
3 videos

'Cause it's X-30that and X-30this and X-30over-there and would you just stop already?22:32
'Cause it's X-30that and X-30this and X-30over-there and would you just stop already?
3 years ago

As mentioned, things be a-changin'. For those of you who skipped over the first part of the video, any week there's not something here, there will be something over at Patreon: It won't be the same content. It will hardly even be related. But you might like it. And you might not. Either way, you won't miss out on anything specifically-SCS-related if you don't ... patronize me? Who the hell came up with the name of that website? Additionally, anyone who had access to Discord previously will continue to have access forever, but any newcomers will need to sign up for a subscription at the Patreon link below. I'm still testing my hypothesis that y'all care about things you pay for, but... it's not looking good, honestly. As for the actual content of the episode... well, I dare say I said what I meant and I meant what I said.

I'm going to Ha'tak my ire out on this thing09:09
I'm going to Ha'tak my ire out on this thing
4 years ago

I mean, let's face it. None of the Goa'uld tech was particularly... good. They got by through terror and subjugation and keeping their slaves technologically stunted. Yes, yes, yes, the staff cannons are terrifyingly powerful... and ridiculously inaccurate, which, I guess, only makes them /more/ terrifying in terms of "collateral damage". And, really, the inaccuracy makes a /lot/ of sense when you step back and consider that most combat between Goa'uld System Lords was largely symbolic, and no one involved wanted to lose any more jaffa than was strictly necessary to keep the rest in line and open up promotion slots for them.

Did they mean for Stargate Command to be THAT easily compromised? Really?11:43
Did they mean for Stargate Command to be THAT easily compromised? Really?
4 years ago

Honestly, don't get me wrong. I do love me some Stargate SG1. But after having watched a lot of it over the past few months, that gate room REALLY pisses me off.