Sea Stories

9 videos

You get a flooding, and you get a flooding, and YOU BACK THERE GET A FLOODING!29:18
You get a flooding, and you get a flooding, and YOU BACK THERE GET A FLOODING!
3 years ago

Ships are holes in the water. The water wants to come in. You want to keep the water out. This is harder than you think.

Please excuse me while I sink the hell out of Battleship01:57:46
Please excuse me while I sink the hell out of Battleship
3 years ago

Yes, it's THAT movie. Yes, I'm serious about taking a break. Well, sort of. I will record episodes when and how I can, and you will like them, but other than that, expect radio - and subspace, and fatline, and so forth- silence for the next bit. I have no idea when I'll be back, but I'll be back. I'll be Bach. Or so the joke goes.

Sometimes compartmentalization is a good thing. But only sometimes.11:15
Sometimes compartmentalization is a good thing. But only sometimes.
3 years ago

You weren't born in a barn. ... but maybe you were. EITHER WAY, CLOSE THE DAMNED DOOR. --- Intro/outro music by way of

Yo dawg, that fire ain't your type. Which is true of almost any fire, so... yeah, sorry.17:09
Yo dawg, that fire ain't your type. Which is true of almost any fire, so... yeah, sorry.
3 years ago

Learn about fires! Don't get burned by fires! Because, y'know, we need our viewership alive or something? --- Intro/outro music by way of

It was not an Ace at being Felicitous18:35
It was not an Ace at being Felicitous
3 years ago

There's a lot to unpackage with the Felicity Ace disaster, and most of the information relevant to it probably won't be known for some time now. --- Intro/outro music by way of

Oh it's Tommy this, and Tommy that, and Tommy, where's the blessed forklift?14:02
Oh it's Tommy this, and Tommy that, and Tommy, where's the blessed forklift?
3 years ago

Something something plaster saints something something forklift? Yeah, there's a pun there somewhere, but I'm not going to spend the time to find it.

Love Compartment Number 9-420-7-L12:20
Love Compartment Number 9-420-7-L
3 years ago

In reality, do compartment numbers really matter in your stories? Probably not. Will absolute nerds absolutely love it if you include them in a reasonable fashion? Absolutely.

How to cheat at depth perception and toasters. Or something. I dunno. Your Naval Academy is weird.13:46
How to cheat at depth perception and toasters. Or something. I dunno. Your Naval Academy is weird.
3 years ago

First up, Steamachest and their art are available here: and here: . I'd recommend giving them a follow, just because the cubification minions might take it personal-like if you don't. Inasmuch as they /have/ a "personal" setting. Second, none of the stories I recount are true. Or, at least, I was told to say that by one of the very-snazzily-dressed humies I encountered from your NASA... or was it NSA? I always get them confused. There is no contraband at the United States Naval Academy, and no one has ever cheated to gain entrance. Just like officers' commissions were NEVER previously purchased for other countries' militaries. Nope. I've said it before and I'll say it again - y'all humies be weird.

Veterans are the same across the universe05:09
Veterans are the same across the universe
3 years ago

You want to know what would make a lot of veterans happy? A lot more happy than discounts or free meals or whatever? Donate to Toys for Tots: Or Fisher House: Or the USO, who are some of the most awesome people you will ever have the privilege of meeting: Or, y'know, get involved in your community. Run for dog catcher or street sweeper or whatever position is available. ENGAGE in the world around you. The worst that could happen is you could make it a little better.