
Srsly, tho. Why have y'all decided that you hate heroes? I mean, I get antiheroes. Those are actually interesting and fun and engaging. But why have you decided to tear down existing heroes with your bare hands, debase them, and lay their entrails out before the world? What value is there in that?

To be honest, the Pelican isn't that bad of a transport craft, especially if it spends most of its time in-atmo. But it's unnecessarily complex with both rotational engines /and/ bypass thrusters, and its cargo-handling skillz are... questionable, at best. Still, it technically gets the job done, and with a little bit of style, so it's hard to argue with that in total.

Yes, I took a ship from a game where the whole point is not, in fact, inter-ship combat, or even the ships themselves, but rather first-person shooting. You can't even /drive/ the Pillar of Autumn in Halo, but it's still a cool ship. Even if it does have a bizarrely long racetrack sticking out of its forehead.