? Mike Do you think you'll be doing any more parts kit builds like you did with the CETME L? Molly We recently saw the culmination of a C&Rsenal project called 'Project Lightening' of which Ian was a participant. Ian, was that just not the most awesomeest of things? Karl, would you be willing to consider similar crossovers yourself in the future? Timo G If you both agree that the Cobray Terminator is the worst shotgun and the Zip 22 is the worst pistol ever. So to your opinion, what is the worst rifle ever then? Luis R Thoughts on the ptr-32 rifle? Currently, it’s one of the few options for 7.62x32 and ak mags in my ban state. Paul R Karl, I am curious about your previous experience with fencing and would like to know your opinion on things like HEMA as I have always been interested in blades as well as firearms. Mathias L Horray, The NFA is repealed! How would common use of machineguns change how 2gun matches are designed? Brian R Has there ever been a case where a "last ditch" weapon that helped?

March 2019 Q&A01:09:01
March 2019 Q&A
6 years ago

Christopher D What was the most important development in firearms history? Will W What is your favorite place for poboys in New Orleans? Lee H Do you think Hudson would have done better by developing a polymer framed pistol over aluminum and would that have done better to keep them solvent and afloat? Eamon B How often do you get to shoot your WWSD carbines between all the odd guns you use in matches for videos? Teddy How would you design a 2G-ACM stage to elicit more knowledge about the use, benefits, and detriments of automatic fire? John G What’s the one gun (any timeframe) that you really want to see a repro made of? Joe L What is your favorite type of cuisine? Steven S What commonly used WW-II pistol would be the worst? Jordan Mm What has been your favorite rifle to bring to a 2GACM. MyxeQ Have either of you had any experience with the SIG 55X series of rifles? Mitchell c Is there any hope left for the AK74 in the American market? (New 5.45 AKs seem unobtainable) Charles S Retro Wave Shooting Match? threelock How common is slide bite (it just happened to me for the first time)? Sean M If the ar-15 and ar-18 had been in development simultaneously and gone head to head in us military trials which rifle would have been adopted and why? Levi C As a match director and competitor, what are your thoughts on the feasibility of a 3 gun type match that subbed shotguns for precision rifles? Peter K Have you ever been DQ'd, and what did you do to avoid that mistake in the future? Ed M Short: What would be your “tacticool” WWI weapon (doesn’t need to be combat effective, just for shits n’ giggles). Kyle T If you could only have guns from one designer, and you can't choose John Moses Browning, who would it be and why? Anthony H Do you see a binary trigger being effective in a Belt Fed Semi-Auto such as the DPM with the RP46 attachment? Austin K Is the Valmet M76, in .223/5.56, worth the 2-3k price tag?I came across 13 mags - trying to figure out if I should sell them, or buy a Valmet. James H Ian if you won the lottery would you attempt to finance an American produced reproduction Famas? Karl your thoughts? London Jolly Of the three tradeoffs (weight, accuracy, reliability), which two do you tend to want to see in a firearm? Matthew P Are you guys still using the javelin carbon fiber bipod, or have you found a better alternative yet? David L What has been the most enjoyable thing you've ever done in InRangeTV? Dan L If you could remove one item from the NFA (suppressors, full auto, SBRs/SBS's, destructive devices, etc.) what would it be and why? Chance H Repeat. Would you rather have a sub $100 Amazon optic or a good optic from 50 years ago. The big red I asked this one before, would a cheap AR 500-600$ be better than a gun of an older design fal-g3? Denis L Do either of you think that rapid burst type designs or multi-projectile ammunition like project salvo/Duplex are worthwhile in comparison to simply training the shooter better. Herk Do you guys have any plans to bring back the split-screen for competition vids? Tim K Have you ever considered doing a series on examining if gun scenes from various movies would actually have worked in real life? Alexander B Why do you think there are no modern designs that incorporate the H&K roller locked blow back system? Leslie W If Desert Brutality 2020 is at SUPS and the 100 meter restriction is still in place with you have a pistol caliber carbine division or have it as a subset of the divisions already established? Yuriy R How important is the individual infantryman's rifle to winning wars? Mike What's the worst rifle/handgun you've ever taken to a match? Bracket What kinds of stage elements do you find to be the most fun, even if they are not a serious test of performance? David W jr has ian (or karl) been shooting the dsa israeli fal/any competitions? Thomas When setting up 2gun action matches are there any allowances mobility issues but still want to compete? Thomas A If you could only attend one (annual) match which would you recommend? Felix M Do you guys do sport besides shooting and what do you think about airsoft as a sport? Andreas Nohl What do you think about the pistols, in your PO-box? I hope they are not molten, yet. Nicolas B Following my last question, how do you guys think the FAMAS will perform in a mud/dust test ? Duke VonMeep the 2nd Could a Rotating barrel as opposed to browning tilting be a better platform for a RDO pistol? Alex P What's your experience with progressive reloading presses? Good, bad, and ugly? Recommendations? Chad R Is the USFA Zip 22 the worst gun you have ever shot or is the Cobray terminator shotgun still the king of the crap guns?

February 2019 Q&A01:09:35
February 2019 Q&A
6 years ago

********* FRANKLIN ARMORY Sean G What happen at shot show with Franklin Armory that they wouldn't talk to inrange? Robert P What's the story with Franklin armory at shot show this year? Were you denied complete access or just media coverage? ********* Troy M If you could only buy guns from one manufacturer who would you pick. Brion B Was there any actual competition to the Winchester rifle for civilian use in the late 1800s? Benjamin R Is there a major advantage to a ceramic plate with kevlar behind it vs. Ar500 with a thick layer of anti spalling coating for body armor. Adam W Did you gents get into fisticuffs at Shot Show this year? Thomas B Are there any particular precautions that you take to prevent moon dust from gumming up your guns and in particular your magazines? Ferrous What are your thoughts on bullpup pistols like the boburg/bond arms 9? ********** WWSD Anthony B After a year of tuning up the WWSD carbine and then going back to switching rifles for each match, do you miss the consistency of the WWSD carbine? Tim In looking up parts for my own WWSD rifle I saw that there are drop in triggers with a flat trigger or a curved trigger. What's the difference? ********* DESERT BRUTALITY & COMPETITION Shawn P I had the best time at DB 2019, told my wife it was my Christmas. Thank you. Likelihood of DB 2020 returning to SUPS? TheNowhereMan In what ways did the intermediate and below cartridge requirement at Desert Brutality 2019’s venue affect stage design, compared to your past events? Jorge R Most 2 Gun events are just 3 Gun minus the shotgun, how can we continue to spread genuine 2G ACM with physical and marksmanship challenges? Glen W For 2-gun and other competition shooting do you prefer a Red-dot or Reflex and would interest in a flip-over magnifier change that preference? ********* Michael R Why do you both love the Garand but not so much the M14? David P Was the Mauser C96 concept too weak an action to potentially have been developed into a "sturmgewehr"? Jeff W As people who shoot a lot, how are your blood lead levels and how often do you get checked? What precautions do you take to stay safe? Sean T I see you guys do a lot of reviews of military firearms but haven't seen a review of the M17 / Sig P320, what do you think of the new standard issue service pistol? Mason H If you could have brought a lever action to the western trenches would have, or would you have kept a bolt action? Nicolas B Ian, will you do a mud/dust test of your FAMAS ? Anthony H Do you think 2gacm would ever become 1gacm (rifle only)? Bryce D Do you think the speed of the 1876 is negated by the reload speed of a bolt gun with charger clips, when shooting more than 15 rounds? Chadi P. Many times a bullet tip is used a tool (disassembly etc..) Can rounds detonate from being rough handled? sean M If the original top mounted charging handle on the ar-15 had made it to final production/military adoption how would the platform have evolved in terms of optics mounting? PHILLIP DOUBLE U On the 2 gun match with the SCAR, you said there would be more content, will there be? Hunter G What is the weirdest/most out of place weapon you have seen at a 2 gun match? Kyle C Having seen your mud test on the Winchester rifle, do you think the lever gun could have seen any service in the Great War? I'm curious how something like an 1866 Henry carbine would have handled in a trench raid. phiberoptik I love the Old West Vignette series, any plans on battle of little bighorn aka battle of the greasy grass? Callum B Which; in your opinion, is the superior method of magazine insertion/retention? The AK's "rock-in" style or the AR's straight in? Jonas G During WW1 how common was it for soldiers to pick up and use the enemy weapons, say a German picking up a Chauchat if they came across one? Mauserdude Any opinions on storage compartments on the rifle(pistol grip or stock)? Petr F Why is the S333 Volleyfire not a machinegun under NFA? Luis R Why aren’t there any modern top breaking revolvers? Will W How prolific where Gatling guns in the old west? Leslie W Many times you have mentioned that the AKM is the litmus tests for designing stages. I don't recall that you have mentioned what your litmus test pistol is. Could you advise? Travis R First time question, do either of you individually or InRangeTV as a whole ever receive hate mail or backlash from the anti-gun community either in person, social media or other forms of communication? Andrew C As pistol red dots gain market share, do you think future pistols will be engineered for designs that allow a non reciprocating optic assembly? Thomas M Why do you abuse the guns you use or test by throwing them on the ground, it hurts to see it?

January 2019 Q&A01:40:03
January 2019 Q&A
6 years ago

Joe L How come you stopped uploading your videos to PornHub? I Brice H. What piece(s) of gear have you originally thought to be useless or impractical but after testing found to be very practical and usable? Fabian H Ever thought of doing live stream Q&As? Daniel F Would a magazine cut off and single loading option have made a lever gun a more acceptable option to military adoption? Benjamin R IWhat is your opinion of russian/belarusian optics quality? Have you been seeing improvement over the years? Anthony H What do foreigners need to know about competing in the Finnish match? Alex S. What your y'alls thoughts on the G36? Kevin B Do you think the M1 Garand would have been better than the BAR for walking fire in WWI given its lighter weight and quick reload if mass issued? eRahja What weapon would you use as Soviet soldier during world war 2 if you could choose(No captured weapons)? Jonathan J. John Moses Browning or Eugene Stoner for greatest American firearm engineer? Christopher S If you could go back in time and have one gun receive the development the AR15 has received since it's inception, which do you think would be most interesting? Ian S Do you think we will see a time were handguns and rifles will have no iron sights? DandyEcho Why is it you think that bolt action rifles and pump action shotguns became the norm? Brian C Best value in home-built parts kits available today? CETME-C/G3, CETME-L, Uzi, or still the AK? David L Update on your Beretta 92 and Walther CCP? Garrett Sder Favorite piece if classic/vintage gear? Roy B Is an SMG effective in a modern context? John L What has been more practical, a slick plate carrier with a chest rig on top, or a combined rig? Joseph F Did you really throw away the CZ52/57ish at Red Oktober? Jon C Given the number of weapons you (and particularly Ian) have lying around and borrow for videos, how many calibers of ammo do you have lying around? Tim B Would you all consider a project to modernize the M1 Carbine as a sort of small “jungle gun”? Ryan Z If you had access to a C93 Borchardt and an early Madsen semi auto rifle, would you run a 2 gun match with them? Imperator314 What are your opinions/preferences regarding proper AR-15 lubrication? Jeremy R Why do you think a device similar in concept to the Pedersen device wasn't further pursued inter-war? Martin W 4k video, when? Bobby M Are you seeing AR pistols with Braces at the match’s more and more? Kyle C What is the best dual-purpose cartridge for Cowboy Action shooting? stuka444 Why did the french never adopt larger magazines for their battle rifles despite all other nations having what seems like a 20 round magazine minimum. Scott F I'm really interested in competing in Desert Brutality. How should I start out and what gear would you recommend at the minimum? David C Do either of you own any "wall hanger" firearms and if so, why don't you shoot them?. justin C Regardless of current technological limitations what in your option would constitute the perfect carbine optic? Gori the all powerful In the previous Q&A you stated that of all the cap and ball revolvers, you'd carry and 1860 Colt. Why? Icebreaker Interactive It's World War 3 in 1985. You are out of ammo and you see among the dead on the battlefield an M16A1, a FAL, a G3, an AK74 and an M/49 Hovea. Which one do you reach for? Brian I Why are grip safeties and trigger safeties not utilized in rifles and shotguns? John G What did you guys think of “They Shall Not Grow Old”? Alex Are revolvers obsolete for combat? James Legalities aside, would you please explain the benefits and negatives of concealed carry vs open carry. Andrew D Why were pump action military rifles not a thing? Fred R Any thoughts on buying and restoring surplus military vehicles as a project car? Carl L Hi Karl, you mentioned you have Norwegian Roots. What's your relation to norwegian culture? X-51 1911, would you put it being obsolete or in obsolescence? Eamon B What are your thoughts on rifle-only run-and-gun type matches? Anonymous Have you ever considered running or participated in a shooting competition with nighttime or low light shooting? Matthew R I was told that the Army decided lever actions were too difficult to operate while shooting prone. According to your research, is this true?