Undesigned Coincidences

2 videos

These videos offer a sampling of the many examples of an oft-neglected form of evidence supporting the historical reliability of the Gospels. Best known as the phenomenon of "undesigned coincidences," the idea, basically, is that details from separate accounts can match up or "interlock" with one another in a way that seems to happen by coincidence, rather than “by design”—and this type of corroboration, especially when there’s a lot of it, can build a strong case that the events in question are historically real—they actually happened! Or else, how would we explain all these minute details serendipitously fitting together, if we’re supposedly dealing with embellished legends, or even fairytales?

Fairytales or History? Gospels corroborated by Undesigned Coincidences Part 2 (Lk 9 & Mk 9)01:00
Fairytales or History? Gospels corroborated by Undesigned Coincidences Part 2 (Lk 9 & Mk 9)
3 years ago

Let the world know that Jesus is King! Signal Traditions not only creates apologetics and other faith-building content, but we also create apparel, decor, and accessories with original designs that honor and exalt the name of Christ. Check out our selection (and help support our video content!) at: etsy.com/shop/signaltraditions This video offers just a couple of the many examples of an oft-neglected form of evidence supporting the historical reliability of the Gospels. Best known as the phenomenon of "undesigned coincidences," the idea, basically, is that details from separate accounts can match up or "interlock" with one another in a way that seems to happen by coincidence, rather than “by design”—and this type of corroboration, especially when there’s a lot of it, can build a strong case that the events in question are historically real—they actually happened! Or else, how would we explain all these minute details serendipitously fitting together, if we’re supposedly dealing with embellished legends, or even fairytales? *** Drs. Timothy & Lydia McGrew have an abundance of excellent material on the subject of "undesigned coincidences" available on YouTube and elsewhere. Please avail yourself of it! Also, check out Lydia McGrew's book, "Hidden in Plain View: Undesigned Coincidences in the Gospels and Acts." "He shall stand as a Signal for the nations!" ~ Isaiah 11:10 ~ Music: "Sneaky Snitch" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com). Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

Fairytales or History? Gospels corroborated by Undesigned Coincidences Part 1 (Mt 14 & Lk 8)01:00
Fairytales or History? Gospels corroborated by Undesigned Coincidences Part 1 (Mt 14 & Lk 8)
3 years ago

Let the world know that Jesus is King! Signal Traditions not only creates apologetics and other faith-building content, but we also create apparel, decor, and accessories with original designs that honor and exalt the name of Christ. Check out our selection (and help support our video content!) at: etsy.com/shop/signaltraditions This video offers just one of many examples of an oft-neglected form of evidence supporting the historical reliability of the Gospels. Best known as the phenomenon of "undesigned coincidences," the idea, basically, is that details from separate accounts can match up or "interlock" with one another in a way that seems to happen by coincidence, rather than “by design”—and this type of corroboration, especially when there’s a lot of it, can build a strong case that the events in question are historically real—they actually happened! Or else, how would we explain all these minute details serendipitously fitting together, if we’re supposedly dealing with embellished legends, or even fairytales? *** Drs. Timothy & Lydia McGrew have an abundance of excellent material on the subject of "undesigned coincidences" available on YouTube and elsewhere. Please avail yourself of it! Also, check out Lydia McGrew's book, "Hidden in Plain View: Undesigned Coincidences in the Gospels and Acts." "He shall stand as a Signal for the nations!" ~ Isaiah 11:10 ~ Music: "Thinking Music," by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com). Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/