Sometimes in life you just want to get under the waterfall. In this series Medi is on a quest to find waterfalls and experience the joy as the water flows down!

Join Medí and sing with Joy in your soul as you embrace this adventure up to see Wahkeena Falls. Medí's got the joy down in his soul today 😂 Up in Multnomah County, Oregon, Medí is viewing his fifth and sixth waterfalls of the area. Becoming known as Waterfaller, Medí dunks his head once again in the nice fresh cool water beneath the falls. Stay connected, like and subscribe, and we'll catch you at the next waterfall! Medí is also on MeWe, join his adventure page for additional details about the journey! Lyrics inspired. All music created by Heyden Gary. Heyden Gary Genner (born January 21, 1991) is a South African singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, composer, session musician, music producer & lead guitarist in the South African punk rock band Misled. https://www.fiverr.com/heydengary https://heydengary.bandcamp.com https://www.facebook.com/heydengary https://www.pond5.com/artist/heydengary https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucmqo1o0azldjhpr3dqmgbpa https://www.facebook.com/misledsa

Welcome Multnomah County, Oregon, where are several falls see along this journey. Join Medí, and explore Multnomah falls and Bridal Veil Falls, the most beautiful waterfalls along the west coast. Medí is on a waterfall seeing adventure quest, having been to several falls throughout the United States. Subscribe to the quest and discover beautiful sights and destinations every week.

Join the adventure as I head down from Spokane, Washington to see some more waterfalls! There is a place in Oregon called Multnomah County which has some really incredible waterfalls. Horsetail falls is two waterfalls, upper and lower. I am excited about life and want to share this passion with you! Please follow the adventure by subscribing and hitting the bell for notifications. The fun is just beginning. You will experience life in new ways when you learn to choose to have joy. The background music is composed by Heyden Gary Heyden Gary Genner (born January 21, 1991) is a South African singer-song writer, multi-instrumentalist, composer, session musician, music producer & lead guitarist in the South African punk rock band Misled. https://www.fiverr.com/heydengary https://heydengary.bandcamp.com https://www.facebook.com/heydengary https://www.pond5.com/artist/heydengary https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucmqo1o0azldjhpr3dqmgbpa https://www.facebook.com/misledsa Medí is also on Instagram with more video content. Contact, comment, like, subscribe, and get notifications. Let me know of any suggestions you have in the comments. Happy exploring!

Join Medí for a safe waterfall exploration where you will experience pure joy for the love of God given life! The three waterfalls we'll explore today are Douglas, Sheep Creek, and Meyers falls, all in the area near North East Washington along the Columbian River. It's a beautiful day around 43⁰ and Medí can't wait to tell you all about the beautiful scenery, the serene green moss on the rocks, the crystal shimmering water, the slip and slide falls, and natures amazing naturally flavored beverage. Subscribe for more adventures and do check out the rest in the Waterfaller series. Special thanks to Jason for showing the way to get to Sheep Creek Falls! Intro/outro and background tracks composed by Heyden Gary: "Never Ending Flow" 02:11 "Salt Creek Instrumentals" 05:55 Heyden Gary Genner (born January 21, 1991) is a South African singer-song writer, multi-instrumentalist, composer, session musician, music producer & lead guitarist in the South African punk rock band Misled. https://www.fiverr.com/heydengary https://heydengary.bandcamp.com https://www.facebook.com/heydengary https://www.pond5.com/artist/heydengary https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucmqo1o0azldjhpr3dqmgbpa https://www.facebook.com/misledsa

Adventuring in the morning sprinkles out in Yakima County, Washington. "You have arrived" -- at what appears to be the road. Ah ha, the waterfall is up and over this mountain. Somehow without a trail to follow, we find our way up and over the ridge, treading down past tree limbs, arriving at rabbit trail. The falls are small like a narrow shoot but down below the shower we soak. Sopping wet we drench our clothes at beautiful 40⁰ temp cave. Devil creek is a mild walk with high risk of getting lost. But for those who persevere and are able, the lost trail is a venturous call. Tracks composed by Heyden Gary in Timestamps. Heyden Gary Genner (born January 21, 1991) is a South African singer-song writer, multi-instrumentalist, composer, session musician, music producer & lead guitarist in the South African punk rock band Misled. https://www.fiverr.com/heydengary https://heydengary.bandcamp.com https://www.facebook.com/heydengary https://www.pond5.com/artist/heydengary https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucmqo1o0azldjhpr3dqmgbpa https://www.facebook.com/misledsa Background track composed by (Christina) CBrilliance "Atmosphere" (04:55) Christina composes backgrounds, piano instrumentals, and cinematic tracks for commercial and consumer videos and is a booking agent and networker based in Southern California.

Heading north of Bend, Oregon, Medí makes a stop to see White River Falls. Somewhere here is a waterfall known as Celestial Falls. Medí just thinks this place is so nice and finds out that the water isn't as dirty as it looks from afar. Finding a nice swimming spot, Medí is tempted to find out how deep the water gets and is able to tread on through the water making it to the other side while remaining half-way decently dry. The scene here is remarkable. The steep canyon rocks resemble a western feel. The water isn't too cold. Life is good, and the old abandoned useless waterhouse creates a western type setting great for many occasions. Intro, Outro, and background tracks composed by Heyden Gary in Timestamps. Heyden Gary Genner (born January 21, 1991) is a South African singer-song writer, multi-instrumentalist, composer, session musician, music producer & lead guitarist in the South African punk rock band Misled. https://www.fiverr.com/heydengary https://heydengary.bandcamp.com https://www.facebook.com/heydengary https://www.pond5.com/artist/heydengary https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucmqo1o0azldjhpr3dqmgbpa https://www.facebook.com/misledsa

Medí is on a sight-seeing adventure trip. On his journey north, he ventures out to see Tumalo Falls, a waterfall west of Bend, Oregon. The water is cold but the weather is crisp and clear. There are so many falls to see and it's getting late in the evening so Medí quickly explores all the lookouts on the trail before making his way down to the base of the falls to play. Intro, Outro, and background tracks composed by Heyden Gary in Timestamps. Heyden Gary Genner (born January 21, 1991) is a South African singer-song writer, multi-instrumentalist, composer, session musician, music producer & lead guitarist in the South African punk rock band Misled. https://www.fiverr.com/heydengary https://heydengary.bandcamp.com https://www.facebook.com/heydengary https://www.pond5.com/artist/heydengary https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucmqo1o0azldjhpr3dqmgbpa https://www.facebook.com/misledsa

Medí flys down to California to get his car and start his journey back up north making his first stop Burney Falls. Medí plays "Joy Joy Joy" (0:02:03) and "Glimmer on the Waterfall" (0:02:23) on his guitar. Without hesitation, Medí submerges himself into the falls, wades over the river, blazes a trail to the falls, and can't contain his excitement about "the monstrousity of the big waterfall". Tacks composed by Heyden Gary in Timestamps. Heyden Gary Genner (born January 21, 1991) is a South African singer-song writer, multi-instrumentalist, composer, session musician, music producer & lead guitarist in the South African punk rock band MiSLeD. https://www.fiverr.com/heydengary https://heydengary.bandcamp.com https://www.facebook.com/HeydenGary https://www.pond5.com/artist/heydengary https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQO1O0AZldJhpR3dqmGbpA https://www.facebook.com/misledSA Additional backgrounds composed by (Christina) CBrilliance: (0:00:55) & (0:04:20) Christina composes backgrounds, piano instrumentals, and cinematic tracks for commercial and consumer videos and is a booking agent and networker based in Southern California. https://www.facebook.com/CBrilliance34

Medí experiences joy sightseeing Bridal Veil Falls and Horsetail falls in Valdez Alaska. Medí calls this the most beautiful waterfall in all of Alaska and explains to his social media friends how much joy he has seeing this waterfall. Medí spends some time video taping his experiences and commenting on what he feels and senses while in amazement of the most spectacular scenes. After seeing Bridal Veil Falls and the "Stair Stepper Falls", Medí's aunt and uncle surprise him by taking him down the street to see anothrr amazing waterfall called Horsetail Falls. Roxy shares this excitement as we hear her joy cries in the background! Medí decided to tread right up the creek to the base of the waterfall to immerse himself into the beautiful horsetail falls. Intro, Outro, and background tracks composed by Heyden Gary: "Camper Truck Cruise" "Down the Rabbit Trail" "Joy Joy Joy" "Neverland" "Rock-Strewn Quest" "To the Waterfalls" Heyden Gary Genner (born January 21, 1991) is a South African singer-song writer, multi-instrumentalist, composer, session musician, music producer & lead guitarist in the South African punk rock band MiSLeD. https://www.fiverr.com/heydengary https://heydengary.bandcamp.com https://www.facebook.com/HeydenGary https://www.pond5.com/artist/heydengary https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQO1O0AZldJhpR3dqmGbpA https://www.facebook.com/misledSA

Get a glimpse of several waterfalls Medí explored in this amazing YouTube Channel Intro, and entertain yourselves with the Medí theme song for adventure. You will enjoy the many waterfalls and scenic detours Medí makes along his journey. Subscribe and hit the bell to be notified of new exciting ventures added to the channel library. The waterfalls and trails in this intro are located in North Carolina and Alaska. From coast to coast, Medí loves adventure, waterfalls, and making amazing friends! Join us all out on the trail as we sing this amazing melody, embark on this quest for adventure, experience life at the very fullest, and place God at our center! Medí, by Heyden Gary Heyden Gary Genner (born January 21, 1991) is a South African singer-song writer, multi-instrumentalist, composer, session musician, music producer & lead guitarist in the South African punk rock band MiSLeD. https://www.fiverr.com/heydengary https://heydengary.bandcamp.com https://www.facebook.com/HeydenGary https://www.pond5.com/artist/heydengary https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMQO1O0AZldJhpR3dqmGbpA https://www.facebook.com/misledSA

Thunderbird waterfall hiker meets fallen tree bridge challenger, and celebrates the birthday boy by a very nice trek up to the waterfall barefoot.

Adventure to Waterfall 15, the first for me in Alaska!

Made an awesome day of adventure checking out two more waterfall trails July 4th with my buddy James!

Blasting waterfall seeking adventure with James at Chimney Rock, NC.

Such a scenic view of absolutely lovely falls!

We're out for more waterfall sights out in Saluda, North Carolina. We trek through jungle and climb over rocks hoping to see the waterfall before nightfall.

There's 20 minutes left before the sun set. James and I race down the mountain to try to find the mysterious waterfall near the end of the trail...

James and I set out for early morning waterfall sights adding two more waterfalls to our list of personal experiences!

James and I are out on another adventure and today we're visiting two epic falls in North Carolina!

Medí and James hit the trail today to see Hooker Falls, Triple Falls, and High Falls. Medí absolutely loves the waterfalls and has a complete blast once he gets to High Falls! This video is the starting point of his adventures to see glorious waterfalls of the region and onto the rest of the world. Fun fact: This is one of the shooting locations for the Hunger Games Trilogy. The earth is beautiful and full of amazing sites and scenes. God made this planet for all of us to completely enjoy the love of life. These videos will inspire you to get out, have great times and find all the hidden treasures that will make you feel so elated that you won't want anything else other than to explore these amazing places! Medí is inspired to make these videos for the purpose of sharing his pure joy. We aim to entertain, inspire, and encourage you deeper in your relationship with the Spirit of God. The waterfaller series are joy filled family-friendly videos.