25 days of Christmas vlogs ish - 2019

Happy Christmas eve peepees! I can't believe another year of vlogmas is almost coming to an end :'( don't worry, I promise I'll actually post throughout the year... maybe... hehehehe

peepees! happy Christmas eve eve! can you believe it? today I show you what I do to have such overwhelmingly average looking skin, make a fantastic christmas milkshake and once again shake my booty in ugly christmas wear.

Peepees! welcome to what is quite possibly the worst vlog of my career -- hopefully my brother's boujie apartment and my mom's matzoh balls make up for it :) Love you!

Peepees! today I made gingerbread houses with my BROTHER!! WOW!! AND WE WERE TIPSY! also, I give a very embarrassing storytime about when I pooped my pants. Love you! pearce's insta: @pearceknight

Peepees!! what a MOMENTOUS OCCASION. Something truly THRILLING came in the mail today. Also, I bought a bunch of fun christmas items, made baked brie, and drank beer out of a christmas mug!!

Howdy peepees!! and welcome to the first EVER episode of COOKING WITH PEARCE!! don't forget to follow the original PK on insta for being a good sport! @pearceknight

Christmas crack that is!! hehe did I get ya? love u peepees :)

Sweet angelic cute perfect peepees!! today started out rough, but I turned her around and made this video a what I eat in a day, and it all got better!! also included: a UPS update, hiding from Covid-19 in my room, & getting judged by my family!!

Ups... if you're reading this, get me my dang flabbin CHRISTMAS PJS

Peepees!!! I'm back!!! watch me wrap my Christmas presents, eat hard boiled eggs (ew), and show you the BEST Starbucks Christmas drink out there!

Sweet sweet peepees!! today I learned how to decorate Christmas cookies, taught my parents how to use zoom, did at at home pilates workout and may have committed a tiny bit of murder...

Peepees! it's day 12! halfway to Christmas eve! Today I met the love of my life... and then I met a DIFFERENT love of my life. I also hang up the Christmas lights and talk about having to study CONSTANTLY.

Howdy peepees! welcome to day 11 :-o Today I made the BEST BREAKFAST SANDWICH EVER, took my dog on a walk, made a pilgrimage to Canadian Tire to buy Christmas decorations and gave our boi Jared a makeover!

Today was ... crazy! I got ~reflexology~ (aka someone touching your feet for an hour), got a mini christmas tree, and then got the iphone 12!! and, finally, watched the matthew morrison grinch. I've never had so much excitement in one day.

Today I made my best attempt at those silly little pinterest christmas treats! wifey material? stay tuned...

Today I watched THE Jay Alvarrez video... you know which one. I also read some inspirational horsegirl quotes, hid my elf on the shelf, and blacked out oN CAMERA!! so much excitement!!

Coming at you bright and early peepees! Today I woke up far too early and could not fall back asleep, then I did my makeup (listening to Christmas music of course), reunited with two of my best friends, and beefed with some anti-maskers :) Love you!

hey hey sweet peepees! Today I tell you about the time Matthew Morrison ATTACKED ME, eat some challah, get stalked (TWICE), and give you a Toronto apartment tour ❤ wish that I could kiss you ALL but you know ... covid. Love ya!

Thanks for watching peepees!! Today my dog ATTACKED ME FOR NO REASON, I went to the dentist, saw my Starbucks husband and made homemade pizza! So much excitement!

Day 4!! Can you BELIEVE?! Today I did... basically nothing. Come along with me as I drink coffee (again), put stickers on things, see a hot (?) guy, and buy shit at shoppers!!