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Did you know that CZ 75 P-02 exist?

2 years agoDid you know that CZ 75 P-02 exist?

🇬🇧 CZ 75 P-01 Omega is very elegant and famous pistol. But did you know there was also CZ 75 P-02 Omega? The main difference is in controls which this model shares with P-07. And also a few little things like different shape of trigger, hammer and also different sights.

🇨🇿 CZ 75 P-01 Omega je velmi elegantní a slavná pistole. Věděli jste ale, že existuje i CZ 75 P-02 Omega? Hlavní rozdíl je v ovládacích prvcích, které tento model sdílí s CZ P-07 a také pár drobností jako jiný tvar spouště, kladiva a také mířidel.

#lokgrips #cz75 #cz75p01 #czhistory #czguns #czechmyguns #9mm #9x19 #czpistols


1 Comment

FeuerFrei @feuerfrei • 2y2 years ago

P-02 was new to me, looks cool though

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