Heart Hack!

5 videos

What re you letting go of?12:03
What re you letting go of?
Heart Hack! – E5
6 years ago

What Are You Letting GO of? RELEASE TO THE MOON🌝 🌝Full moon tonight - a perfect time to release and let go of all that is not serving you - where you are in lack, lack of self love, lack of abundance, lack of peace, joy, happiness etc 🌝The full moon 🌝is also the perfect time to set those new intentions! Intentions to call in MORE love, to receive more love.💖 🕵️‍♂️Is there anything holding you back from fully Loving yourself? ✅Notice if there are any old programmes, inner critic voice to let go of? 🕵️‍♂️Asking the question: How can I love myself more? 🕵️‍♂️Are there any 'rules' around your self-love? Like: 👉When I am XYZ Then I can fully love myself 👉If I loose weight then I can find the man of my dreams to love etc etc ✅What if we let go of the ILLUSION we are only ever lovable or acceptable if we act, say, do, or present a certain way? ✅And what if those thoughts and beliefs are actually what's disconnecting you from your heart, your body, your soul. 🕵️‍♂️So, where are you stuck right now in life? 👉If you are stuck anywhere, come straight back to your heart, BREATHE (the breath is the great connector), ground yourself, centre yourself. ✅Give yourself the space for this. Ask the question: What do I need? To release control? Permission? Forgiveness? 🕵️‍♂️Another question: 👉What does love look like for me? Question: 👉What do you appreciate about yourself right now? 1. 2. 3. 🕵️‍♂️Question: 👉What can you love about yourself right now? What qualities? Or aspects, physical, mental, emotional, soul for eg. Make a list and send appreciation there. What you appreciate Appreciates!😁💖 👉Or try the mirror exercise: I did this one after a shower, feels vulnerable to be naked doing it in the mirror (especially for anyone with a body image) 👉Giving myself 5 minutes - looking, gazing at myself, and looking RIGHT into my EYES telling myself: 'I Love you, Me' Breathing in the words. Notice where they land. Receiving them Conscious listening to your soul / body: ❤️FEEL the FEELING❤️ Drinking yourself in. With deep love, Mary Catherine xx ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Moving from Headspace to Heartspace08:28
Moving from Headspace to Heartspace
Heart Hack! – E4
6 years ago

🕵️‍♂️So, you know the way we can find ourselves too much in our heads? And sometimes we dont even realise because that's our NORMAL! 👉We can end up analysing our thoughts, what we said, feel or even what others say and do. 👉It's so easy to fall into judgement with this! ''That was the wrong thing to say to Joe'' ''Was I right in doing XYZ?'' ''She was Soooo wrong in acting that way''' etc ✅Right V's Wrong ❌ Rules & Stories 💥What if the Right & Wrong, Good & Bad was all a load of BS? 💥What if we no longer judged ourselves by that standard? (Who was I waiting for to give me approval or permission? To say 'good girl' or 'good job'? 🔎Within me this was all a subconscious reel - I wasn't even aware of the depth with which it was ingrained in me - it was that subtle 'rational' voice, sometimes a whisper & hard to catch!) 🔎The last few weeks I have been shifting through a lot of subconscious programmes (fears, doubts, worthiness, good enough) 👉Even in my asking 'WHY' to get to the root of the limiting beliefs I was too much in my head. 🕵️‍♂️I realised I was being hard on myself, for not being ''further along on my journey'' (by my standards), or just 'better' etc 👉I wasn't even aware of this reel in my mind until I asked myself 'Am I truly in my HEART going through all my process?'' ''WHERE IS MY COMPASSION FOR ME?''💖 Was I truly nourishing myself or punishing myself? knowing that: Where compassion goes love💖 flows. ✅So I realised instead of 'taking stock' (attachment) of everything I was processing (ego haha), I just needed to let it go, let it all go - forgiving, loving it and me more exactly where I am right now. I was white knuckle riding - controlling how fast, how 'good' i processed my sh1t!😅 ✅So, I had that long conversation with myself, my inner me. ✅Each new second is a second for change and endless opportunity and an opportunity for me to be more compassionate to me, to meet my needs, connect to my breath, to my body, allow myself to become even softer, to feel, and to relax into the unfolding.... 😅Yes, Ladies & Gentlemen, these are all nice words to say but what do they Mean? lol😅 ‼️How do I go from analytical mind to heartspace? ‼️PATTERN INTERRUPT‼️ (Find one that works for you! (music/dance/nature etc etc) Then I slow. Slow right down. Using my breath. Connecting with my body - hand on my heart. Feeling myself drop in. Listening. What message does my heart have for me? What message does my body have? I ask these questions out loud (see my other video for reference) I notice what sensations I have. I keep breathing in. I ask: What is it that I need right now? Connection? Support? a walk? Sleep? Switch off the phone etc? Meditate? I listen to what feeling / emotion it is I have in the body (if there is one), I listen with the heart, I listen to that inner reel (if there is one) and become the observer. I acknowledge it. (reframe). And if I can't find the WHY it's ok! I don't always need to know the why right in this moment. I can still breathe, connect, release and sent an intention for that to happen. I send myself love. I say it out loud. I breathe it in. I give gratitude and appreciation. ✅Let me know in the comments anywhere you find yourself 'White Knuckling riding' and what you do to release the control!! :) 🔎 With Love, MaryC 💖💖💜💙🧡❤️💗💙💜🧡💛💚🧡❤️💞

Moving from Head to Heart06:07
Moving from Head to Heart
Heart Hack! – E2
6 years ago

🤩Our Heart Consciousness - The heart knows!! 🤩 These Tips are about creating that Heart - Mind Coherence 🕵️‍♂️How does one move from mind to heart? Head space to heart space. 🕵️‍♂️How is it done? 💙TIP 1. BREATH💙 👉Breath: the breath is an anchor point - it signals to the body / brain that it is SAFE to drop in, into the heart. 👉So we SLOW right down the breath. Breathe in for 5. Inhale through the nose. And out for 5. Exhale through the mouth. In and out. In and out. Relax. Soften. Allow yourself to drop in. 💙TIP 2: CONNECT💙 👉Connect your hands to your HEART. 👉Using the palm of your hand - find that centre point of the heart space and place your hand there. 🕵️‍♂️Why? 👉Because this gentle physical touch DRAWS your attention to your TOUCH on the heart space - - it helps us to shift our awareness to the heart from the mind. Its also a calming influence to touch there. Close your eyes. This helps us go 'inwards'. 💙TIP 3: BREATHE THROUGH THE HEART.💙 👉Now continue to breathe - almost as if you are breathing IN THROUGH the heart. 👉Almost like the heart itself is breathing. In and Out - 5 sec in and 5 sec out. 👉You may use an affirmation of LOVE - I AM LOVE. I AM Grateful - you may have something to be grateful for = feel it. Breathe this in and out. ❤️FEEL the FEELING.❤️ Breathe compassion in and out through the heart. Feel it. Breathe as if the breath is coming straight from the heart. 👉Expand the feel good even more, even more, BREATHE into it, Relax into it, Breathe it in, Feel it. 🕵️‍♂️WHY? 👉These tips or techniques strengthen the connection to the heart space - and the more you do it the stronger the connection becomes. It is also referred to as heart/ mind coherence. 👉Just 3- 5 mins a day of this Heart Breath has been proven scientifically (HeartMath Institute) to improve ones immune response, lower anxiety, stress and help activate our own natural abilities to heal! How amazing is that?! Not only that, this also helps strengthen our intuition even more! 💖💖💜💙🧡❤️💗💙💜🧡💛💚🧡❤️💞 Love and Heart Blessings, MaryC xx

Moving from Head to Heart05:46
Moving from Head to Heart
Heart Hack! – E3
6 years ago

MUSIC! A Language of Emotion! Music has the capability to evoke emotions can therefore directly influence the heart. Music & also Dance can be used as a Tool - a tool to: 👉deepen meditation practices, or 👉used as a pattern interrupt or 👉to evoke emotions that may be 'trapped' or 'stuck, 👉to raise your vibration. 👉Music has been shown to lower anxiety and 👉reduce physical stress responses. Music can activate the parts of the brain associated with 'happy feelings' - the brain dopamine regulation centre 💖What pieces of music are in your toolbox? 💖What song raises your vibration? 💖What song brings you into the heart? 💖What Piece brings you into a calm - or meditative state? 💖What song evokes heart emotions? Or any other emotion that wants to release? 💖Do you have music you let loose to? Dance - move the body? Release Trapped energy? 💖Do you sing? Do you have your own Yoik? Conscious listening: ❤️FEEL the FEELING when listening.❤️ 😁🤩MANIFESTATION ALERT!! 😁🤩 Right after I made this video and was about to post it yesterday evening, my hubby came home and surprised me with tickets to PINK in concert here in Paris! A instant music manifestation! How incredible! haha I cried, I danced, I laughed and I revelled in the spectacle of the sound, vibrations and energy of the crowd and artists. It was such a SYNC for me to share this vid! Please share any song you feel brings you to heart space 💖💖💜💙🧡❤️💗💙💜🧡💛💚🧡❤️💞 Love and Heart Blessings, MaryC xx #selflovecoach #Loveandauthenticitypractitioner #soulreader

Moving from?to ?03:39
Moving from?to ?
Heart Hack! – E1
6 years ago

?What You Appreciate Appreciates!! ? ?️‍♂️How does one move from mind to heart? Head space to heart space. ?️‍♂️How is it done? 1.Breathe. In and out. In and out. Connect your hands to your body. Close your eyes. 2.Find something that makes you smile straight away. What makes you smile the minute you think of it? ?️‍♂️What is it? You may have more than one and that's great - go with the strongest one ?(For anybody stuck my examples when I feel into this are Nature (flowers / trees/ bees/butterflies and all that) - (I have a huge love for it), a partner, swimming in the sea, etc - for you if you have kids could be that, music, art, baking, dancing, yoga, your pets, biking, travelling, luxurious bath, a party etc -- could be anything- whatever brings at least a smile to your face, or even full blown joy, laughter at the thought of it, 'the feels' ) 3. Hold that thought ---- now EXPAND it - what else about that person / place / thing makes you smile or feel good? ?Expand the feel good even more, even more, BREATHE into it, Relax into it, Breathe it in, Feel it, hmmmmmmmm ??BOOM ?- did you just land in the heart? For example - in the video I am in the local park, the next thing to bring me more 'feels good' would be to smell the beautiful roses, then sit by the fountain and let the gentle spray wash over me as the sun kisses my skin, next I appreciate the folk in the park, enjoying themselves, isn't it wonderful to have a space in the middle of a city where people can come and relax and play, I love how free the kiddos are and listen to their laughter, the birds singing , the butterfly that flew past - Hello you beauty!,I love you mother earth, I appreciate sitting on the cool grass - so soft, I appreciate having this precious time in my day that I can do this. I love this time, I love this earth, I love me, I love how the sun shines on me and how my smile is reflected back by those around me love love love -- BOOM ---- I'm totally in the HEART ?????❤️???????❤️? etc etc I fill up with gratitude and from a smile moved to appreciation / gratitude to Love, building my foundation towards love, paving the way almost from my smile towards my heart through my thoughts and even out loud words of gratitude. ?The more you practice the easier it is to Stay in heart and to move back into it if you waiver?