Babylon 5

(I'll let the whiners in on a little secret: until I discovered the whole "chapters" thing that YouTube does, I left the SCS logo up until I got to the meat and potatoes of the episode. So if you don't want to hear me rambling, just skip forward until the logo goes away. See how hard that isn't?) I mean, seriously. The EAS Schwarzkopf? Naming it after Stormin' Norman? Someone was on the ball when they were naming a ship that was just pure, "Shoot everything in sight while charging forward as hard as possible." Don't get me wrong - the Nova-class definitely has its shortcomings, chief among which is that it's a Younger Race ship, and therefore lacking in almost all creature comforts and most defensive systems that are worth a damn. But what it lacks in style it more than makes up for with MOAR DAKKA.

With massive apologies to Margaret Wise Brown and Joseph Michael Straczynski, yeah, here's what I've got. Take it or leave it. As you always do.

As awesome as the Starfuries were - and they are awesome, I talked about them here: - the station as a whole... didn't quite measure up. Granted, that may simply have been a function of the limitations of your humie hardware, which, of course, was a recurring detail in the Babylon 5 universe. Still, as a hingepin for the universe surrounding it, it did its job admirably.

Most images, and the video clip, came from either the Babylon 5 show directly. Additional images from: If you haven't watched B5, you really, really should.