Short rabbit trail videos that touch briefly on the adventure but keep you up to date with the current journey.

2020 was a year of divine victory! I'm going to continue to stand firm by the spoken Word of God and will continue to walk in victory. Every word of God will come to pass. Nothing of the world, the cares or the worries of this world, can stand against the firm Word of God who is not shaken, and who does not waver. God declares the end from the beginning, and will make all things come into subjection to Christ. We are the light of the world if the light abides in us and we abide in Him. God spoke to His Son, "Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.” (Psalm 2:8-9 ESV) All who trust in the LORD and place Christ at their center walk in victory. We will not be defeated by the lies of the enemy nor by the fears of this world because we have made the LORD our refuge. There is no darkness in the light. He has placed His seal on us who believe in Him and all will see the light. Take this journey back with me through moments of my year; experience life as I experienced and embrace reality as I also did. Medí embraced the true light in 2008 and has been learning and growing with God ever since. Special thanks to all my family and friends for making this year very special! "Rise a Blazing Light" (Inspired Lyrics) Whoa Whoa Whoa (x4) I awake in the middle of night I arise and open up my eyes As I await at the gates of light I embrace fragrences of life Whoa the tides will rise Whoa the stars will shine Whoa the seal of hope Oh firm as a pillar of light Whoa Whoa Whoa (x4) I will rise to meet the light I will walk to the light of life I will run as a blazing life I will stand as a pillar of light Speaking forth words that blaze the night I will spark the night to life All will gaze upon the light Whoa the tides will rise Whoa the stars will shine Whoa the seal of hope Oh firm as a pillar of light As I wait the daylight shines I await for the tides to rise I adore the ocean's roar For the day will strike the night All the wise lift up their light Whoa the tides will rise Whoa the stars will shine Whoa the seal of hope Oh firm as a pillar of light (x2) Whoa Whoa Whoa (x4) Music composed by Heyden Gary Genner

We spent a couple weekends clearing the trees in the backyard. Tree service came out to chop down some trees then the fun began. There was a lot of work to get it cleared up.

We stumbled on some berries outside. Now we're going to make some shots.

On our drive to Byron Glacier and back we noticed Belugas in the Turnagain Arm near Beluga Point.

Medí and Aunt Cathy ride up to Steptoe Butte for the view before sunset. If you like this video, please subscribe, thank you!

Uncle Marc and I go out for the remainder of the day to walk around and see Hilltop's beautiful views and check out the back trails.

Uncle Marc and grab the bikes again to get out and enjoy the rest of the day before sunset on the bikes. We had through some back road trails and make our way through some neighborhoods before heading home.

Uncle Marc and I take out the bikes for a nice scenic ride near Taku Lake in Anchorage, AK

James and I head to Lake Lure after a delicious salad and sweet potato fries at La Strada just after sought seeing Chimney Rock.